How fit can I get just doing pushups and situps at home?

How fit can I get just doing pushups and situps at home?

I am DYEL holocaust survivor mode right now (5'11, 180cm, 140lbs/63kg) with little muscle and would like to start getting fit (ottermode as my goal).

So as not to embarrass myself, I would like to do pushups/situps at home (both vegeta and saitama have had success with this) before registering for the gym.

How many pushups/situps should I be doing, and for how long?

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>surviving an event that didn't happen

>So as not to embarrass myself, I would like to do pushups/situps at home
What is this? Are you homosexual?
Get to the gym you fucking retard

I am incredibly insecure

the first step to making it is to stop being a little bitch

Don’t do sit ups. Push ups will get you some chest gains. But just repping them out will not be as challenging after a while. Do some sets push ups where you go 5 seconds up and five seconds down. Find something you can do inverted rows on and apply the same principal. When you get more advanced with that go to the park and do some pull ups and dips with the same principal. Hanging leg raises, planks, front levers once you are advanced enough. Lunges, Bulgarian split squats, pistol squats(hold on to something at first until you are able to do it unassisted). Mix up your grips on push ups and pull ups to emphasize your arms more. You can get some good gains doing calisthenics but it’s not optimal as just lifting

Do one handed pushups

Everyone is insecure at first, just go.
In a month you'll be very confident

Damn I'd love to be able to take it to next level and do one-finger pushups

-go to the gym, understand that as a beginner you know little and are a student. If you have no ego, there will be nothing within you for anyone else to bruise.

-start doing SS, as best you can

-find the strongest fucker in there and mention that you've just started out and are doing SS.

-You now have an ally, a mentor for your technique and a motivator for setting your sights high.

P.s. I've trained in many gyms and have never seen anything but posotivity and encouragement towards the newer/weaker dudes. You basically remind others of how they were when they started out, which instinctively makes them wanna help you out.

based and redpilled

you wont get fit at all. you will still be dyel. sit ups are a waste of time.

You see this as a excuse, and not as a challenge to overcome? Pathetic.

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check out the calisthenics routine on reddit bodyweightfitness, its solid

Same. The trick is running a lot. Not push ups

ottermode is literally for faggots


Do regular pushups until you can do 50. Then switch to harder variations which you can find on google, which will target shoulders triceps chest etc. For abs you should do ab routines on youtube.

Then for back and biceps find a pullup bar and do that until you can do 20. For legs run hills.

do alot of research on youtube. people on this site will only give you shitty advice and insults

Pullup bar / Lebert Equalizers / a few sets of dumbbells, all you need. Fuck the gym.

You do realise vegeta and saitama are fictional characters right?

>So as not to embarrass myself, I would like to do pushups/situps at home (both vegeta and saitama have had success with this) before registering for the gym.
but vegeta and saitama are not real people user. i could write that in their story by lifting up a cup of coffee every day they got jacked and shredded, why? because i wrote it.

why no sit-ups?

it would take you like a decade to become ottermode with calisthenics. it takes like 3-5 years to get swole from barbell training. stop being a little faggot, research and practice lifting movements at home/look up form the night before, go there like the little twink queer you are, and lift bitch weights on a noob program until you get stronger. if you keep being a pussy like this you are never gonna make it in any aspect of life, not just lifting

I did it myself, I'm sure everybody thought I was a faggot but nobody said anything because they don't give a shit. you can't have this attitude and succeed at anything

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>I am DYEL holocaust survivor mode right now (5'11, 180cm, 140lbs/63kg)
Even when I ate 1200kcal dailyI only ever got as low as 68kg at 181cm height
how the fuck do you go so low my man

Eat, eat as much as you can, and anything you do will build muscle with those settis

A guy did this at my gym and the bigger guy fucked him so idk how good a plan this is

Can fuck up your spine, and there are better alternatives for the upper abs

You can get a decent upperbody doing pushups, diamond pushups, chinups & planks

Kek, get in the line my man

Wtf don't be a pussy literally nobody cares what you're doing unless you do stupid shit. Just watch videos to check form and try your best fag

>and the bigger guy fucked him
like, literally?