Rate scale 1-10 no makeup girl

Attached: F1AD0F80-61C9-4616-8AB5-7769356D90C3.jpg (2320x3088, 1.52M)

And I know she never wears makeup because she really never does. She just doesn’t care. No makeup whatsoever on her face

Solid 7/10, maybe 7.5

discord tranny/10

she looks kinda like an easter-island head but i dig it, obviously got a solid skincare routine... also a little mannish but a long head can be a good thing

7/10, give or take 2 for personal preference re. hapas

That's a man, baby.


What’s an eastern-island head???? What the hell.

discord trannies needs to be hanged

First impression is a 7.5, but the more I look at her the less attractive she becomes. Honestly could be as low as 6

The more you look? Lol. She’s a 8/10 to me. NO MAKEUP and looks like THAT. Seriously.

On second inspection this is almost definitely a dude

No way is she a 6. That’s no makeup-buddy. She is a rare unicorn..... most girls look like ugly monkeys with no makeup on. Dead serious, bro!!

Do you look better than her though? Probably...not. Kek.

That’s not a 6. Lol.

There's obviously make-up in her eyes, can't you see the yellow? People are fucking blind.




Shut up user, you’re just an incel

first impression:
Clicked on photo:

Looks like a man. That's a 4/10 from me. Left swipe for sure

Not my type.

I probably look more girly that she does.

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she’s cute as fuck

I know right. Wtf with all these beardnecks calling her a dude.

Cute jawline bro!

It's like some fatass that's eats shit tons of refined sugar eating an apple and saying it's not sweet enough. Men are too used to women with 2 lbs of makeup on their faces as the standard.


Attached: 1551842286939.jpg (329x399, 36K)

Cute enough to manipulate men for their cash.

>tfw me ex never wore makeup and still looked amazing
>tfw looking at her old photos from her sister's wedding where she had long blonde hair and makeup on
>tfw she looked like a 10/10 model
I probably won't ever meet another girl who doesn't need makeup to look good but fuck it

So what’s your opinion Of the girl in this thread? You’re saying she’s a 10 with makeup?

>all the virgins ITT who have never seen a girl without makeup

4/10 because not white. Would be 6.5 if she had blue eyes.

I don't know man, it's hard to imagine how she would look with makeup based on a single pic. Even in case of my ex she literally looked like a different person with makeup, it took me some time to register that it's actually her. Also OP girl's bone structure isn't very feminine, she still cute but I doubt she'd be a 10.

Falling for the phenotype meme.

Attached: DWrbclRUQAAC5ni.jpg (868x574, 20K)

miniature 8/10
clos up tranny/10

Nah that’s just your racism showing. And she has mostly white feautures. She’s an 8. Solid.