>tfw not having bants in the backyard with the bros
Tfw not having bants in the backyard with the bros
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We really are a bunch of posturing fucking monkeys aren’t we
why did the third dude pick up the cigarette from the ground
alcohol's a helluva drug
To smoke it?
This is England
>have 2 older brothers
>did some fucked up retarded shit together for years
best time of my life
>tfw your college life is boring and they are having the time of their life
Im sure you can find some dudes to whack you with a folding chair
Why is it that I assume that's in England without hearing their voices at all?
The setting is classic council estate.
The way those guys dress and act is classic "lad", down to the facial expressions.
Also the wine chugging.
No point wasting a hardly-finished cig. They are fucking expensive in bongland.
Why not have gay sex instead? Probably more enjoyable than getting hit repeatedly with a folding chair.
I just want to fight friends, why should that be so hard
>tfw no one to punch and wrestle with
That guy picking up the cigarette is the most chav thing about this video.
That's true. I was in England for 2 weeks last year and stopped my 2 years of smoking because of the cost.
I am brazilian and here we plant tobacco, so cigs and organic tobacco is really cheap here, when I got to England cigs were much more expensive and with much worse quality. Dont know why so many people smoke there.
The little kiss at the beginning is pretty wholesome, shame about the fagginess though
Reminder this guy was partially paralysed because the chair legs hit his spine
Don't do dumb shit, kids.
>bros being bros is gay
i bet you're the kind of guy who wouldn't even participate in wrestling fights with other kids for fear of being called gay lmao
>another one of those claims that no one will ever post a source for
how did you afford the trip to England, was it for work?
>partially paralysed
make an effort with the bait next time
I wrestled in highschool, but kissing another dude on the lips is pretty gay man.
It was a summer course on law. I stayed at Cambridge.
I was 19 at the time so my parents paid for it.
fair enough, nice job on the placement.
regarding why so many people smoke here, to me it seems that it's mostly for the social aspect as it's such a reclusive society generally speaking. it's the only time people get to socialise during the working day or an excuse to start a conversation on nights out
Are you dumb? Just look at him at the end. He doesn't get up because he literally can't. His body isn't obeying his instructions and he's panicking. Shit's sad to watch, even if he is an idiot.
you're mad if you think these top lads go to college lmao
wow imagine how bad that hurt all the force was in the two little chair legs just digging into that lads spine
Yeah its fucked. The chair opens up and hits him with the end of the chair legs. All the force is transmitted into his back on two focused points.
I don't want them to whack me I want to know what it's like to be loved and get pecked on the lips
you need to join a weekly drinking crew, its the only way
>source : my asshole
Because it fucking sucks here
Other curious aspect is that people there dont give you cigs or share their cigs with you.
Here in Brazil (keep in mind I smoked for 2 years and some change everyday) no one ever refused to give me a cig, and I never refused to give anyone a cig. In England I had to ask for 10+ people to get one, and the ones that gave me were not english people (generally spanish/american)
Let me whack you hard at two small points on your spine see what happens. Retard.
yet to post some source you fucking gayboy
>I watched a video and can say with 100% medical accuracy what happened to the guy afterwards
You are a deluded pseudointellectual.
Why is that a curious aspect given how expensive cigarettes are though? It seems obvious to me people would be less willing to give them away here than in a country where they're dirt-cheap.
I think it's time we stopped feeding this retard's ego with (You)s now, he's clearly a fucking braindead mong
No, I just remember when the video first surfaced and saw a news story about it.
No need to be so aggressive. Wondering why you're all so adamant someone who is hit hard on their spine couldn't possibly have ended up paralysed? You all seem unintelligent honestly.
This is why no one takes england seriously. yall are gay
I think it's a cultural thing. In my country, it's a unwritten rule to never refuse anyone a cig. No matter how much you paid for the pack. It's considered very rude.
I can see why they didnt share, and my european friends told me the same thing as you. But even when I was there (i only bought a package of organic tobacco in the airport) I would always give some one some tobacco, filter or paper if they asked, even thought the fucking package was 14 pounds.
>You all seem unintelligent honestly.
this is why people are "aggressive" with you lol, you're a condescending jackass who can't back up anything he claims yet miraculously believes he's superior.
the guy may well be paralysed, but if you can't confirm it, you're an idiot to blindly assume it
Do you have a source on that?
A source. I need a source.
Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
Do you have a degree in that field?
A college degree? In that field?
Then your arguments are invalid.
No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
Correlation does not equal causation.
You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
Nope, still haven't.