How to minimize weed paranoia?

i like to smoke it and workout i can feel my body work better when im high like i have a better connection im not pro weed or think it cures cancer to me its just a supplement like caffeine but i get paranoid

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I have heard it's because the thc to cbd ratio is off in modern weed so try taking cbd beforehand. Tell me if it worked.

don't smoke it then. It's not really making you paranoid you're just more aware of your anexiety and fixating on it. Learning to control you emotions is not easy. If you're really hell bent on doing this (I've done it too and enjoy but I'm not you) use a lighter dose. You don't need a bowl or even a half bowl to get the feeling body awareness you just need like a onie bats worth. You're not suppose to have a real head high or anything noticeable mental impairment when you're lifting with little weed in your system. I typically smoke until I'm "aware" of my dick and gooch more than normal but not toke more.

Get a strain that's got a balance of CBD and THC.

Take small hits and wait at least twenty minutes between them.

Drink lots of water.

Listen to some chill music.

>how to minimize weed paranoia
Dont smoke weed

Run and your body won't be able to tell the difference between the THC high and runners high

put a few black peppercorns under your tongue it blocks the absorption of thc. So if you're get too high you can always chill yourself out.

1) use sativa; avoid hybrid and indica strains
2) make sure you are fully hydrated
3) eat a fatty, protein rich, sugary food 30 minutes before it.

Roll another 1

Mindfulness I suppose. I’ve smoked a decent amount of weed, though it was never really something I ever had and did on my own. I could definitley go ham on it in the gym. Alcohol too, I need a driver would solve so many problems. The shit I do, well it ends up lowering your IQ late in the day, and you will see an increase in rigidity. Social interaction becomes a bit more difficult. But it’s never that much of a struggle. As I’ve improved as a singer I’ve gotten better at broing out. After the arts we can be a politician. Basically get stronger at breathing and you get stronger at everything.

put crack in your blunt

If you get anxiety from weed you have two options, don't do it, or smoke a small amount, then when the rush of paranoid thoughts come flooding in be prepared to do strenuous cardio, it will help take the edge off, keep your mind occupied and you should feel better afterward. This is the only way I can have a positive experience with weed now, and I simply refuse to take it in a social setting.

quit it and take the cbdpill

You might have built up a tolerance. If I take a one week or so t-break then smoming feels so euphoric that any anxiety or paranoia is simple to brush off

Weed isn't supposed to make you paranoid, but that's just the way some people react.
Sounds like you just like the idea of drugs rather than the actual effects. Take up a stress relieving hobby like archery or shooting if you can't handle the humdrum.

Don’t smoke and work out, it hurts your form overall

>There are people on Jow Forums that smoke unironicly

George Soros has messed with the weed to make it stronger so you get paranoid

smoking the wrong strain for UUUUUU
this is how it goes for me
legal state so if I get a bad one that fucks with my head I just stay away from that strain
used to think it was a sativa vs indica thing but not the case
I don't know what fucks me up since there's too many strains to buy but I know what doesn't so I just get that shit

it's like some 1:20 bad vs good on the strains as well
go figure

I thought this said George Soros messed with your peenus weenus to make it longer

Try not being pussy

I have intense paranoia and panic attacks whenever I smoke or use edibles. It sucks because every normal person wants to use it but I never do.

Stop smoking it you absolute fucking loser

this is so fucking stupid

CBD was never in high quantities before

if anything it has been specifically bred to be in high quantities now

>how to minimize weed paranoia?
Stop smoking it you fucking mongrel

>there are people on Jow Forums who unironically don't smoke weed every day

stop smoking bro, i can hardly talk because i smoked daily for 5 years and i used to see loads of comments saying 'stop smoking bro' and ignore them but 2 months ago i went cold turkey and have felt amazing since, im completely back to normal now.

I wish

Don't smoke, it's devil's grass.
Take shrooms instead.

Can you describe how your paranoia is?

shut up faggot. its not so fucking stupid at all, strains have been bred to have higher and higher THC levels in relation to CBD to get potheads more and more fucked up. people have been talking about CBD for like a year. SHUT your mouth.

if OP is canadian he will be lucky and be able to buy exactly the weed he needs

Did you not read the entirety of his short post? He said the RATIO is off. In old ass reg weed there’s way less thc. Meaning it’s more balanced and the thc isn’t getting you so fucking high that whatever cbd is there doesn’t matter.

T. I miss the regs I used to get in middle school, new shit is cool but I like regs better

not OP but i smoked everyday for 5 years im not sure if i was paranoid, but I was paranoid, before going to see family I would worry if they knew I smoked and worry they were gossiping behind my back - justified worry as they do gossip and spread storeis like chinese whispers, so I avoided family. I was worried friends were gossiping or spreading lies about me - justified worry because everytime im with them, theyre exaggerating stories and generating banter and storeis about the absent members of our our group. Worried about work incase they found out, paranoid that workmates would bitch about me, justified because they bitch about others who are on away from their desk, sick, on holiday. Paranoid about the police or landlord finding out I was smoking. now i stopped smoking, its like a huge weight lifted off me and I can breathe again without worrying. I dont think or worry about family, friends, work or police anymore

I’m neither of those people but this has been almost exactly my experience. It was hell. I’ve stopped and I feel amazing, except I now have derealization that I’m waiting to go away. It’s like the visual part of a weed high but just mild enough that I can function almost normally. Thought I was going crazy until I understood what it was, at most it just causes some of that anxiety I used to have while smoking daily. I’ve been told in about 6 months max it should go away

But they are all still bitching regardless

Why couldn’t you deal with that on weed?

>why can you deal with something better sober than you can while using a mind altering substance
>but dude it’s just lmao weed lmao dude