Does anyone else get annoyed at how diet is far more important for aesthetics than routine?

Does anyone else get annoyed at how diet is far more important for aesthetics than routine?

I looked 10x more aesthetic when all I did was super low volume super minimalist routine on an Upper/Lower routine just doing 5 exercises (Bench, Weighted Chinups, RDLs, Front Squats and Lateral raises) because I hovered around 7-10% bodyfat.

Then I started doing bodybuilding focused training, fuck load of training, fuck load more time in the gym, fuck load more volume, but I did a free for all on diet, stop tracking calories, just ate whatever I want and I ended up at above 20% bodyfat and looking like a fat couch potato now despite putting 10x more effort in the gym.

I’ve come to the conclusion that aesthetics is all on your bodyfat percentage and keeping it low by keeping track of calories year round. Extra volume amounts to negligible gains even when you’re feeding with plenty of calories to grow, you just get fat.

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eh I train every day and do a lot of cardio mainly so I can afford to eat the way I want all the time. Has a pretty pronounced effect on my mood and hormones so I don't feel like it's time wasted.

its not a trap
i didnt know that

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I guess what I’m saying is that to me aesthetics just feels like a game of chronic dieting far more than a game of lifting weights.

It’s something I’ve had to accept to be aesthetic. Anytime I’ve gone off the path of chronic dieting my aesthetics have left me, and they only return when diet is on point, no slipping up allowed. It’s fucking annoying but I guess this is what having a average metabolism is like. I wonder if there is such thing as a Chad metabolism where the Chad doesn’t have to chronically diet like me, or if he’s just better at hiding his dieting behaviour behind closed doors:

Aesthetics =/= being healthy

>stop tracking calories
>just ate whatever I want
>looking like a fat couch potato

die is the name of the game.


well if you put on more lean mass it takes more calories to maintain it. So you can in effect eat more and it has less of an effect.

I felt 10x more healthier at 7-10% bodyfat range than I do now at 18-22% bodyfat range. It wasn’t just a looks thing. My mood was better, sleep was better, breathing was better, exercise felt better, felt happier overall, my life long asthma symptoms faded to their lowest levels, waking up was easier, people treated me better. So yeah I’m pretty sure holding 10-15% less bodyfat outweighs the negatives a eating a lower calorie diet where I might miss some micronutrients here and there.

The difference is tiny bro. It’s maybe 300-400 calories even when you’ve maxed out your natty limit. 2000 calories vs 2300-2400 isn’t that much of a difference.

no doubt. If you were lower body fat and less obese, had better lifestyle habits and felt better, then you were healthier. If you aesthetically looked better, that is a bonus. What I meant to say is being swole and pumping iron as a body builder doesn't make you healthy.


You had me until the end there
>extra volume you just get fat
Only if you bulk like a retard (which you did).
Aesthetics is mostly about diet, but if you eat like shit you’ll look like shit regardless of your exercise. Don’t be a dumbass user, Jesus Christ

it is at the end of a week. You get to eat like a whole extra days worth. Also you have the energy expended in the gym adding to your tdee.

you post this image again, yet no source, i responded last time but u didnt give one so fuck ur question

>you post this image again, yet no source, i responded last time but u didnt give one so fuck ur question
Because ur a massive fagget

nah you were right first time holmes

>being fat makes you feel bad
Discovery of the fucking century right here m8, want a nobel prize for that?

>natty limit
>2300-2400 Calories
I guess, if you're a fucking dwarf. I'm only on my third month of SS, no where near my limit, and I need 2700 C just to maintain my current weight.


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>I wonder if there is such thing as a Chad metabolism where the Chad doesn’t have to chronically diet like me, or if he’s just better at hiding his dieting behaviour behind closed doors.
I strongly suspect that most lean people are very careful about what they eat but try to act like they aren't. Same way everyone pretends they don't use steroids. Keep the whiners off your back ('that's unhealthy, let me drag you down to my level'), pretend you have great genetics, piss off fatties, discourage the competition from learning effective strategies.

I think you're right. Lots of guys with ripped 8pack abs upload pics of themselves eating pizza to Instagram just to fuck with people. But then, there's also guys who really are eating 8,000 calories a day of junk food and staying under 10 percent bodyfat.

Check this out. It's pretty interesting.

"Through Facebook, in the Summer of 2005, I became friends with a kid that went on to become "Mr. Tampa". He was my very first friend at the University of Florida and we are still tight today. He said he was 21 years old, 6-0 235 lbs at 8% bodyfat. When I finally met him in the Fall, he turned out to be 6-0 250 lbs at 7% bodyfat. Arms were 20.5".
A real fucking freakshow.

Jesus Christ.He told me, much to my surprise, that his diet consisted of multiple trips to McDonalds (or Burger King, Chick-Fil-a, Taco Bell, etc.) for literally ALL his meals.
He wasn't joking either. Multiple times a day, he would gulp down 128 oz sodas full of high-fructose corn syrup to wash down 2500-3000 calories of burgers, fries and apple pies. When I saw this, I couldn't believe what the fuck I was seeing. I had to figure out how he was doing it.

Most people would be morbidly obese if they followed that diet for 9 days. The experts on bodybuilding forums told me the real hardcore guys ate chicken and brown rice for every meal, what the hell was going on? How was he eating so much fast food and staying so lean?

Over the next few years, I would learn a lot of his secrets, secrets that you absolutely cannot find on public bodybuilding forums, secrets that most people simply would not believe. This was the craziest one. After I figured out the secret, I felt like I was part of a secret superhuman society. (AASB - the alliance of anti-social bodybuilders!)

I started cheating the system too."

Congrats OP you finally learned the actual redpill on aesthetics instead of being the average retard on this board who actually believes that it makes a difference whether you run a split or a strength routine in your first six months. You can leave Jow Forums now and never look back to this shithole

There are no fucking super genetics or secret techniques you retards, those guys are all roiding and taking shit like clen or DNP to stay lean year round. Stop being so ignorant and gullible for fucks sake

You're a fucking idiot. I literally just posted a link to an article about how the secret to staying lean is to take steroids and T3 year round, then you make this comment saying "Stop being so gullible and ignorant, they're all on roids and clen or DNP!" No shit, you fucking moron. Learn to read.

Be careful on the SS bro, I did it for 3 years got stronger for sure but got fat. Just a warning you do you bro.

From 175lbs to 215lbs 3 years SS

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>from otter mode to Blaha mode

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you went to literally awesome body to fat fuck.

topkek, imagine training for strength in

>training for strength means you have to be fat

Why do people spread this meme?

don't have to, but it's usually the case
just take a look at all the powershitters on and outside of this board

FYI: People tend to go on SEEFOOD diets because they just want to eat everything, then they pass blame aside to "I was just powerlifting bro haha".

You have to be lean to be competitive to begin with, aside from those in the non-weight categories.

Lol pretty much don't let it happen to you. Benching 3 plates is cool but abs are cooler

No, but I get annoyed at how some discord trannies think they can shit up and take over Jow Forums. Get off my board and take your trap garbage pics with you faggot.

that is not a trap if you bothered to google a tiny bit

>I looked 10x more aesthetic when all I did was super low volume super minimalist routine on an Upper/Lower routine just doing 5 exercises (Bench, Weighted Chinups, RDLs, Front Squats and Lateral raises) because I hovered around 7-10% bodyfat.
>Then I started doing bodybuilding focused training, fuck load of training, fuck load more time in the gym, fuck load more volume, but I did a free for all on diet, stop tracking calories, just ate whatever I want and I ended up at above 20% bodyfat and looking like a fat couch potato now despite putting 10x more effort in the gym.

theres a clue in here, but apparently you were too dumb to get the very obvious

Stop posting pornography, fag.

When moving heavier weights is all you care about the pounds sneak up on you


kill yourself

Here's the thing, man. Dieting can be enjoyable. When it comes down to it "diet" just means what you fuel your body with. Most people think it means torturing yourself by eating low calorie and a lot of salad for a certain period of time. But the truth is is that it's about what you put in your body everyday 24/7 365.

You don't even have to worry about it if you find the foods that work for your body. If you learn to eat tasty food that is also clean and good for you then you'll maintain a low bf%.

For example, meat (if you're vegan, I'm sorry). Protein and fat are good for you and you can grill it or spice it and make it taste really fucking good.

Eat some bananas. They're cheap, clean, easy, and they won't turn you into a fat fuck. Also, they taste pretty fucking good. Other fruits are great snacks.

Do you hate veggies? Load your broccoli up with butter and salt and pepper, maybe even throw a little cheese in there.

Learn to cook, learn to love healthy food, and your body will adjust and you will be full and happy. Just don't eat Doritos and Skittles dude. You can do better.

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