Who /squatshitter/ here? This is THE most fit way to take a shit

Who /squatshitter/ here? This is THE most fit way to take a shit

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>not just shitting while actually doing squats in the gym
never gonna make it


Who /upper decker/ here?

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please don't squat directly on your toilet like that.
that's how you shatter the porcelain, get a nasty deep cut that hits your femoral artery and be known as the guy who died with his pants around his ankles from his toilet breaking

>remember, shit UNTAMEDD

What if you put the lid up and squatted on the narrow part?

I squat but not on my toilet, we have a 'toilet stool'

>Not weighting himself while he shits while he squat.
not gonna make it

Swuatty potty for the win. It feels so good and everything comes out. Most comfy position on god

>tfw im a slav

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I find that the best way to shit is not to sit or squat. By stand at least one foot away from the landing pad (toilet) and bending over as to launch a turd forcefully into the target not only works out some muscles it will also give you great sense of achivement which is great for over all health.

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Bullshit, I've done it that way since I was a kid and broken zero (0) toilets.

As i get heavier and more muscular im afraid this will happen one day to me. I almost never do it nowadays, I either have a stool or just shit normally by sitting. I was taught to squat since I was a kid cause i had constipation(?

yes user, stand on the toilet, nothing could possibly go wrong

Attached: Toilet-incident.jpg (1254x1127, 46K)

Is there proof that this was caused by squatting on a toilet?

yes. trust my word for now, i need to go to work so i cant search for the article right now. its someone who slipped while squating on the toilet and broke the fucking shitter and it sliced him.

Just shell out 20 bucks for a squaty potty. I did that years ago and it still holds up fine. Ive weighed between 230 and 270 the entire time as well. Its solid and safer.


That guy in the pic looks Indian, probably some poorly designed poo toilet

I’m a damn American and our toilets are designed to support 300lbs of free standing weight or else the company would get sued

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Squatty potty squad checking in

I've done this since I was a kid. Hands down the best way.

ahhhhhh jesus chriiiiiiist

This doesn't actually mean it doesn't or cannot happen.

I've been squatting on my toilet like this for 2 years and I dread this every day. But my colon health is drastically better. Especially after adding psyllium husk supplement to my diet daily

use to poo like that...

sciatica stopped that

I fucking hate the asians and pajeets at my workplace for pulling this shit.
Turns out that asians do not have some magical diet that makes squatty potties any more hygienic to use. They spray everywhere like the fattest of Americans. And they do it all over the goddamn shitters.

I hear women do this shit too. Just stop. You're disgusting. Stop.

I'm not gonna lie i've actually just shat in the shower then put it in the toilet to avoid

Its absolutely the most healthy way to shit and it'll change your life. I need to buy a stool. Also, for those that sit on the rim, you can't get the full benefit because the entirety of your feet is not supported

How about if you put a bar above your toilet and hang from that while shitting?

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Then you're a fucking legend and exempt from the shitting critique of this thread one way or the other.

I hate public shitters
you disgusting fucks

If you're spraying shit you have a serious lack of fiber and you are pushing way too fucking hard which will lead to hemmoroids

I'm not telling them that.

I squat in the shower and wash my asshole
Anyone who shits like that over a toilet is a literal mong

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pls no

I have a little box I put my feet up on to simulate the squatting position while still sitting comfortably on the toilet seat.

Attached: optimal toilet setup.jpg (1080x2150, 79K)

That's from a shark attack right

i raise my knees and straighten my back. i dont use a squatty potty

what kind of cheap ass toilet you have? i've been squatting on mine for 5 years and it's still intact

my setup is similar
*sorry about the bad drawing

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No it's from someone squatting on a toilet and it breaking. It was in South America though so probably a poorly made toilet compared to first world countries. I stopped squatting on toilets after reading the article years ago though.

Imagine the lid breaking off and slicing your ass open like a Thanksgiving turkey lmao

My knees hurt after a while in this position, anyone else? I don't imagine I could comfortably take a shit like this.

unironically happened to people before


>i've been injecting street heroin for years so it's completely safe

Just get a small step stool and prop your feet up

>tfw I weight only 50kg and this probably won't ever happen to me when I shit.

that doesn't look like a laceration, that's an animal bite if anything

This is me

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So you piss on your face?

this, if you must squat then put your feet on a stack of newspapers or something. there is literally a meme product called a "squatty potty" that was shilled on howard stern and the like a few years ago for people to do this. I bet joe rogan has/had one

No I pee after taking a shit. Why would I pee and shit simultaneously

I've been doing this for a while, now I can't shit without squatting. FUck

bet nobody can find a picture of a naked butt that is more guaranteed to be unwiped.

>Why would I pee and shit simultaneously
Jeez dude at least TRY enjoying life's pleasures

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that shit happened to my mum...don't squatshit

>implying it's not

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