How would you guys feel about a clothing line that references Jow Forums and different Jow Forums memes? Or to go even farther, if the clothing line was literally called Jow Forums?
Assuming the line was decent, would you consider buying? It could be a cool way to find other Jow Forums lurkers at your gym.
Id buy a tank with something simple like Jow Forums on the back with a gallon of milk on the front
Eli Young
SS + GOMAD on the back, the direct references to this god forsaken website cannot be displayed clearly.
Jose James
Why would you advertise that you come to this board? Do you not realize that those who make it abandon this gay ass board?
Jordan Russell
That's not a bad design idea. Is there anything else you think would be cool?
How about shorts that have a straight line on the side and say something like "squat to parallel"?
Parker Nguyen
I would assume it'd actually be tailored for people who fucking lift.
I don't care about what dumbass logo you put on it. I just want jeans that fit normally for once.
Jeremiah Ortiz
It wasn't my intention to advertise, I was more curious as to what you guys thought. Do you think this would be a bad idea, or just that nobody here would buy it?
Jose Cook
How about a shirt with "LUCKY GUY" written across the front?
Adam Walker
This is all still just an idea, but if I go through with it and the clothing line works out, I'll definitely remember that there's a demand for regular clothing that fits on larger athletes a.k.a bodybuilders. Thanks for your input.
Anthony Bennett
Not a bad idea if the brand gets larger, but to start it might be a bit too obscure for less frequent lurkers to pick up on. Personally, if I saw that at the gym with no other context, I wouldn't immediately assume it was a Jow Forums reference. Props to you for coming up with something so subtle, not many people have enough Jow Forums smarts to do that.
Brandon Ortiz
How about a four leaf clover with nothing else on the back?
Chase Garcia
Squat plug, oats, that pic of ronnie coleman with lasers coming out of his nipples that was popular years ago that I can't find now, onions, zyzz dying in thailand, the image from the sticky (no one would actually get it though, because no one reads it) Scooby eating black beans and rice with some salsa mid skateboard squat, etc
Isaiah Hall
I'd literally rather die than wear Jow Forums clothes, what the hell is wrong with you people
Julian Lopez
I mean honestly at the end of the day it's really all you should gun for is the comfort. I wouldn't be surprised if Wrangler or Levi's made boatloads of money from their Stretch fabric jeans. If you can do that AND made it Jow Forums friendly, then it's a go for sure.
Justin Martin
are you going to make it the disconnected leaves like the logo or a regular clover?
Jordan Wright
Thank you thank you thank you! Sadly some of those ideas might be problematic for copyright reasons, and I think Zyzz had his own clothing line.
Michael Richardson
That's the challenge, coming up with Jow Forums clothes that are wearable in public. Would something like just the four leaf clover be obscure enough for you to wear in public, or do you not want to be tied to Jow Forums at all?
Juan Moore
Which ones would you personally prefer to wear?
Michael Phillips
hidden powerlevel ideas might be the dino that runs back and forth on the sticky, something simple like just a 3x5 or 1xF Neck ropes (Neck hangs, or any other variation) It's really hard trying to think of things that are specifically Jow Forums related without dipping into reddit territory or repeating other companies. Maybe start browsing around trying to look back a few years, make some threads looking for old screen caps and websites talking about the Jow Forums board like know your meme or encyclopedia dramatica if it's still a thing.
>How would you guys feel about a clothing line that references Jow Forums and different Jow Forums memes? I would rather you take a red hot iron poker and insert it into my asshole.
I hope nobody thinks this is a good idea. There's a market for Jow Forums cuts, but memes? Naw.
Bentley Smith
Something simple and small emblazoned over chest pocket area or back e.g.
>6'0 >a small stick figure in a hole >L&H P >1/2/3/4
Blake Sullivan
rules 1 and 2 or is that just b
Jordan Scott
Only applies during raids IIRC.
Charles Butler
I'd wear one with 1/2/3/4 written over the disconnected clover, but I'd want it small, preferably over the pocket area like another user suggested.
Otherwise, I want Scooby's face blown up to cover an entire bro tank, like pic related. I want it either super minimal or completely ridiculous.
Jow Forumsraeli here, I had the same idea (though it extended to all boards). putting aside some of the other issues, your biggest hurdle is going to be international shipping - Jow Forums is more diverse than California...
to answer your question though, i'd wear anything that doesn't explicitly show a connection to this Mongolian kite weaving forum. ie. don't put the fucking Jow Forums logo on it.