Cutting General

Summer is approaching share photos, diet, and motivation for cutting!

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Im not gonna even think about cutting until I hit 1/2/x/x
t. .9/.85/x/x

I’m suicide cutting. Let myself go lost the gains. It’s easier to build a kingdom from the ground up than to attempt and salvage ruins

This results in either ketosis, in which you have made your body too sick to provoke an appetite, or low blood sugar, in which you will literally have no conscious decision but to force yourself to eat because of the hormonal response.
So unless you want to be sick, or feel like a person with no self control because you binge eat, I would recommend eating 1-2000 kcals and simultaneously doing a normal cutting workout regimen

last time i did this i ended up losing a lot of progress.

the cardio pill looks like a easy bitch road to take

How do I look for summer?

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Currently bulking cuz everyone says I need to do so.

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Very gentlemanly

nice progress, but your shoulders look fucked

Now that you're bulking you have a plan to address your lack of traps right?

Jesus man work on your traps

Nice. But you need to work on your traps, they make your frame/shoulders look weird like this user said

what is suicide cutting?

Correct me if I’m wrong but would you rather spend 1.5 years cutting and not gaining and muscle or strength or would you rather cut for 2 months then spend 10 months lean bulking?

This is what I did in the past, I fucked up by falling for starting strength and eating 4000 calories of shit because some gearing boomers told me that was the way to go.

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>tfw already starting to stall

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It’s cutting super hard. Like 3-4lbs a week. It’s a bad idea if you’re already under 20% bodyfat or have a significant amount of muscle mass/strength you’d like to keep. It can be unhealthy and cause you to hurt yourself but I advocate for it because not only is it healthier than being 25% bodyfat but I know from my personal experience that I can make leaps of progress doing this and then focusing on slowly building mass. I’ll probably stop at 15% and then slowly re add calories until I’m eating in a 200 cal deficit to finish up the cut while lifting though

I wanna cut so bad but my lifts are way too weak

>weak as shit
>dad bod
>want a chad bod
should I just bulk like a skinny mode or will 3k calories be enough to get me through SS?

Bouncing from one meme to another ngmi

If you're over 20% bodyfat you need to cut down to 10, when you're over 20% it affects your hormones.

something about your shoulder area looks fucked

This is why I would rather do something many consider so stupid. I have the mental strength to pull it off so why not?

based, same here, except ive already hit 1pl8 ohp for sets but can barely do 90kg bench

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Care to elaborate on what "your shoulders are fucked" means?

Am doing so. Today I did 4x12 with 20 kilos dumbbells on each hand. Someone told me on other thread that I shouldn't do it everyday, but it seems I'll have to do so in order to have traps before summer.

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so should I just add cardio to my SS routine?

psmf for a month, thank me later

Can you actually go below 11% without cutting alcohol?

Doing cardio almost every day, eating slightly below TDEE and already cut some fat out of my diety, but I feel drinking around 3 days a week is fucking me up hard

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>those negative traps
Work on that shit ASAP, my dude. It looks weird as fuck

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Only drink hard liquor and attempt to limit it to once a week as a goal

Upright rows.
Farmers Carries.
Face Pulls.