Attached: F1AD0F80-61C9-4616-8AB5-7769356D90C3.jpg (2320x3088, 1.52M)
Rate scale 1-10 no makeup girl
Matthew Peterson
Julian Baker
And I know she never wears makeup because she really never does. She just doesn’t care. No makeup whatsoever on her face
Luke Cooper
Solid 7/10, maybe 7.5
Jace Wood
discord tranny/10
Connor Young
she looks kinda like an easter-island head but i dig it, obviously got a solid skincare routine... also a little mannish but a long head can be a good thing
7/10, give or take 2 for personal preference re. hapas
Nathan Campbell
That's a man, baby.
Chase Jackson
Ryan Howard
What’s an eastern-island head???? What the hell.
Leo James
discord trannies needs to be hanged
Jordan Smith
First impression is a 7.5, but the more I look at her the less attractive she becomes. Honestly could be as low as 6
Grayson Campbell
The more you look? Lol. She’s a 8/10 to me. NO MAKEUP and looks like THAT. Seriously.
Dylan Lee
On second inspection this is almost definitely a dude
Easton Evans
No way is she a 6. That’s no makeup-buddy. She is a rare unicorn..... most girls look like ugly monkeys with no makeup on. Dead serious, bro!!
Joshua Gonzalez
Do you look better than her though? Probably...not. Kek.
Jayden Gonzalez
That’s not a 6. Lol.
Ryder Morgan
There's obviously make-up in her eyes, can't you see the yellow? People are fucking blind.
Gavin Moore
Daniel Morgan
Justin Cruz
Jaxson Ross
Shut up user, you’re just an incel
Andrew White
first impression:
Clicked on photo:
Jose Baker
Looks like a man. That's a 4/10 from me. Left swipe for sure
Adrian Turner
Not my type.
I probably look more girly that she does.
Jonathan James
Camden Evans
she’s cute as fuck
Bentley Jackson
I know right. Wtf with all these beardnecks calling her a dude.
Carson Scott
Cute jawline bro!
Carter Gonzalez
It's like some fatass that's eats shit tons of refined sugar eating an apple and saying it's not sweet enough. Men are too used to women with 2 lbs of makeup on their faces as the standard.
Lucas Flores
Mason Collins
Cute enough to manipulate men for their cash.
Lincoln Young
>tfw me ex never wore makeup and still looked amazing
>tfw looking at her old photos from her sister's wedding where she had long blonde hair and makeup on
>tfw she looked like a 10/10 model
I probably won't ever meet another girl who doesn't need makeup to look good but fuck it
Jordan Lewis
So what’s your opinion Of the girl in this thread? You’re saying she’s a 10 with makeup?
Joseph Powell
>all the virgins ITT who have never seen a girl without makeup
Nicholas Foster
4/10 because not white. Would be 6.5 if she had blue eyes.
Grayson Clark
I don't know man, it's hard to imagine how she would look with makeup based on a single pic. Even in case of my ex she literally looked like a different person with makeup, it took me some time to register that it's actually her. Also OP girl's bone structure isn't very feminine, she still cute but I doubt she'd be a 10.
Camden Campbell
Falling for the phenotype meme.
Benjamin Collins
Robert Foster
miniature 8/10
clos up tranny/10
Joseph Nguyen
Nah that’s just your racism showing. And she has mostly white feautures. She’s an 8. Solid.