What keeps you going? How do you fuel your ambitions?

What keeps you going? How do you fuel your ambitions?

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hit rock bottom, nowhere to go but up, now im coasting on sweet momentum and occasionally hitting the nitro when i feel inspired

I live my life as a game on how much I can improve to try get out of my depression, that's why I keep going to try get out of it

And what the fuck do you want me to do? there comes a point where you even get bored of jerking off and playing vidya. Either struggle or kill myself and i dont want to kill myself - yet -

I visualize how much future self will suffer if I quit lifting

Pessimism. See the possibility that the glass is to thin and you end up with shattered glass in your hands and a messed up carpet and it's fair enough if you end up with an half empty glass for giving your best.

I have a lot to prove to myself. I want to fix things about the world and encourage others to fix them as well. I can't do that without making myself the best that I can in all aspects. I'm also highly egotistical, for better or worse, so improving myself creates opportunities to validate my ego

as much of embrassing new money fuckhead with shitty body rich was, damn i still love him. r-rich please come bac

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I've realised that life is what you make of it. We all die at the end of our life. I succeed not because I need to but because I want to. The choice is ultimately up to you. If you want to do nothing and die not being remembered for anything significant, that's fine.

I have a big trust fund and come from a well off family. I have to better myself and be successful in my career, my health and social life to meet their expectations and live a comfortable and well travelled life.
I'm not going to be another one of those disgusting trust fund babies that I see so often and squander everything. I have so much more than most people that I have to use it to be the best. Fuck you niggers and your finding happiness and being okay with mediocrity bullshit. I've been working my ass off for two years after getting out of trust fund baby mindset and I'm gonna try and make an empire. Doing nothing is the same as failing.

>at gym on the bike
>bike is next to front desk
>Big dude walks over to front desk to get some tissues
>Big dude is high level comp powerlifter
>biggest and strongest dude at our gym by far
>some chad is talking up the qt attendant at the desk
>chad sparks convo with big dude
>I was just telling stacy how important it is to be motivated
>what motivates you big guy
>wipes forhead with tissues
>lumbers back to weight area
>moments later begins shaking whole gym up with his deadlifts

This. Pretty much just develop it as a habit rather than spurts of inspiration. I get it to the point where if someone asks me “why do you do it?” My reason is I just do it now.

No fap, and the burning desire to leave my country

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thank you. I just took a moment to visualize vast instances of my future self wherein each one represented a day in the future, all the way to a year from now. Each one literally depends on the one before, all the way down to the present. When every one of them turns around to observe you on this day, just imagine what they'd be thinking.

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Lifting is fun for me.
I get way too restless if I cant lift at least 4 times per week.
It does miracles for my ADHD.

>When every one of them turns around to observe you on this day, just imagine what they'd be thinking.
I wish I would have died that day

Watch this OP: youtube.com/watch?v=HW5QPjfJ7Vo

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I miss him bros

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>My dick gets bigger each lb i lose
>My muscles are growing and making girls stutter when I talk with them
>Notice the ranking of girls that are mirin are slowly going up from 5's to 6 to 7 to 8 to some 9's
>Still striving for the body that makes 10's swoon and spaghetti spill
>Finally did my first pull up ever
>The more weight I lose and muscle i gain, the more like a toy my body becomes
>Slowly getting closer to becoming a parkourer for funsies
>Getting more quick witted and generally intelligent the more fit I get
>Confidence went from nil to Johnny Bravo
>Getting more confident and proactive daily
>Now have extra energy to put into new hobbies, during time I used to play vidya or just sleep-in
>Becoming happier by the day
>Started to exercise proper and thorough hygeine due to wanting to play with my new good looking appearance
>Get excited with every new divot and curve
>Feel like acting kind due to personal morals and ethics tightening with increased personal discipline, happiness, and energy.

If you think you're getting mired by 9's when you can't even do 2 pullups, I've got some bad news for you

I'm very tall. I've got natural bonus points on their exam.
