You're all boring fucks cause you spend all your time at the gym.
A comic told me so.
You're all boring fucks cause you spend all your time at the gym
Imagine how the guy that made this comic looks like. This is god-tier cope.
In my entire life I have never seen such fucked up cope.
It's like Jesus Christ, if you want to be fat or you're too lazy and lacking in self control to lose it, be fat, I don't give a shit.
But don't lie to yourself dude. That comic is just sad.
mother of all copes
found the muscly boring people
>Oh that gius life must be pretty damn boring if he can devote so much of it to lifting pieces of metal.
>I could go to the gym too
I wouldn't even hate this comic if he could be fine with being fat, without hating on people that like working out.
> "people shouldn't be judgemental"
> is judgemental
What is this garbage?
How does it work? I mean how does having a self-discipline make you boring? Step by step argument please.
I think he's being sarcastic, user
Oh really?
Nigger, I lift 6 times a week, bike with friends, will be taking a trip to Utah to go snowboarding in a week, speak three languages (only two well if we're being honest), am learning a fourth, play guitar almost every day, and have read more than these pussies could imagine.
This is maximum cope. Just like me hoping someone will love me for lifting or having all these hobbies is cope. We all suck in our own ways, but I make no bones about it.
Yeah. I might be wrong though! I'm not a psychic
I hate going to the gym. I simply do my 5x5 and get the fuck out. I know every workout I do is just another hour or so I could be doing something I like, or being around my friends. I only started so I had some fitness to complete a long distance longboard race years ago. but i grew a habit and kept at it. I now can out squat anyone who walks into my local gym and I don't dread DR. appointments as much as my friends do. I have a buddy who has constant health issues and I worry about him all the time. he has crazy joint problems (from his heavier weight) and replaced a knee at 28. he once told me "you'll never have these issues, you just go to the gym". I can't help but feel bad that I'll need to bury my friend someday, especially due to him being a new father and I don't have any kids. I guess the grass really is greener on the other side.
Pic Related (it's him)
This is the guy.
the irony of the comic is that he complains about other people judging him negatively based on his appearance, and then he does the same to people who look better than him in order to cope
basically he does the very thing that he claims to fight against
>these are the beta soibois that larp as whiteknight feminists online
what a fag
Quick someone post the edited version
>motivation from taking care of yourself and feeling physically healthy can never be used for other pursuits like reading books and having a career
oh wow, tell me about the music you play and the conversations you have with your friends, you're really interesting toby
Really, anyone can learn to draw. You just need to decide to do it - it's not a gift or a skill - it's a lifestyle decision, a consumer choice.
Really, anyone can learn to read. You just need to decide to do it - it's not a gift or a skill - it's a lifestyle decision, a consumer choice.
Really, anyone can learn to play music. You just need to decide to do it - it's not a gift or a skill - it's a lifestyle decision, a consumer choice.
This man should just give up drawing comics and just sit in his room for his entire life while not doing a single thing
>in 50 years we'll all be saggy
I also watch anime and read internet sites about the Jewish conspiracy.
>if people write you off because you're too fat or too thin, screw them, they're dicks!
>if people write you off as a boring brainlet because you're fit that's totally cool though lol
these mental gymnastics are the biggest workout of this guy's life
He'd be an alright lookin cool dude you could imagine hanging out with if post-modern internet liberalism hadn't rotted him to the core
It takes like an hour a day
>Go out with girl, she talks about books
>Ask what she reads
>"lol idk I tried reading game of thrones but it was hard to keep track, I just watch the show"
Girls are the boring ones, although foreign ones have some interesting reading suggestions
>curious life
So basically browsing leddit and collecting Marvel figurines. I'll take the muscles, thanks
Waste of a good frame. He could look good in bearmode
Do any of these people who claim "I could work out but then I wouldn't have time to do art, mountain climbers, vacation to Paris, etc and I enjoy good food too much to get in shape" ever actually do anything more than watch netflix and comic book movies or eat fast food shit and microwavable meals?
based grandpa
tbf I dont get how guys go to the gym 5/6 days a week. I would only ever consider that if i was juicing and wanted max efficiency
If this guy actually read a book now and then maybe he’d realize what a colossal faggot he is
No, but it's not exclusive to fitness, but anything that takes effort/discipline/skill/intellgience/etc. It's a more comforting thought to delude yourself that you could be amazing, handsome, rich, succesful, etc. but you simply choose not to be because you "value other things" than the thought to acknowledge that you lack certain things to achieve these goals.
You don’t need to to look halfway decent. All this guy has to do is lift casually 3x a week and stop eating like a retard
That's a lot of jibber jabber for that weak dose of cope.
Sidenote - I believe the rise in rabid feminism can be directly tied to ineffectual, feminine men. Women look to men for certain things and a generation of "men" like this has deprived them of something primal and basic in their minds. We're no longer a source of protection and mates, we're now their equals. And if all women could agree to hate any one thing, it would be other women.
How come nobody's posted the edited version yet
>going to Utah to snowboard
Listen here, faggot. You'll waste your trip unless you hike Zion.
>hurr ima tard ima snowberd
Textbook leftism
don't you know soliders train for years before their first battle? it's not like you sign up then get spawned like CoD
life is boring deal with it or be a stupid cunt who always "wants to do something"
When women see a muscular strong man, they instinctively think about getting bred, not the strong guy's gym routine.
ABSOLUTE cringe and copepilled
The false dichotomy in this comic always bothers me. Who actually thinks like this, just because I spend 3-4 hours in the gym a week I suddenly have no time for other activities or hobbies? Nobody important IRL has ever made these assumptions about me either, I only hear this tripe from batshit people online. Delet this OP, you’re making me rustled
based grandpa the swole
What the fuck is wrong with being healthy??? jesus christ dude go play your switch already Onions onions lecithin boy. I lift and I have a life. I read books, i play vidya from time to time, I watch movies, play guitar, have a job. He is going to age into a sad pathetic old man, his deathly demise will be painful. My body is my temple I want to live a compelling and fruitful life, he does not. Judge others for reaching their peak body and mind, jealous cunt.
And It's always fucking Americans, why dont I see Europeans complaining about this shit?
this is so fucking cope
Anyone got the Jow Forums remake of this where the guy is yelling "NEVER IMPROVE" or something similar?
Because we're less fat, so there is less potential social credit to be gained from acting like being fat is cool.