Ive been thinking about using modafinil because im struggling to keep atop of everything at once...

Ive been thinking about using modafinil because im struggling to keep atop of everything at once. Does anyone have any experience with this? A fair amount of my friends are using it to help them with their studies but does it really work? Been reading a lot and some people claim it to be a miracle drugs and some say its a hoax , what do yall think?

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Sure user go ahead and take addictive drugs instead of actually working out your problems :)

If you need drugs to successfully complete normal daily activities then you should probably just end it

Do you take caffeine?

effects are very mild. just drink coffee

I dont think its addictive and its not about working out my problems theres just too much to do at the moment
again not for normal daily activities theres alot happening right now Uni deadlines, Extra hours at part time job and some other things just a busy part of the year

Modafinil is fine. Not addictive. But the behavior anons are right. You are overloading yourself. No amount of drugs can repair the damage to your spirit and constitution that abusing yourself needlessly does. Adjust your priorities.

It's adderall without the caffeine-like jitter. It will dehydrate you and you'll still feel kind of like 'buzzing'. But you will for sure not fall asleep and will be thinking quite clear if your brain is fogged.

Not worth at all?

how the fuck would a drug give you more time in a day? if you have too much to do, stop taking on so much jesus

I'm doing a placement for my degree, organising my wedding, training, working on assignments for this semester and working from home so i have some income while I'm on placement.

That's life mate. You can either learn to handle it now or you can end up having a breakdown in 5 years or so.

No its a meme. Cunts watch limitless and now think their Bradley Cooper when they take it, it doesn't do anything more than keep you awake it's narcolepsy medication ffs.....You'll get the same effects for coffee.

I guess you arent wrong here but im not sure where id start
was more hoping it would make me more efficient and help me feel less tired
I dont want to be make this into some sort of my lifes harder then yours competition , my placement is next year and im sorting it out now, have to fly abroad next week for my dads funeral and ive got a bunch of assignments to do just looking to get through this and then id stop

If you already have a source just try it ffs. It's fairly harmless and at most might give you a headache. What the fuck are you expecting from this thread?

i stayed up for 48 hours and didnt even feel tired on it. i only went to sleep because i remembered that i had to

>addictive drugs.
What are you? 12 years old?

modafinil will just keep you awake it wont help you focus on doing a task or enjoying the task even. I wouldn't personally but stimulants are what do that such as really anything somebody with ADHD takes. You see a lot of university students abuse those meds but they wont admit they do.

Real user here
I use it 2 times a week or so to study. It allows me to focus enough to study for like 8 hours straight, but if I do multiple things (work, gym, study) the effect seems to diminish. Seems better for doing just one thing and doing it really focused and for a long time.
Almost impossible to die (you’d need 370+ pills)
Addictive? Possibly, but only as addictive as preworkout in my estimation.
Healthier than Ritalin and adderal bc they work off of amphetamines whereas modafinil just strengthens your dopamine receptors.
If I take after 7am I won’t sleep that night so I take at like 5am.
Tolerance builds for sure so you’d need to cycle, take time off, and only use when you really need to with as much time between uses as possible.


nah i dont even feel focused on mods at all


it makes me feel like my spleen is about to explode if I go for a run

in my experiences I get a lot of fucking anxiety on modafinil but if im honest everything gives me anxiety

I found that if I take it with some theanine, it would feel like ritalin but better. desu tho the effect isnt consistent but nothing is consistent with me
anyone else has this problem? drugs never being consistent I mean (ive done everything at least twice)

every brain chemistry is unique. it makes some people super human and others are completely unaffected.

Its honestly pretty shit from when I took it. I was taking 200mg about twice a week, with and without coffee. It really doesn't do much except keep you wide awake. Make sure you only take it early in the morning (like 8am latest) if you want to sleep that night.