How would you fix this body?

How would you fix this body?

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I’d start by tying the tubes and see how I feel after that.

Stop eating so much, women literally only need to be lean to be attractive, throw in some barbell squats and lat pulldown depending on your genetics and you're golden

fast + cardio until normal bmi

then start lifting at maintenance

Kill the parents for chemically castrating this kid when he was eleven.

That's a eunuch who recently had his dick cut off, you moron. What fucking tubes are you talking about?

Attached: simply OWO.png (1066x277, 389K)


people think this is a woman?

Are all of you fucking retarded? That's the teen tranny TLC, the freak channel, is trying to push as normal.

Attached: clownworld.png (616x666, 472K)

lurk more, nufags.

Sorry, I don’t follow trannys around. I might be a moron but you might be a faggot.

So looking it up I recall seeing this train wreck. Saw a clip about it a few days after the surgery (where it suffered complications after, who’d a thought) about it complaining to the father and mother that they wouldn’t let a black guy stay over with the door closed so it could experiment with sex, even though it wasn’t even “healed” yet.

eat less

Roasties nuked from orbit


If you haven't noticed how this degeneracy and medical experimentation with irreversible side effects on and mutilation of actual kids is being pushed onto more and more kids, you might not be a faggot, but you're living under a rock.

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5 sets of neck hangs

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I dont follow mainstream media that much i thought that was just a fat mexi bitch

I’m aware of the general crap going on but not this specific case.

Better start being vigilant or you might accidentally fuck one while drunk off your ass. Trannies have more aids than actual faggots.

The tragedy is that all these abused, chemically castrated kids, by their pedophile by proxy parents, are forced to fight as a common cause by all the adult and middle aged autogynephiles and autopedophiles, often actual child molesters, rapists, and child murderers, like Ian Huntley and "Beate" The Pink Beast Schmidt.

Id exercise and eat better.

Cutting it into teeny tiny pieces

>How would you fix this body?

I'm gonna switch this to

>If you woke up tomorrow and were Jazz wwyd?

Option 1: Tranny Route
>Caloric deficit and daily running
>Lower body only 3 days a week
>Once acceptable trapmode (though no longer a trap because it cut off its dick like an idiot) eat at maintenance and complete 5 mile run 5 days a week
>Crawl out from under social media, change my name, possibly get facial surgery to look more like a grill and to avoid publicity
>See if there's any way I could change the gaping wound into something resembling a penis
>Hopefully be able to lead a relatively normal life as something approaching a qt trap

Option B: Futility in Normalcy
>Start running, lifting weights, stop taking fucking hormones
>Wrestle control of my life back from my mother
>Publicly state that after surgery realized my mother had taken advantage of and mutilated me just to win progressive points
>Use fame to get a lawyer, hopefully destroy mother in lawsuit
>Become the face of the anti-sex operation and libshit parents movement, hopefully saving other kids from similar fates
>Try to get something resembling a penis back

Option C: The martyr
>Murder my mother and then kill myself, leaving behind a very public, un-coveru-pable suicide note detailing that I was brainwashed and abused, hopefully helping others like myself, not to mention becoming a fucking true crime legend

WWYD Jow Forums

Attached: clint-eastwood.png (1156x771, 1.15M)

By inserting my dick in its throat.

4x12 dick thrusts
Oh wait thats a dude!
4x30 dick thrusts. Last til failure.

Nice post, I would go with option C but add Aloha Snackbar-ing the doctors at the hospital who preformed the mutilation.

Real question

wanted to, could she grow/have a penis added?

Option D: The dick collector
>Go full psycho
>start using ridiculous amounts of steroids and working out
>make a similar base of operations to sewers like the one punisher has
>every night go out hunting the dicks of corrupt politicians and people who push trans agenda

Play Russian roullete campaign mode with 42% loss rate