>get Jow Forums
>finally get to touch a vagina
>it's gross.
Get Jow Forums
Nigga you gay
Nothing better than seeing someone who wasted years of their life working hard to obtain pussy realizing what a letdown it is.
Yeah, vaginas are pretty nasty.
tbqh I was just disappointed in the taste.
I am not sexually attracted to vaginas at all. Whenever I see a girl fingering herself in porn or getting pounded by a guy I just turn it off. But if I was having sex I would definitely stick my peener into one, as long as I didn’t have to look too hard at it. How weird is this?
At least you know now. Now think about all the men on here who want to commit suicide because they can't get pussy.
>Now think about all the men on here who want to commit suicide because they can't get pussy.
The moment you get pussy you'll want more.
It's human nature, it what drives innovation.
I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad, but we made it this far didn't we bros?
pls delet
>ages 17-20 go from obese to swole bro lift fag
>virgin trying hard to get laid
>give up, curse out random black slut
>daddyissue.jpg kicks in
>we fuck
She just laid there the whole time like a dead fish I could barely stay hard
Can you imagine a world where human beings were asexual and we didn't have a sexual need to mate?
it shattered my worldview desu, i wish i was still a virgin
a nigger slut? That's a low one, mate
Only child vagina for me.
Not weird at all. There are lots of gay people these days.
>the bits of flesh you get on your dick from fucking them after a period
Honestly makes me wanna puke desu
Not sure why you faggot think vagina is fucking gross, its literally the best fucking thing ever
Probably didn't get the pussy wet at all, try touching it when its completely wet you fucking gay boy, there is nothing softer than that
i unironically hope you die very soon
How about you describe why it's not worth it. I'm not trying to lose my virginity for love or just to lose it.. only reason why I hate being a virgin is because the way society and other people look at you when they figure out who you are
I also hate the idea that you can be a good man, have a great successful career and want to raise a family but you're not "alpha" enough to get laid
I dont even like women I just dont want to be a virgin anymore as it ruined my life becoming self aware and realizing my whole life wasn't about chasing women and being normal but I spent my life chasing a successful tech career to only realize I'm a fucking beta nerd my whole life who cant even get laid
I fucking hate my life because I can't even get a gf
im looking at one right now
>its literally the best fucking thing ever
Far from it, and it's sad to think that you believe this.
Do me a favor and explain why women are not worth it and not needed since "sex" is so bad
>Triggered faggot
I fucking hate everything about the girls wetness drying on my dick after we are done fucking. I don't even like the sex part, i just use it as an excuse to do drugs and be drunk at this point.
This is stupid.
Girlfriends are a big meme, unironically
Sure it feels great during the time your with them because its basically like doing drugs and being out of your mind.
But as soon as you break up and reel yourself back in, you see how big of a waste it all was, and that you wouldve been better off alone
Nice attempt.
Most girls think the same of dicks.
>dicks are gross and ugly, but I want to put them in my mouth and inside my vagina, not look at it.
Heard it from some thot at uni.
just kill yourself or something, fucking waste of oxygen
Its okay to be gay, especially now
We're biologically programmed to think this. Get your test checked.
This was me back with my first gf. Eventually you smell/see/taste it enough while fucking that everything gets associated with how good it feels and you start loving it. Would discourage you from giving up on it after the first shot user
Sex is mostly mental. I have had problems with erections too and its because dead fish or incredibly gross women just dont get me hard.
And sadly thats all I can get.
Being this irate on a chan board.
Imagine that feelings you sometimes get after you masturbate where you realize what a waste of time it was to just sit there touching your dick when you could have been doing something that was a better use of your time. Now imagine that instead of being able to get it out of your system and move on, you're stuck with a boring person who just wants to waste even more of your time.
Off yourself
>Implying theres only 1 type of pussy
Bitch, pussies vary heavily just like dicks, OP might have gotten the female version of a micropenis for all I know. I had some nasty ones, but I also had some fresh as fuck, succulent pink pussies I could eat out for days.
Losing my virginity might have been the final nail in the coffin to make me convert to Islam
I'm not triggered, I only use the free to speech that doesn't allow me to have most sites on the internet.
if something displeases me or I find it wrong under my ethics, I will not contain my disagreement and desire to see that person dead.
>i make no attempt to think or feel beyond my biological programming
ooga booga
I have had many opportunities for gayness and it does not appeal to me. But then again girls don't really appeal to me either so wtf do i know. Girls look cute and smell nice but fucking them is just repetitive and lackluster.
There is literally nothing that makes fucking a girl worth exerting more effort than you would jerking off unless you are in love or want kids.
It's like that scene from Alien, when they discover the eggs, and instead of just peeking inside, he eagerly sticks his dick into it.
I understand that but I am a virgin
My coworkers have made comments about this. I have been gaslighted by this when they talk to me or in front of me they say words that sound just like virgin virgin virgin and they keep saying those words to me. It's meant to destroy me and get in my head
Now second question
If women are so bad than why does everyone want them? What is wrong with me that I cant even get one. It seems all women just play mind games with me and throw weird body language at me. Even worse I gave up on women a long time ago and solely focused on my career and training/studying
That was my life for many years and I climbed to a very very high position in government
Guess what everyone usually just treats me like shit until I snap and lose everything
I am lost when it comes to women but i do pass shit tests I understand why people do this shit
god almighty fucking this, thankfully i've stopped caring about being rude and just kick them out right after
Same here. The only porn I consume is anal but I'm strictly PIV+BJ IRL.
This new generation of women is pathetic and it’s my generation. 75% can’t cook, can’t fuck, can’t suck and if they can suck it’s because they’ve gone through a snow storm of cocks
>being this gay
lel, leave thread bruh, you might get heart attack from hearing about how good pussy is
But why are you here, though? Baby vagina is what made this board. Ah the days of sweet baby vagina...
But what about society and men/women putting down men who are monk mode and only focused on career and personal growth
Why do they make fun?
Sex is overrated. Having a Gf is overrated as well.
Only women and manchildren think it the best thing ever.
If you really feel like a loser for being a virgin, just go the religious way and tell them you believe in no sex untill marriage. If you look too desperate they will laugh at you, and confidence is key to everything.
Having a gf is fine but only if you actually want to have children with her, otherwise is just a big loss of time you could be using more productively (Same as being here in Jow Forums)
>me thinking about pussy mmm pussey good to me
>There is literally nothing that makes fucking a girl worth exerting more effort than you would jerking off unless you are in love or want kids.
This is the literal incel mentality
You either the guy sitting at home fapping to the girl, or the guy that's at her home and fucking the girl
I know which one id rather prefer, and obviously you do too
It's biological programming. Somehow all your ancestors fucked up and had sex, while the winners died out after having lived full lives, and so the loser in you will instinctually seek out vagina to mate with ...only maybe your ancestors didn't actually SEE the vagina before they mated.
>When virgins try to talk about pussy
>But then again girls don't really appeal to me either so wtf do i know.
There is no reason why you have to be in a sexual relationship. Just focus on yourself.
It's an aquired taste
Funny, its what made me realize Hitler was right.
Neck yourself.
>Fucking a girl I truly care about
>Literally the slightest thing even resembling productivity
>tinder/bar hookups
That is my order, but then again I slapped a girl in the face with my cocaine covered dick not even a week ago and was out driving last night drunk and high on amphetamines and didn't get home til 11AM and fucked 3 tinder girls. I don't know if i'm an incel, but I do know I am someone that hates themself and wishes they would hit a tree already.
that's what unironically got me laid
I see, now you sound like a mentally challenged incel
Stay safe bruh
>losing my virginity is what got me laid
Successful troll is super effective.
no, larping as a NAZI
Post of the hour
Sex is about conquest. Your low test self will never understand what it's like to make a 1000 year old woman feel things weaker mortals were never able too.
>Stay safe bruh
It's only march and i've already buried my dad and my best friend this year. I'm not handling it well i guess and am trying to become everything I ever hated. Which is apparently a 30yr old who fucks 18-20yr old arthoe girls whenever he isn't sprawled out on the floor drifting in and out of black outs and cardiac ischemia.
why do you care so much about what "society" thinks of you? literally nobody gives a shit what you do in your life. nobody. virgin? ultra chad? alcoholic? nobody cares. youre projecting so fucking hard and its depressing
For real.
Mmm yeah gettin that good white girl pussy
Once had a stripped try to fuck me just because I was a virgin. I didn't because I didnt wanna get actual AIDS the first time I fucked.
Dios mio la goblina del 56%
Hope you get caught and skinned alive you fucking degenerate
It's the one thing I cant achieve in life and its driving me nuts. I have tried so many times I am ready to give up again and focus on my career as a sexless slave to the corporate world but at least I'll be bringing in 200k+ which in my state is way more than I'll ever need
This thread is great.
People should pedo-larp more often. It's like sunlight to the nazis.
A pedo is just like any cook, they both want the freshest of meat.
>Your low test self will never understand what it's like to make a 1000 year old woman feel things weaker mortals were never able too.
Last time I had sex was a couple weeks ago with some 50 year old hag. I was surpirsed her loose vagina still could get wet. Her legs and pelvic muscles getting stiffer as I rammed her until all of her body relaxed and dropped on the bed is still ingrained in my mind. Her vagina was smelly and tasted like rotten fish. After that I realized I could have been working out instead of wasting 4 hours with the old thwat.
I swear, retards fall for it everytime
It's like LARPing as a nazi in normal sites.
>watching porn
shoulda went to the gym and had a post workout fap tbqh u disgusting old lady fucker
I don't really like piv anymore, I burned out.
I really like eating pussy though, the taste is really erotic and most women prefer good head over penetration anyway.
A good blowjob is still great tho.
This position is unironically the only way to make a woman cum in 2019. They are too desensitized to everything else.
What city do you live in?
who cares about them? choking and beating them is one of the few outlets i have for stress anymore, i ain't even tryin to cum
Its actually worse than what I wrote here. In the Jow Forums archive you can find the first 2 times I fucked her its gross and I feel like shit every single time.
But at least I am no longer on porn+fap.
>who cares about them?
That post was a joke about women being unable to derive pleasure from normal sex anymore because of constant railings. A light jab at the rampant hypergamy in western society, you see. I'm sorry you are too stupid to see a post about women cumming without having a psychopathic meltdown.
Oh no.. Jow Forums has turned you gay
stick your weener in the vagoo next time before you decide to become a faggit
men aren't even deriving joy from normal sex anymore given all the ED threads on here.
unironically an argument for pedo relationships as a strategy to save women from society.
>women are never satisfied with sex, always ready to move on to a new dick
>men are never satisfied with sex, always nervous about losing access to pussy
The absolute state of modern society.
Only time i find a vagina beautiful looking, is when they are in the doggy style position.
I always feel bad for girls who get fat and none of it gets distributed to their tits