
>be me
is it even worth it to try and get fit if i will get gruesomely mogged anyways?

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get fit, don’t get swole

Its better to be a ripped manlet than a regular manlet or a fat manlet. People will try to mock you anyway and shits gonna be tough but still.

Move to asian country and you will be on average height

Yes. Work with what you've got. Or just give up and kill yourself, I dont care

Choose something you’re interested in and dedicate 5000% of your life to it, but not playing video games.
You’re borderline midget, so your physical presence isn’t going to impress a woman. But this gives you the advantage of not caring about your body aside from staying lean by way of diet.

You know how you see 11/10 women fawning over midget men that can sing or have a real silly-billy YouTube channel? Be that guy. Because regardless of having muscles to lift weights with, in the end you have won the game.

Better than being some fat Pudgey manlet dude. I'm only 2 inches taller than you and have had 4 ltr and have fucked 11 girls. None of them were ugly or fat (1 chubby tho) there's hope for you. Remember, /fit is far from reality man. It's really a bunch of faggot teenagers who don't even lift and like 5 overweight powerlifters here. Don't let em ruin your head

5'5" is not manlet status man, you'll be fine dude. Just stay positive.
I have a regular at my gym who is like 4'8" and he's doing dope driving a 2017 Mercedes.
Fucking oompa loompa i make fun of him any chance i get.

>lanklets will never know what its like to have a tall mommydom gf

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Jow Forums's shitposting lives inside your head.
You'll be fine.

>be 185cm (6'1)
>first date with tinder sloot
>she is 5'11
>wears high boots
>wtf she was almost my height
I can't imagine beeing a manlet. I don't even want to be a dick about it, but beeing shorter than most girls would seriously crush my soul.

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False. Even Asians are tall nowadays. All he needs is stop being a little bitch and he'll be ok.

So some Manley billionaire just died during a penis enlargement surgery.

An excert for you anons

>”According to Laniado's friends, the only time he forgot about his short height was when he asked his accountant to read out his bank statement, something which he did multiple times a day, it was reported.”

Seriously? Jow Forums memes aside, do you really think 5'5 guy is not a manlet?
You are delusional...

>tfw no amazon gf who is taller than you

Why even live brehs

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shut the fuck up lanklet

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>i will get gruesomely mogged anyways
You won't. If a 6'4" guy is skinnyfat or just flat out fat you will automatically mog them just by been Jow Forums

Manlet starts when you are shorter than women on average, so 5'3 and below. But the Jow Forums manlet starts at below 6 because boys love dick measuring contests

Do exercise, no need to look jacked but at least have a body that shows people you care about it

What, you haven't developed a fetish for tall women yet and want to look your fittest for your amazon gf? Is your test *that* abyssmally low?

>He doesn't know

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s-shut up user, I'm not skinny fat, there's just a bit of fat there but not that much to be considered skinny fat

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>being shorter than most girls

You’d need to be sub 5’4, I guess sub 5’9 to be shorter than them in heels

Is that Tyler1?

Why would it crush you. If you're inside her, your face is precisely over her boobies. Instant motorboating.

Cuz i am an insecure little bitch

might as well be a gains goblin if you have to be a goblin

>be 5'8(172cm) and 18
>jacked so even more midget proportion
>all friends are 6'1+
>see 14 year old girls taller then me.
>feel absolute shit when in a public place
IF I will ever have a son I'm going to put him on HGH, AIs to have lower estrogen so his growth plates doesn't close until he reaches atleas 6'3(190) fuck being a manlet no man should experience feeling like a small little pathetic basedboy when a female hugs you.

>man dies trying to make up for his height
>5' 9"
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH imagine being this insecure over being barely below average height

I'm a manlet, should I go for full dwarf mode ? Also any tips how to do that ?

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>>He doesn't know

I sincerely hope you don't take bait images, made by incels to try and make other people feel bad, seriously.

Switch out height with average income of males and you see how retarded this meme is.

>tfw only earn $350,000 a year, it sucks being a poorfag!!!

I'm not memeing, where I live 6'1 is the norm for my generation. so yes it sucks balls when an dead average female just straight up tells you that you are too short.

oh no :( i guess i'll have to somehow find the strength to go on living at 6'3"

If you cant handle a woman, no matter the height difference, you're either low test, or beta, or both and should rethink your social positioning.
No joke, tall girls are a gods gift.
I like it when their hands and slender fingers wrap around my dick and whisper they want that teddy bear dick inside them

bro, dont fall for the mog and manlet meme. insecure r9k autistic larpers on this vietcong sewing forum are just trying to make you feel bad.
be the better person in real life, be funny, be well-spoken and have an active presence in social environments. people will look past your size and value you for who you are

love you mein neger

I've only ever been with one taller girl, it was weird making out with her at the bar first time I met her, but the feeling of conquest you get after ejaculation...worth.

Manlet here, I used to feel like this. Lifted in high school but still got mogged because I wasn't that strong even though I looked good. My ego got the best of me when I started running marathons. Now all those who mogged me say "you're an animal". I'm in better shape than 9/10 of my friends, I lift/climb/run 5 days a week and I've become egotistical as a result of that and it attracts women like a moth to a lamp.

Air's thin up there, eh?

I'm 5'8 and had sex with a 6'2 girl once. Was probably the greatest experience of my life. I was doing her from behind, went to grab her hair, and couldn't reach. Felt like I was fucking a canoe. Gave me a giantess fetish my 5'4 wife just can never satisfy.

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just become a jockey

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Think of it like a those inpact drills that are more superior and useful than regular sized drills

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powerlift and learn MMA

the main insecurity regarding height is that taller men will have an innate advantage in physical confrontation at the same level of skill.

If you actually learn to fight effectively and regularly get good, even against the tall guys in your gym, that insecurity will decrease because you have a realistic view of it as oppose to a theoretical one.

I'm not a chimp nor do I live around them, so, no, the main insecurity isn't that I might lose in a confrontation; also guns exist and they don't give a shit how big the guy coming at you is.

The main insecurity is that I know women objectively find tall men attractive, and not only am I not tall, I'm not even average, so I have to actively and heavily compensate for that.

i know a 5'2 ugly mexican with a 5'10 dutch blonde wife. they have 3 children.
hes not fit either, or even rich

>duch 'females'

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This is why you are doomed to be an incel. Your mentality towards masculine pastimes like MMA that make friends and make you more likeable is feminine.

Go jerk off lad

you sound young.
Girls don't care. just learn to smile. learn to be easy. cool comes with the territory

>just bee urself
someone post the .png

Lucifersexdoll's boyfriend is 5'6"
There is hope for you my friend

>live in rural france where we don't feed our population bovine growth hormone
>people are still normal sized, everyone is well proportioned, no freaky lanklets
feel bad for americans

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>is it even worth it
yes, how else are you gonna find a top who can smother you with his plump pecs that reach you at face height, who also loves a thick muscle bottom

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i'm 5'4 and i'm pretty wide. I've never been hit on, coworkers still call me little guy and people think I'm overcompensating but being healthy feels nice sometimes maybe. Don't lift if your goal is to be aesthetic because everyone already finds you unattractive at that height. It sucks, and there are no positives to being short, but thats life.

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This is so Vegeta

Tfw no canoe gf

I think the Jow Forums manlet cutoff is too high usually but I'd say anything under 5'7" as a fully grown bloke you're gonna be seen as short definitely

Do what makes you happy

still jockeys are making it

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You have 2 options
Kill yourself
Learn to live with it

thanks guys. gains goblin > fat goblin

The Netherlands?

Not him, but I live in Poland I'm 185 and I only met like 5 males shorter than me and I'm 25yo already. And they were all turbo insecure manlets. Most guys I know are my height or taller.

I can't tell if you are trolling or what, are Americans really so short?

>mfw no koala cub manlet bf i can throw around and bully

he just looks awful in every way

>makes shitload of money
>fucks taller bitches
>does what he loves to do
btw he's 45 on the pic

This. Also, it will help a lot to cultivate a positive confident and outgoing personality. Thinking your height is an issue matters more with girls than your actual height.

>born after 9/11
holy fuck

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Ty friend

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fag quit complaining

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your best bet is to personality max. you won't make it as an asshole manlet, people will just hate you.
lifting helps too, better to be a fit manlet than a fat manlet.

cope, op just needs to kill himself

The more you care about being short the more others will too. Stop worrying about it and just focus on being an interesting human being.

5’8 / 173 cm, literally never been an issue for me. Good success with girls since middle school and through college. Since I’ve started building muscle I’ve got regular compliments on my gains from guys and girls. I can’t think of any way in which my height has noticeably impacted my life.

So yes there is a point. But I also recognize that other peoples experience is not my own for various reason. And it should be common sense that a jacked manlet is way better off than a dyel manlet. People might give you shit for it but the thing is that they were going to give you shit for something anyways. If talking about how jacked you are is the best they’ve got, then... great! Btw the word “cope” or “compensating” also inplies that its working.

In my case I think because of however my bone structure is (wide shoulders, very narrow waist, long legs relative to frame) in addition to my natural muscle genetics (big chest, abs, and 3d delts relative to frame, whether dyel or bulked like currently), that the other aspects of my body essentially make up for the height. In addition Now that I’m a solid 200 lbs (bulking), actual size is no issue at all. It works for me and looks good on my frame. So basically you have to take the whole package int consideration when you think about your body.

>Manlet starts when you are shorter than women on average, so 5'3 and below.

lmao. The average woman in the US is 5'6". The manlet cutoff is 5'9" (ie below that, people immediately notice your shortness)

The average for women is actually closer to 5’4

that's because in real world 5'8 is fine.
shit gets real once you are near teh average height of women at around 5'5

thats literally only manlet height on Jow Forums, irl youre just a hair below average

It’s absolutely worth it, I’m 5’6 and used to be an actual skeleton.
Now I regularly get compliments on my gains. It’s did wonders for my social life and self confidence. As long as you have good proportions it’s a big boost.
I genuinely would hate to imagine how the last couple years would have been for me if I didn’t commit to getting bigger.
Basically it’s significantly better to be a wife and athletic Manlet than a dyel Manlet who takes up no space and would need garner any recognition from anyone.

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*fit not wife
*never not need

Thanks guys, I really hope it is all in my head. -op.

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5'7 reporting in, can't imagine being shorter than me.

>not wife
wives are the only things manlets can be

>I'm a manlet should I lift?
BRUH, loltyler1 is a manlet and he is doing great, looks good because he lifts and has a girlfriend.
Yes, you should lift.

it isn't

Jesus christ. This nigga fell for the "jelqing is a meme" meme. I went from 6x5 to 7.5x5.5 just jelqing and stretching.
Meanwhile people actually pay money to get operations on their dick and fucking DIE

You still have time left to grow, I was 5'7 at 18 and stopped growing at 5'9 when a I was about 20ish.
Also, it's really in your head dude. Yes it is harder as a short guy but 5'8 isn't bad at all, I know plenty of guys that height or shorter who still slay women. Think about it. Right now there is a guy who is shorter AND uglier than you who has way more success with women than you. They are rare, but they do exist, so why let your mindset stop you.

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It's a weird feeling being near taller men too. I'm 6'5 and once I was in New Orleans and an entourage with a few NBA players walked by me. It was the first time in my life I thought "Wow, this is what short dudes feel like all the time?"

D-delete this

probably not, as a 5'8" manlet I can tell you most of as get use to it and we don't really give a fuck, especially if you're one of the shortest since kindergarten

>she's in heels
>he's like 4 inches taller stood on that bench.

barefoot next to each other they're probably the same height.

173 cm is considered short for a man everywhere except the United States and Asia.

you are what you are. don't chase bullshit trying to appease some cunt. do what makes you happy.

i'm 5'4 and lift and think if you're a manlet and use being a manlet as an excuse not to lift, you're a weak-willed bitch who wouldn't make it at any height. lifting is the greatest thing i've ever done for myself. it means so much to me that the idea of some thot accusing me of trying to compensate is fucking laughable.

>173 is considered short everywhere except the United States and Asia

And Africa and Latin America.. oh shit thats like, the whole world outside of Europe aint it

Europe the land of lanklets

don't even remind me
t. 5'8" "European"

Is it terrible being 5'8" in europeland?

Give yourself a wider look, I'm 5'8 but by doing 7 day ppl with high volume and rack pulls, it's been giving me a more buffer and wider look. Focus your neck too,

Dont smoke week, in grade I was 5'8but that was the year I smoked weed. Now I'm 19and still 5'8. DONT SMOKE WEED, IT STUNS YOUR GROWTH

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