Cursed fitness images

Attached: 7B21135A-90D3-4406-A12D-285DD6F256A0.png (362x368, 318K)

Attached: 11244457451.jpg (292x420, 101K)

Attached: WhatTheFuck.jpg (500x751, 78K)

Attached: 1518606572793.png (347x432, 186K)

Attached: 1547586147857.jpg (750x732, 165K)

Is this shopped?



Attached: alphadestiny 9.png (801x580, 505K)


Attached: 1548991877557.png (292x292, 86K)

Attached: mogged destiny.jpg (1458x1944, 242K)

Attached: manletitis.jpg (600x450, 55K)

Attached: cooookies.jpg (541x960, 65K)

How small is this guy?

Attached: beard soy.jpg (1898x1311, 2.07M)

bigger than 90% of fit

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-10 at 7.59.01 PM.png (204x202, 93K)

>le cookies are ready

What are the odds he's under 5'8

Holy shit, I hope they didn't let him return after that

Attached: 1516032520249.jpg (1254x1063, 345K)

Attached: 1443449737765.jpg (300x296, 24K)


Attached: C2A5AAFE_EBCB_4B99_99CB_96D59BF99B28.jpg (225x225, 14K)

Attached: 2swole2control.jpg (499x519, 72K)

He is driving it into the ground

Attached: obviously.jpg (900x900, 89K)

here's a classic

Attached: doorbrah.jpg (220x229, 5K)

Attached: 1551386798549.png (908x890, 107K)

Blessed image

how does this occur? and how to avoid?

Don’t worry you’ll never get there

Attached: 1514602995702.jpg (850x768, 187K)


Attached: 1510288479659.jpg (604x484, 58K)

Attached: 1536789759941.jpg (275x450, 30K)

Attached: 1534782738497.jpg (720x679, 136K)

Attached: 1550086697037.png (1080x1369, 790K)

Attached: natty walk.gif (371x352, 2.49M)

Attached: 1539886919920.png (684x960, 646K)

Are those 25's?

Attached: 1485199384946.jpg (1175x880, 572K)

Attached: 1498428684981.png (754x692, 1.1M)


how do people squat staring at a wall? i need a mirror in front of me, or at least an open area to look out into

Attached: imaginary_lat_syndrome.png (1306x772, 1.75M)

What the fuck, is he serious?

Holy fuck its been a while since Iv seen this one.

Based door.

Attached: 1510088930240.jpg (640x630, 109K)

Attached: 1548533632203.jpg (543x590, 32K)

Attached: 1544048272827.jpg (1280x855, 290K)

Someone explain whats going on here.

Natty walk?

Attached: 1550604625842.jpg (799x769, 237K)

Lmao what a stupid ass

needs 1 tier higher:
>Lifting to justify eating a lot

me on the right

jesus christ
I shiggy diggy

Moar of her pls

Attached: D96C6ED0-EBC2-41A3-A6EA-5A9303F7B2BF.jpg (199x250, 11K)

we're hitting levels of COPE that should beard possible


You get used to it after few training sessions.

are you one of those permabulkers?

Only when I'm breathing

Attached: F86A4139-F643-4ECA-A646-D26C37B78B72.jpg (526x105, 20K)

People are butthurt because he's a newb squatting 1pl8 in a squat rack, and there's a water bottle on the safeties.

Attached: 24BA41DF-FEF9-4F6D-ABB8-7A649BEF9D0E.jpg (640x625, 327K)

>functional strength
Pretty based, if I may say so

I'm a sick fuck I like a quick fuck

Attached: le_cookies.png (1920x1067, 3.75M)

Lanklet cope

Attached: grep_plitt_overtraining.jpg (634x322, 57K)

>that guy who squats in a squat rack

Attached: 1523235569139-fit.jpg (1056x1080, 108K)

they are laughing at the nerd squatting in the curl rack

Attached: cope.png (192x203, 106K)

fucking s0yb0ys

Attached: le_cookies.jpg (1301x2048, 206K)

How do I achieve this mode? I aspire to be a buff fridge.

god i hate this faggot

fucking kek, always makes me crack up seeing this

Attached: 1519595364172.png (475x399, 393K)

Attached: TO BE CONTINUED...jpg (586x507, 50K)

>there are people who think this is something to avoid

Attached: huuuge-bb.jpg (800x500, 66K)

He's 5ft8

>no choco golem
Cookie cutter porno addicts, the lot of you.

Attached: IMG_1230.jpg (480x360, 32K)

because this is a cursed image thread, not a blessed images thread

oh no no no no no

Attached: R4MWufi.jpg (607x960, 73K)

Still looks like trash

what the mother fuck

what is worng with him ?
how can one end up like this and how to avoid it ?

Attached: 1548476180368.png (722x639, 465K)

wow and this is shopped too

This is photoshopped, in the original his hips are wider.

Steroids without enough lifting

He can out run a train though


that was a based thread



with this shit again

def no


Attached: gaming the system.jpg (960x500, 98K)

one of best threads

DEStiny always does something weird with his hands in photos