What’s so bad about carbs anyway?

What’s so bad about carbs if all that matters is calories and protein?

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Eating carbs will raise your insulin level, and when insulin is high, you can’t burn fat into energy. So, when you eat carbs before doing cardio you’ll just be burning that extra easy sugar in your blood, and when it is depleted, since you got that insulin running, you’ll just collapse since your body won’t turn to fat for energy.

If you want to build mass tho, go for carbs and heavy lifting

Nothing, us italians eat pasta more than anyone else and we live (not survive) more than everyone

Inflammatory response, which needs to be balanced for funtcional optimization.

Stupid cunt

There is nothing wrong with carbs
Ketofags think removing carbs from their diet will be a silver bullet to their stubborn bellyfat when its not
If you want to up your PRs then not eating carbs is out of the equation

why would you want to up your PRs though? you goal should be to look better, not to lift heavier (unless you are a lazy fat fuck who can't cut)

You ruined your economy. You went from the greatest empire known to man, to being taxdodgers and the laughstock of Europe. You pasta-eating stereotypes are ghosts of your gloryful ancestors.

My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can yours say the same?

Modern Italians have nothing in common with ancient Romans. They are two genetically seperate groups.

>if all that matters is calories and protein?

That's not all that matters though idiot

Carbs are fine generally and in moderation, don’t consume lots of simple carbs however.

Jow Forums rages because a bunch of fatties lost weight on Keto and have turned into a cult where they believe carbs cause all illness and disease.

>What’s so bad about carbs
they're not necessarily bad, but they're the most sensible macro to reduce if you're trying to lose fat.

your carb intake should depend on two things: your activity level and your body composition goal.

on one end of the spectrum, if you're a lazy fuck and you want to lose fat, do keto.

on the other, if you're a powerlifter and you just want to get stronger, eat lots of carbs.

obviously, most people are somewhere in the middle.

Nice video game quote. You sure showed those Italians.

You're the one who recognised it

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mostly empty calories or loaded with antinutrients
heavy blood sugar fluctuations if not very active or lean

>Stupid cunt
Projecting much?
Insulin effects on lipids:
(a) it decreases the rate of lipolysis in adipose tissue and hence lowers the plasma fatty acid level
(b) it stimulates fatty acid and triacylglycerol synthesis in tissues
(c) it increases the uptake of triglycerides from the blood into adipose tissue and muscle
(d) it decreases the rate of fatty acid oxidation in muscle and liver.

This is basic textbook stuff, taken from

Nothing wrong with carbs, great source of glucose for your brain and other tissues, the problem comes when you consume more than you need, about 300-500 calories worth per day for optimal cognitive function is what i would say is a good range if are not an athlete.

Haven't played games in 5 years, sorry.
A simple Google search and archive check was all it took. It reeked of sophistry.
That shit is plastered everywhere here usually after a rant about Jews or fluoride in the water. What's more embarrassing than thinking its funny in an underaged sort of way is people who use it seriously and consider something as mundane as that as something profound and worth posting.
I bet you you'll try and strawman me as a "Liberal" or a "Communist" or a SJW or whatever because you can't see the wood from the trees.

>Haven't played games in 5 years, sorry.

Imagine being this sad that you think bragging about not playing video games for the last 5 years makes you mature and better.

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I did keto for about 2 months and i noticed my face got alot leaner because of no bloat. Now that i started eating carbs again its bloated back up. Gonna go keto during and after my cut

T. Tryhard nietzsche wannabe.
>Imagine being this assblasted because of memes

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*honk honk*

lmao biggest load of shit ive ever heard

That's not how it works. You'd see joggers passing out left and right if that was the case.

>telling other people who you don't know what their goals should be

Carbs are bad if you have diabetes. However eating carbs 6x a day causes diabetes so by eating carbs less frequently like 1 or 2x a day you will keep you insulin sensitivity at healthy levels. Also exercise helps keep insulin healthy too. Running helps as well. So carbs are not evil but too much carb frequency is bad. Insulin makes you fat. Also one more caveat about carbs is that they do not make you feel full like protein does. So it is important to eat a moderately high protein diet to satiate yourself and keep your carb and calorie intake lower.

This is false. Only if you have shitty insulin sensitivity like a diabetic or pre-diabetic is this the case.

Modern Italians are less Roman than your average britfag.

this is some good fresh pasta.

Carbs are the preferred fuel source.
Eating more carbs in favor of less protein/fat or caloric target (than required) is bad.