Well, Jow Forums? Is it true?
Well, Jow Forums? Is it true?
Fuck Vice
yes for me
literally the opposite for me
Also, fuck Vice
It's actually opposite. Men who have addictions or depression/anxiety workout to get better. So this article did the ol' switcheroo with cause and effect.
haha jokes on them. i would never drink because alcohol kills gains
Man seems like there's a article disparaging weightlifting.
>direct link to Vice
Not today.
Also alcohol is a massive gains goblin and should be cut out of your life as the cheap, dirty, shitty high it is.
yes, the problem is trying to self-improve, not the factors that drive you to become obsessed with that healthy impulse in the first place
>be me
>6'5 muscle giant
>thirsty from big boy sets
>grab my waterbottle
>can't put it to my mouth, biceps too big
>walk to stacy to ask her for help
>she looks scared and runs away
>last gf crushed by my weight
>makes me sad
>still couldnt drink my water
>tfw struggle with drinking and depression
Innit tho
i smoke pot
no, I drink way less than everyone around me and because of lifting I haven't felt sad for the past 6 or 7 months.
VICE is owned by jews. So no.
this a good number of the dudes I used to get high or drink with as a teen replaced partying with working out because otherwise they’d lose their minds
but go on vice tell us more about how strength is bad and we should all just let women speak more
I'm only depressed because I'm a fat fuck, trying to fix that right now
That article seems to be nothing but and attemp at defacing people who try to improve their health
although anecdotal, nobody I know who takes lifting seriously drinks more than once a month.
Unironically this. It's fucking shameful how they try to twist lifting into the cause of something bad rather than the cure.
>People who lift are trying to better themselves
Also Vice
>This is a bad thing
The absolute state of basedmedia
According to them all men (whites in particular) should just revel in their own filth and misery while doing absolutely nothing to it.
It is almost like they are advocating for sissyfication and passiveness to men.
i haven't drunk any alcohol for 5 months, why? because it's too expensive.
There was a thread about "why do you lift" yesterday and pretty much every post was "I lost my job/girl and lifted to get over it" so they ain't wrong
>vice writes shitty soiboi article
in other news: bird flaps his wings
Technically speaking they're not wrong. A lot of depressed people start lifting weights to better themselves (I should know because I'm one of them).
i struggled with those before getting fit not after. fit got me clean and focused on healthy living/eating. fuck this leftist shitsite.
Most men these days do. Not fair to single out the ones who are dedicated to improving themselves and simply disregarding the ones who aren't. For what it's worth I stopped drinking 3 weeks ago because it's costly and it makes me feel like shit every Sunday morning after a night out, and I haven't had a depressive state in quite a while. I actually can't remember the last time.
I have a cold and this made me blow snot out my nose, so thanks
not true. for me its drugs and depressive realism. probably some degree of adhd and autism in there but im too scared to get tested so im gonna try and use cbt instead of diagnoses to deal with my problems
yeah just do meth, keeps the bf low and the muscles dense
Got me
Also, the teeth grinding will form the face better than mewing.
I'm sure they want you to pay 500$ a session to some quack to prescribe you brain killer pills instead of wallowing in pity
Actually it helps a lot. Also fuck Vice.
nope. If you have depression and struggle with alchohol past the age of 21 you have the mind of a child. Spiders must scare you also.
Nah I just drink heavy on saturdays and view life only as a burden through workdays.
Men have those issues regardless of lifting
lifting helps a ton with depression but I tend to want to drink after a successful PR. Make of that as you will
good luck bro, you can make it
Lifting saved me. Dunno why the healthcare industry doesn't promote it more.
There's nothing wrong with having goals and working toward achieving them, as well as wanting to better yourself. I'm not sure what the point is.
To make sure you keep buying (((their))) pills
I'm confident most 1st world thinking men struggle with drinking and depression
I drink about 3-4 days a week, but before I started lifting I drank every day and I drink less per day now too (1 beer with dinner opposed to 7 shots).
Written by a woman or a basedboy
Alcohol is a depressant not a high
They do. Literally every time I went to a doctor for any issue, first thing they suggested was fatloss. And they were right.
You are still using a crutch whether you realize it or not. Just deal with being sober. Making it a ritual leads to Failure
t. Guy who just quit smokin multiple blunts and cigarettes daily
Pretty much this.
Lifting, swimming and cycling and changing my diet helped me a lot with discipline and self control. I applied that shit to different aspects of my life and it helped me more than any therapy or drug ever did.
If you’re obsessed with being fit you don’t drink. Article is s o i cope
Thanks man, good luck to you as well
Lifting is not fat loss
Lifting made me realize that drinking alcohol sucks because it ruins my gains. It also makes me feel like shit. It's only really beneficial for making socializing easier.
Yeah, but fuck vice.
Well, it helped me. 13 kilos down, just 7 more to go. And I'm feeling better than I ever have.
This, I never use alcohol nowadays. When I began to want to be fit I struggled with alcohol. After the struggle I stopped drinking every week. I drink now once every two months or so.
I'm not depressed, I just like to get high.
>depression - no,
>substance abuse - sure, but after I started lifting I quit drinking and take drugs only in social situations not alone like I used to before
Welp. That's enough internet for today
100% is fat loss. you're burning calories and getting your heart rate up.
This. It's a propaganda mill, and masculine men are high on their list of targets.
>I am still in secondary school
No. No. Fuck vice.
Don't drink.
This. What's the fucking point wasting your time at the time 4 times a week when you get hammered in the weekends? That's like a fat fuck trying to lose weight but eats all the calories back.
get charlie hebdo'd vice you pack of butt blasted faggots
Lifting is the reason i stopped drinking.
Lmao. My boy has been drinking his whole life and he can rep 10 pullups with 3 plates tied to him.
Absolutely 0 point in working out if you cant go out in social situations and assert dominance.
Wait sometimes i forget 80% of this board is slightly autistic or just full blown.
i for real have a huge problem with drinking
You only switched one addiction to another.
This is such a retarded meme.
Cope harder.
it's pretty obvious most of this board has body dysmorphia, there are countless threads dedicated to gyno, wide hips, weak jaws/chins. this board isnt really about being healthy, it's just trying to looksmaxxx for incels.
into TRASH it goes...
Kys degenerate
I might be depressed, but I don't drink.
Cope harder.
all men struggle with drinking and depression where i live
Vice? What are you, OP, gay?
Dyel detected, and a retarded one at that.
They do all the time. Problem is that boomers and niggers won't commit to lifestyle changes so the futility of it really wears on doctors.
>Written by Jesse Hicks
Imagine taking life advice from this cuck
no one asked
pot smokers are vegan-tier
Drinking is super unhealthy:
also stop going to vice
somehow caught me off guard, made me cough ya bastard
>Been sober over a year
>not depressed in the slightest
I don't get it about libtards - They say drinkers and depressed people should be helped and treated with respect and that it shouldn't be a taboo or a mark of shame or whatever. Then as soon as it can be used as derision for someone they disagree with, they use it and latch onto it. Can anyone explain this?
Got into lifting because exercise was supposed to help with depression.
That was 5 years ago. How long until it goes away
>basing an entire conclusion on 15 loaded questions
Hmmm, this study's methodology is strong!