Would you lift for a better face if you could

would you lift for a better face if you could

Attached: 01-FW-FACE-facebookJumbo.jpg (1050x549, 86K)

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this guy is ugly no cope

this is irrefutable proof that proper grooming will make brainlets and normies think you look good (when you're ugly XDDDD)

I would stick my dick in that

how is he ugly

good eye, good jaw, good distance on midface and between eyes

wow I haven't seen him since Buffy

Upper eyelid exposure. Weak brow ridge.
Angular jaw but however his palate and jaw are pretty narrow as opposed to his forehead + neurocranium
he has ideal harmony and coloring though
bones are all good (zygos too)
his midface could be shorter.

Fuck off back to lookism cunt, or show your face. This dude mogs you undoubtedly

>be me
>25 inch skull
>short midface
>compact midface
>bigger jaw and better gonion than him
>smaller and sloped forehead
I mog him to hell and back. Admittedly he is a gorgeous motherfucker but he will NEVER be as robust and tall as I am. keep coping

Attached: 25 INCH SKULL.jpg (386x315, 28K)


OK, show your face then, its easy to larp on a Mongolian zippo lighter manufacturing forum

Reminder that if you haven't posted your bideltoid wrist and skull at least once on a basket weaving forum where anyone can save the image and repost it, it's over

Attached: warrior skull.jpg (1211x547, 97K)

I said he admittedly has 0,01% percentile harmony and face + coloring but his bone and skull doesn't look special to someone with a bigger skull and rugged look.
Imagine the dude next to for example David Gandy, Khabib Nurmagomedov or a deformed genetic 7'2 freak like Hong Man Choi.
He's a pretty boy that gets billion matches on tinder and can be a prince for his looks but warrior pheno is still better if you want to be a mog machine


Attached: perfect.jpg (520x336, 130K)

holy shit it's pretty basic

people, normies, women, whatever, don't want a cro-magon skull. it's really simple, they want a developed skull but you don't have to look like a cartoon character or an orc. compared to the average, he has a well developed skull while retaining most of the elegance/prettiness you get from more delicate features.

also just lol at mentioning gandy, and then fucking khabib and hong man choi in the same sentance while trying to prov something.

he just looks like he got a canthoplasty, rhino and 100% double jaw surgery
>people, normies, women, whatever, don't want a cro-magon skul
Men do. Real men do. Try to photoshop yourself with a bigger skull. You'll never want to look any different. it'll kill you inside.,
I wish my skull was 30 in with a massive occiput and broad forehead.
I wish my ramus was like the same height as my upper third.
>also just lol at mentioning gandy, and then fucking khabib and hong man choi in the same sentance while trying to prov something.
It went from robust pretty boy, to robust monster, to robust genetic freak.

Mate your eyes flutter

Like I said, fuck off back to lookism you absolute fucking incel or post a pic of yourself. It's not hard to LARP

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yeah you are mentally ill and quite possibly a repressed homosexual m8

go to a therapist

going from robust pretty boy to robust freak orc lookalike is exactly why it's a retarded point. just because people like a 99th percentile robustness skull in gandy, doesn't mean therefore that robustness is always great to the nth degree, anymore than liking a non robust justin bieber means that it's irrelavant

This IS me I was talking about skull. But my eye area and nose is no different from his. You can tell this is far from a LARP. I T, skull and height mog you both

Attached: eye1.jpg (543x474, 64K)

>don't want a cro-magon skull
they didnt have ,,warrior'' skull tho. they had short wide boney faces+doly skull pretty sure, but not ,,wimp'' like, rear was sloped more robust etc.
there are fuckton of pics online and posted here too pretty often

>yeah you are mentally ill and quite possibly a repressed homosexual m8
Apparently having a robust warrior skull makes you gay
or are you projecting, faggot?
>going from robust pretty boy to robust freak orc lookalike is exactly why it's a retarded point. just because people like a 99th percentile robustness skull in gandy, doesn't mean therefore that robustness is always great to the nth degree, anymore than liking a non robust justin bieber means that it's irrelavant
I would rather look like that than recessed bieber. Only young girls like him.
high t women that birth robusts sons like men like me. No girl that's good for breeding is gonna like u if your jaw is not 0 degrees and your occiput flat

confirmed LARP. nice one

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>No girl that's good for breeding is gonna like u if your jaw is not 0 degrees and your occiput flat
You should be ashamed for posting this kind of nonsense. Also you sound like a virgin who has never talked to a girl before. Quit larping please

Actually is a virgin
Confirmed it in earlier threads

Remember, it's all about the body

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just gonna leave this here

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My face is fine. Can I lift for better brain chemistry?

what do you gain from LARPing srsly?

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I can tell you are pouting. Embarrassing

it's literally me eye I reposted. I have more pictures if you want, new ones.
Kek How did I LARP? If it's my eye. My skull is massive and I mog OP and this fag. It's not a LARP. It's me.
It's not a pout. My lips and philtrum just project in a weird, feminine way. It's like my only flaw.

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not the same guy, but why aren't you a male model then

Well if you lose body fat then your face will look better...probably.

cringe lookism incel, shoo shoo this board is not for you

You're actually retarded brother your head is so far up your ass i can tell your child is gonna grow up fatherless
>inb4 ugly cope
Just by the way you're arguing i can tell that theres not a single woman that will stand you, such a shame for your face

You do get a better face when you lift and lose fat

not him but this is pure cope.

Dios mio. La lookism incel spotted in the wild
Fucking Christ, get a life. Nobody in the real world actively cares about this shit

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>he thinks MM care about subnasale to menton height, jaw height, ramus length, gonial angle, occiput and warrior skull
MM is far from any of that. Modeling is about looking like francisko lachowski. Not having a skull like Hong man choi
>Just by the way you're arguing i can tell that theres not a single woman that will stand you
Who EVER said this is not true? I am such a bad and egregious person with a nonexistent interest in life irl that you would want to fight and kill me constantly. guys in my class that are taller than me (I don't look threatening, or at least try not to) constantly jab at me and I hit them in the head and they think it's fun.
This only proves I did not develop properly. Meaning my byzygomatic breadth, jaw height, ramus length and any other bone in my body would be 10 times bigger if I had IDEAL GROWTH.
Imagine how much of a robust gorilla I would look like If I grew properly with Human growth hormone treatment. but of course my parents didn't allow me that, they didn't even make me do sports from 4 years old. I was fucked from the start

I really hope you’re LARPing for your sake. Please get a therapist. This isn’t even me being a cunt. Get one.

>I really hope you’re LARPing for your sake
You're gonna have to specify. This is real life shit we're talking about. What am I LARPing about in specific?
Do you think I'm delusional about skull and my measurements?
Most of them were measured by a surgeon, my ipd was measured by an eye doctor.
Skull by me and jaw height by me too though. Because I could.

I'm not sure what you belive in but I belive that the only meaning of life is to have kid and raise him, my point was its a shame that beheind such a nice looking genes there's an asshole like yourself but im guessing there's always something positive and negative in everyone

you specifcally said that OP was ugly (you listed the reasons here) because he lacked important features that people like Hong man Choi possessed.

Now you say that being an MM is NOT actually about those features -- okay, whatever. what is more likely: that men selected for beauty (models) are actually ugly, or you are overrating specific facial features (which you also happen to constantly boast about posessing)

Its called MEWing

>have kid and raise him,
Yes but only if hes gonna be 99th percentile in every way. otherwise, if you marry a non prime female your son will suffer the same incel life u did. And why create more suffering like that
>my point was its a shame that beheind such a nice looking genes
Irl I know a handful of guys with a skull that looks like mine + straighter better looking features putting them at an insane standard.
If you want some examples of what people irl here look like, google technoslav lookism. Prototypical warrior skull like mine but better looking + 6'3
that's basically the average here
Because I'm confused about your comment (my iq is legit really low like 105-115 or something)
I want to put a concrete answer:
male model - great harmony, pretty boys, something women and jailbaits love
warrior skull - in todays world really rare, found commonly in most virile societies and countries that had lots of wars, selective breeding, and had ancestors that hunted for a really long time and were not nomads or sedentary, but rather hunter-only society
essentially, the difference is a lot of evolution for virility vs just ''pretty'' features

it's okay, i actually quite like you. and you seem articulate, but also very very mentally ill. unironic recommend for a good therapist - operative word good, someone you connect with who actually gets you.

the only point i was making was that you originally said this guy looked flawed, which i agree he does if you are aiming for what you are calling 'virility' -- but the OP/model industry/the whole world clearly isn't, which is why chico is on magazine covers and hong man choi isn't lol.

from a lot of your posts you seemed to be saying that you looked better than OP, rather than that you looked more 'virile'

>but also very very mentally ill
Obssessing about your bone length and skull size and walking on the street ''mogging'' old men with my wrist size, hand length and skull is 100% mental illness
but you gotta understand. There is a handful of people like this in the world. And to some degree it's a good thing.
I consider this truly being conscious about your looks and yourself. You have no clue what you truly look like. Only measurements help somewhat. Mirrors and phones don't work.
Comparrisson doesn't.
>the only point i was making was that you originally said this guy looked flawed
Nobody would notice that. His jaw just recesses inwards (I have this too slightly, but from the front it looks angled enough, if you have any contact info I can give you all my pictures. Discord probably)
I can never look better than him because of coloring.

Technically you can. Low bf, mewing, neck exercises

He has the pretty fagboy look but he's not ugly

So you have a narrow palate then? Shoo shoo

What do you mean by colour? Skin colour??

your coloring is everything, eye color, brow color, hair color, skin color
it's a huge health indicator.
I have none. Except my hair is black and my skin is ''white''. It's just my phenotype...
I show up to 10 teeth when smiling. It's like 80th percentile so yeah. still narrow.

Attached: 20984129.jpg (647x845, 118K)

What if my eye colour, blue, brow colour is black, hair brown-blonde and skin colour white?

dios mio...

you're like 99th percentile. if your features/bones and eye area are even Average youre like a god to women.
In my head you look like orb but you could be a bug eyed baldcel with caterpillar brows for all I know.
Or you can look like francisko lachowski with blue eyes, I can't know that. Like i said you can still add me
el chad#1160

I’ve been rated like and I’m 6ft3 7-8 on /soc/. But I’d rather live in denial lol, but I’ve got mild hormonal acne and it’s fucking killing me lol. But Im still in my teen years so hopefully that fucks off

IUUUUUUUUUU those gums and narrow jaw

I don't believe anything without proof. I was rated 9 and 10 on soc lmao. What do you even mean. They don't use PSL standards dummy.
You can PM me on discord. I posted my name on here.
height is never a halo with face.

chadcel prime

fellow mammoth hunter here i see
i have the same features as you do, i'm a bit taller though
based mammothoid brother

Attached: mammoth-hunters-ice-age-early-humans-hunting-mammoth-historical-illustration-children's-non-fic (1200x784, 238K)

That guy in OP's pic is not very good looking. A 6 at best.

Now this is how I'm tryna be.

Attached: Dx9ZeeqW0AE7WT1.jpg (800x1200, 86K)

imagine being this insecure

Post pics desu ngl
my dads 6'7/2m and has dinaric antigen, I barely have any.
People who have hunter mammoth genetic usually have really flat occiput, I don't

sec gotta get my phone brah
i am 196 cm, my bro is 201cm dad was about 190

Your squint game gives Bateman a run for his money.

Where are you from at all? Herzeg?
When my eyes are fully OPEN I look like nick bateman lol. I only squint slightly and it's super easy

Attached: eyeareaopened.jpg (1018x210, 28K)

Unflattering angle but np

Attached: IMG_20190310_215604.jpg (297x505, 48K)

father is from tropolje mother zagorje

This the son of Christopher Walken?

120 degrees jaw straight forehead and nose I suppose
could be warrior but ur skull looks tiny
occiput is not really flat DESU IMO NGL
your mandible/forward growth aren't really large like mine but they look similar for sure. But you'd be surprised what these few MM actually do.

Attached: gonials.png (407x777, 210K)

got corrupted with german dna tbhq
as for jawline, post pic from side you can't really see my jaw because of the lighting gonna take new pic sec

oh god yes

Attached: ttd.jpg (480x360, 16K)


>got corrupted with german dna tbhq
Could be. But if you had some faelid dna ud have a huge jaw (its their trait, look up faelids lookism)
Here is me with inward posture. This is not my real posture and this is how ''bad'' it would look

Attached: inward posture.jpg (1306x756, 80K)

I lift for this face

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You need a better haircut desu


Attached: 1111.jpg (254x283, 14K)

you can't get better than that here and idk wym. It appeals to my skull + low maintenance is more attractive here. I would be bullied into my grave if I ever got long hair or one of those hilter youth cuts. But I'd look better

Nope, I'm fine with mine. It may not be perfect or even close to one but I have grown to like it

How long is your ramus and whats your angle

Ramus - 8 or 9 cm
gonial - 102 degrees.
My left could even be 0 degrees with right posture but that would look subhuman.


Don’t see the hype with this guy

I’m not gonna say he’s “ugly” but his looks are not anything special at all

This dude's face has some fucked up proportions no cope, look how asymmetrical everything is. Is that healthy?