What to train for street fights?

I don't wanna be caught off guard by some random niggers being this good looking and all.

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nothing. dont get into street fights. you will eventually get heemed or killed, no matter how prepared you think you are

there’s no way to win against a mob like this unless you have a gun. train boxing and some grapples for one on ones, maybe against 2 if you’re cocky, but when there’s 4+ people trying to gang up just run. the one that needed other 3 people to beat a single guy up looks like the bigger pussy

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Every Jow Forumsizen gangster til tyrone pull out a knife.

Street fights are stupid. Don't do it. If you wanna fight, try kickboxing. It'll make you better at fighting but its still retarded to get into a street fight.

Western boxing, Muay Thai and weapons training. Possibly carry brass knucks.

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You can't train for this unfortunately. Need a gun

It's super easy to avoid street fights
>don't live around nigs/spics/mudslimes
>dont go to shitty areas
>situational awareness
>dont be a cunt


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Stab one of them in the throat, literally, they'll end up running away or killing you and if they want to go to jail then so be it

>good looking
Take that back

Where is this video from?

train brick throwing and running away x10

Judo and running.

I thought about this, long and hard. Ended up going with Judo, learn take-downs, throws, leg sweeps, and floor game such as arm bars, headlocks, etc..

Practicing some of the throws in class, doing a hip sweep or something on someone in the real world will end up[ in the guy with a cracked skull or collar bone.

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I would gladly do the time for gunning down all those apes

This is all you can do really:


This plus some boxing is basically your best bet. But like others have said, best to just avoid it all together.

Fuck, man, would have just tossed myself through the window and run.

>The curb your enthusiasm theme in the background

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read holyland
also note that anything goes, use your environment and conrete/asphalt can destroy you if you hit it

They won't go to jail, but it's still better to go down fighting as you said, then to be smashed helplessly into the pavement.

That was nice to see, but they will probably shoot or stab him next time desu.
Not taking anything away from the guy, though. Good on him for getting his vengeance.

Nah you saw the lady who broke it up? They’re all children. He humiliated them enough that they won’t fuck with him, especially with the video he made

There's a strategy to fighting more than one person if you are unarmed. They both basically involve putting yourself in a position to fight one on one individually. But u still need to have great fighting skills

1- create a funnel, like a doorway, and stand your ground just behind the doorway.

2-strategic flight. Basically you are in c on instant retreat but you engage the nearest target as they chase. Everytime more than one engages you evade while continuing to engage the nearest target. Done correctly you can drop one by one

Lastly, besides covering, of u have no option, severely injur one of the attackers, preferably the "leader" by breaking a bone (well placed leg kick) or gouging an eye

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>don't wanna be caught off guard by some random niggers
Why live in a place where there are niggers? Come home to the Midwest, my brother.

If you get ganged up on, just run. No training can really fully prepare you to fight multiple attackers. Krav can help at a legit gym, and any type of boxing and grappling wont hurt. But until it happens you cant really know what to do, and even then its survival and your instincts that may or may not get you through it.

1on1, BJJ and/or wrestling, Boxing. Fight dirty if you're in real danger.



>just run
Fuck that gay shit.
I'd rather die than do cardio. That shit sucks

>This one has a sense of humor, let him go

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Did you not see that at least one of them has tattoos? These guys aren't all 14 years old.
Even if they are, niggers are insane.

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What the fuck is wrong with niggers?

It's entirely dependent on what you've seen in your life. If most of the fights you've seen have been one on one, or you've been fortunate enough not to have seen many fights, BJJ is the answer. Preferably a school that has an emphasis on takedowns.

If people in your area fight in groups, you're kinda out of luck, so just run. No martial art is effective against groups of people. However, boxing/Muay Thai can be the answer to two untrained opponents. decent Muay Thai schools are hard to come by though.

it's easy to just say "carry a weapon," but if you ever actually use that weapon. In most states, even if the other person picked the fight with you, if you stab/shoot someone, you're going to prison. Bjj and boxing are much safer ways of handling someone.

Prison culture was pushed as black culture by the 80's music industry in a joint conspiracy to fill private prisons and sell cds.

>if you stab/shoot someone, you're going to prison
Only if you get caught.

It's all about intensity OP before a fight I always say "you better have a gun because I'm gonna rip your fucking throat out and eat it while you choke to death" with my eyes super wide open

>rape someone at gunpoint

This is why multiculturalism will not work

low iq

They are unironicly more closely related to apes
They aren’t a race or even human, they’re an unevolved subspecies of primate

i recommend the school of the gun. it takes less time, money, and expertise to attain practical self defense.

if people in your area fight in groups, i recommend carrying a gun. If you are ever legitimately threatened by a group of people you pretty much have a green light to mag dump em until they run away. At least in my state. You can spend thousands and train 10,000 hours in some arcane martial arts practice and still get your shit rocked by a group of people, or you can pull out a $400 glock and rid the world of a few welfare leeches

If OP is in a state with really strong "stand your ground" laws, then OP should absolutely buy a gun. But if he doesn't, it will only get him in more trouble. In that case, he should just run from any group confrontation.

very few states have a duty to retreat before using deadly force. most states allow you to respond with deadly force in self defense if you have a reasonable fear of imminent deadly harm. A group of people trying to beat you up like in the OP's picture would satisfy this standard.

t. lawfag

nigs respect a good physique, i spent 2 years in prison and got constant mires by my nigrethren

What did you go away for? Did you mace a Gamestop employee?

>2 years in prison

what did you do?

>They aren’t a race or even human, they’re an unevolved subspecies of primate
damn dude lol

I killed a nig

In self defense?

2 years for killing a nig? that's it?


avoid or run wild wooo gotta get into that nigger killer mindset smiling one second and a raving loonatic the next biting eyes and cocks off knocking out infants with the point of your elbow just pure fucking destruction rape some ass if you have to drag niggers into the deep water with superior cardio and beat them til they beg you to stop and take that ngigers ass hole out with ur dick just know and say to yourself IAM THE DOMINANT FORCE heavy compound lifts and long cardio sessions rest days are for homosexuals

some quality entry level train of thought violence posting, I like it.

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its a good choice because judo teaches you to get somebody in a submission in 3 seconds because after that they stand you back up if you get floored in a street fight u wanna get a submision as quick as possible and get back up to stomp on their neck or someshit also a good throw will ko most people or atleast stung them enough to finish them with a good kick to the back of their fucking neck

It's only 3/5ths of the sentence for killing a real person


Absolute unit

Saved and based

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Don't use public transportation

>IAM THE DOMINANT FORCE heavy compound lifts and long cardio sessions rest days are for homosexuals
lost hard

I think you have it precisely backwards. Blacks behaving as they normally do became pushed on the white majority as a culture deserving of respect rather than just representation of a lack of civilized domestication.

The key in defending yourself is to lift for strength and aesthetics while carrying a knife and/or a gun.

Kill people threatening your life. Scare off those who are swinging their dicks around.

That, or, go spend hundreds of hours preparing yourself for a fight in a largely non-confrontational society.

1) Nigger avoidance

2) General situational awareness beyond #1

3) Boxing + Judo

Shadow boxing 1xfailure.

if you think life sucks for you now, just imagine what it would be like with an IQ of 85. trapped in a society where you're completely worthless? no wonder they lash out

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might be a better place to ask this question, I'm sure they could make a recommendation

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no shit, CCW is literally the only way to get out of this situation

Based schizo poster

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>don't live around nigs/spics/mudslimes
>dont go to shitty areas
>situational awareness
its called common sense and not looking like an entitled and punchable white punce
>dont be a cunt
Says the racist

Racist or not, it's good advice

>that fat bitch breaking up the fight
why do these women never get dropped? would have loved to see her get punched in the face or thrown around

Daily reminder: discrimination against nigs and shitskins or so called "racism" is healthy for a white society at this point in history.

It's not racism, it's learned behavior. I'm ridiculously more likely to have a violent or criminal interaction with a black person, so I avoid them. You think I give a shit about someone's melanin count?

Also, nog detected.

>Punchable white Ponce


When you realize theres actually nothing wrong with being racist your arguement loses all power.

First thing you should learn how to do is run fast, then buy a gun or weapon you can conceal on yourself, then learn a striking martial art.

Many people don't realise this but you can die from a single punch if it manages to knock you out and you crack your head on the ground.
You also won't be winning a fight against multiple people unless you massively outweigh both of them.
A weapon is useful because it's a force mulitplier not only because it might have a longer reach or be harder, but because it's intimidating. What may have been an easy mark has become that much more difficult to take down.
Lastly striking is better than grappling. If you go to ground while the guy's friends are nearby they will stomp you. Better to strike and be able to run if the opportunity presents itself

Fucking fat slabs should mind their own business.

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>the fucking white landwhale on the scene

I couldn't watch any more of that shit my face was about to turn into a black hole

Fuck that was cringe.

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If avoiding blacks because they pose an undue risk to your safety is immoral to you, I'd hate for you to find out where all your favorite liberal celebrities live and why (including the black ones).

fucking retard

Why do darkies throw such poorly formed punches and have awful stance.

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I’ve noticed it too. They (the ghetto chimpy ones) swear they can fight but most of them all do that shit. They like claw with their fist. I’ve been hit by that fist swipe clawing bs it does not hurt at all. If it’s one on one you’re guaranteed to win so long as you have halfway decent form and are equally if not more aggressive.

But it’s fucking hysterical when they do that shit

unironically true

What countries have low populations of blacks and hate them?

Krav Maga, you can even beat people with guns and knives also do some cardio in case they want to run away so you can catch them.

How do you train fighting? By training fighting, what are you an idiot? Find a decent MMA gym and train there. If you can't find one in your area, boxing or kickboxing is your next best bet. After a year you will be able to beat 99% of guys in a 1v1. Of course
-you will never be able to fight a mob of people, that is a no win scenario
-you might just get stabbed or shot
-you will still get knocked out of someone sucker punches you in the back if the head
-every time you fight you expose yourself to a HUGE amount of legal liability, in the worst case a second degree murder charge

tl;dr there is a reason that the only people you see in street fights are lower class trash, it's because they have nothing to lose and are too stupid to know better.

>Possibly carry brass knuckles
Great way to catch a felony whether or not you were acting in self defense

Japan, but their nation is full of pussies right now who can’t get women to make children

>entitled and punchable white punce
>t. nignog

Tell me why high iq blacks tend to live in white people areas? Ashamed of nignogs? Racist? Lmaoing


I'd say start with defensive handgun, then a striking art like kickboxing, then throwing and/or grappling like judo, bjj, wrestling.
Link to a book that I haven't read but mean to:

Don't you guys have your own white niggers with pretty much the same behavior?

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We had, they almost extinct. They live in UK/NL or in prisons. And young generations of those are pussiess.

Jesus fucking christ.

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You're stating facts as if they're insults. Obviously, clearly this is racism, so what?

Every untrained person throws terrible punches. They learn one way through random fights and just go with what has worked for them

Don't get into stupid fights.
If you can't avoid it, remember to use your environment. Only idiot LARPers get into fights thinking about their meme martial art of choice. You'll get a bottle to the back of the head.

Crime statistics.

Or you know dont live in the US of Assholes.

Niggers can learn to work assembly line jobs and basic trades. Those jobs don't require a high IQ. They are, in addition to having low IQ., genetically lazy.