Be 1'90cm and 90kg

>be 1'90cm and 90kg
>run 10 meters

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>dear dairy
why did u make this post

>>dear dairy

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>dear dairy

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>be 185cm and 85kg
>run 1000 meters
>feel pretty ok
Get into shape tubs

You're not overweight, maybe even underweight (if you lift) but you have no conditioning. My dad goes hiking almost every month while being 125kg at 188cm.

Martin Strel is 110 kg, 180cm and he holds multiple swimming records, one of which is 504.5 kilometres (313.5 mi) of non-stop swimming within 84 hours and 10 minutes. What's your excuse now?

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I am a land mammal

>be 183cm and 85kg
>run 20km
>feel fucking great

>1 foot 90cm
10 meters must be a marathon for you, you tiny fuck.

>comparing swimming to running

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good excuse

>Be 5'5" 180lb
>Never run
>Feel great

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I've been swimming for more than 7 years and I can surely tell you that it's a lot fucking easier than running since the water lets you distribute your mass evenly across the surface while running (and even standing) is more painful the taller you are.
It's basic fucking physics/anatomy and the same reason why we don't have land animals the same size as a blue whale or larger.

This. Running is for faggots. Swimming is the HEALTHIEST and MOST FUN cardio.

>we don't have land animals the same size as a blue whale or larger
What about you're are mum?

>dear dairy

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>be 188cm and 105kg
>run 3-7km mon-fri
though I've been active my entire life with stuff like karate, tennis, waterpolo..

whats the best type
how do i into

>dear diary

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criminally underrated

My man

>have severe heamophilia
>run to work and forget to do medicine
>get severe internal bleeding

how do you get internal bleeding from hating gay people?

Didn't know I hate myself, but I don't really know quite what the inital cause was. I assume it's just a normal running injury made worse by my inability to have clotting blood

>dear dairy

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>What about you're are mum

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Fat be floating nigga

I don't get it

Swimming is for fags

>>dear dairy

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>you are are
what did he mean by this?

>>dear dairy

Top kek

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don´t use your height as an excuse, I´m taller than you and do a (chilled) half marathon once a month trough the woods without any problems. Jan Frodeno is 195cm and holds the triathlon WR over the ironman distance

>dear dairy

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endurance running isn't really for tall nigass, try swimming or cycling.

>dear dairy

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