Daily Reminder

Every single person in this picture finished a MARATHON, and is more Jow Forums than you.

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at what speed user?

But can any of them squat 4 pl8?

yeah but i can kill all the men without trying hard and rape the women

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Can you?

Yes, but at the end of the day they have to live with the fact that they are British.

spoiler: nobody in the real world gives a shit about how much you squat


>british women
Lol sad

They're more conditioned, they are not more fit. And who says I can't run a marathon, user?

>who says I can't run a marathon

Can you?

Aye I can indeed


Conditioning is directly related to your fitness.

The better conditioned you are, the fitter you are.

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I did my very first marathon in 3h29. Hoping to do my second under 3h15 in a few years. I may not be aesthetic, but I consider myself pretty fit.

Nobody in the real world cares if you can run a marathon either dumbass it's all subjective

i guarantee more ppl would be impressed if you told them you ran a marathon than if you told them you can squat 4pl8

Yea well any normie can relate to running for 2.5 hours, not to what it’s like to lift heavy weights without injuring yourself

Fucking christ dude, surely you're not like this in real life so why do you even bother pretending on here?

I have been to a couple of marathons in my life and every single one of the runners I saw looked like absolute shit. Even the top athletes didn't look fit at all, hungry skeletons every single one of them.

I will never understand people who are into marathons. It is never useful to run such a long distance at such a low speed in any real life situation, you look like shit and it is probably pretty bad for your joints.

Not him, but I am pretty sure I could take on all of them in a 1 v 1 without weapons too.

Okay go tell people you can squat with 405 pounds on your back and get back to me kiddo

I can run a half marathon easy enough. I don't really see any benefit to doubling it.

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they look english, bet they've all been in fist fights recently

This. Also if I saw far right walking in my general direction I would be worried

lol what person cant run a marathon, its the equivalent of squatting a pl8.

only one man who isn't a baldy lul

i can take all of them in an amateur boxing match ez

I unironically look like the right what do I do. I’m afraid of cutting cus I’ve always been a lanklet and don’t want to lose my muscles

This. Walking a marathon isnt the same thing as really finishing a marathon.

The current state of cardio fags

Running a marathon in and of itself isnt a challenge.
Running a marathon in a short time is, if you can run at a pace of 9-10mph for the entire marathon that is a thing people would be impressed by
But unironically, EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON EARTH can physically be running 7mph for a marathon, EVERYONE, period point blank


They could probably outrun most of us, that is true. Also yeah, lifting weights does not count for much.

You don't have to tell people you squat 4plates it's obvious. Can marathon people say the same, they are looking like a bunch of boomers.

This is perfect.

But can they bench 225lbs @ 132lbs BW?

I care way more about how much a person can squat than if someone can run a marathon.

>implying they won't just jog away from your bloated ass at a leisurely pace

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Low testosterone males

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At what pace? I could speedwalk a marathon too.

I finished one too

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I run 10km regularly. I see no reason to run more.

And I look better and can lift heavier than all these faggot.

>Every single person in this picture finished a MARATHON, and is more Jow Forums than you.
No, they're more fit. They have nothing to do with being Jow Forums, which is about having overdeveloped legs and butt, while barely half-squatting 400lbs on a good day and having a 225lbs bench press 1RM.
They also don't look like autistic homosexuals, so that's another Jow Forums quality they lack.

> I huff glue and watch cable news

i finished week marathon of booze/drugs and i look better than them.
can you?