Tfw fracture at base of thumb

>tfw fracture at base of thumb
how will I cope with being a cripple for the rest of my life?

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How’s it happen? I hurt my thumb for a few days doing skullcrushers

fell while mountainbiking and the handlebar bent my thumb backwards

Have you thought about amputating, OP?

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my doc didn't mention upping the boron

I fractured my index finger for 8 months, happened at work (I work as a bouncer) and still lifted the whole time with pain.

Act like a man, you massive faggot.

Pretty sure I’ve had a fractured index finger for th least two months from sparing bareknuckle. I can’t almost crack it normally again without pain, ever affected my lifting

>fractured index finger
>can crack without pain after only 2 months

dumb cunt, you got a sprain.

my range of motion is really fucked and isn't the kind of thing I can just ignore. Permanent loss of mobility is no bueno

the difference between fracture and sprain is pretty subtle, it's almost impossible to know for sure without an xray

I couldn't' even pull up my socks, or push down my knee sleeves, without tremendous pain in my index finger. I switched to suicide grip on most exercises, but things like dead-lift i pushed through the pain.

I'm on 11 months, still some pain but almost gone.

You're a dumb cunt, who cant fathom how length it takes a fracture especially a hairline fracture to heal and how painful it is.

Move out of moms basement.

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you still have pain from an injury 11 months ago and you think that's something to be proud of? I thought I had a sprain until I got the xray, and now I know it's a fracture. But you think I should have known based on the pain? I didn't.

Shut up, Muppet.


I have no idea if it’s fractured or sprained, I don’t really care either as my life isn’t impacted. But what I find funny is how pissy this guys getting over whether my finger is fractured or sprained. Thanks for laugh buddeh

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>meme frog picture


Aww what’s the matter widdle guy? Can’t massage your boyfriends prostate with your weak and frail boned finger and he cheated on you? Is big baby gonna cwy? Big baby wants his bottle?

Traumatic injury to the basal tendon results in arthritis doesnt it? I had assumed that when I'd done the same thing ripping up plywood with a pitchfork at work. Anyhow, I'd heard boron can help alleviate arthritis. I upped it. Worked like magic. Worth a shot anyways

Cool I'll take it under advisement

Idk man, I broke my pinky one time I was pissed off about 8 months ago, didn't get it checked out or anything but the knuckle still looks fucking huge compared to my other ones and I feel pain if I push it a certain way. I also can't 'crack' that knuckle anymore like the other ones. Doesn't bother me otherwise but every time I'm reminded I just regret it so much.