I think you're right. Lots of guys with ripped 8pack abs upload pics of themselves eating pizza to Instagram just to fuck with people. But then, there's also guys who really are eating 8,000 calories a day of junk food and staying under 10 percent bodyfat.
Check this out. It's pretty interesting.
"Through Facebook, in the Summer of 2005, I became friends with a kid that went on to become "Mr. Tampa". He was my very first friend at the University of Florida and we are still tight today. He said he was 21 years old, 6-0 235 lbs at 8% bodyfat. When I finally met him in the Fall, he turned out to be 6-0 250 lbs at 7% bodyfat. Arms were 20.5".
A real fucking freakshow.
Jesus Christ.He told me, much to my surprise, that his diet consisted of multiple trips to McDonalds (or Burger King, Chick-Fil-a, Taco Bell, etc.) for literally ALL his meals.
He wasn't joking either. Multiple times a day, he would gulp down 128 oz sodas full of high-fructose corn syrup to wash down 2500-3000 calories of burgers, fries and apple pies. When I saw this, I couldn't believe what the fuck I was seeing. I had to figure out how he was doing it.
Most people would be morbidly obese if they followed that diet for 9 days. The experts on bodybuilding forums told me the real hardcore guys ate chicken and brown rice for every meal, what the hell was going on? How was he eating so much fast food and staying so lean?
Over the next few years, I would learn a lot of his secrets, secrets that you absolutely cannot find on public bodybuilding forums, secrets that most people simply would not believe. This was the craziest one. After I figured out the secret, I felt like I was part of a secret superhuman society. (AASB - the alliance of anti-social bodybuilders!)
I started cheating the system too."