>getting Jow Forums will cure your depre-
>getting Jow Forums will cure your depre-
Women commit suicide for attention, not depression. Sometimes they're more successful than they mean to be.
I don't think anyone said it would cure it, but it certainly helps.
>US "Olympic medalist"
Thats a nice way to say not coming 1st. I'd an hero as well if I didn't win gold.
she looks hot desu, not for long tho
get it haha she is dead lol hahahhaha get rekt bitch
Based haha poster
We all know why he did it.
Did you win any gold at the Olympics?
Her sister went on reddit and said that getting a concussion fucked up her brain.
It's this.
Take care of your brain bros.
its a girl
i wouldnt have the balls to kill myself, i'm too worried about what other people think
lets see the medal then
Only Greeks are allowed to compete in the Olympics.
Get what deserve.
Long story short I spent 29 days in a coma when I was 18. It’s what motivated me to start lifting, I don’t even want to kill myself but ever since my traumatic brain injury I do think about suicide almost daily and dying just doesn’t seem like a big deal anymore. I’m much more wreckless and I drink more booze and whatever other drugs are around, but I diet and lift weights like it’s my job.
WTF causes this?
if she is actually dead then we can be pretty sure she was depressed, mastermind
the joke went straight over your head you dumb faggot
that wasn't even a joke, just you being a retard
it was a woman you retard
Alright fellas, how'd she do it?
Hello disgusting manlets. When are you finally roping?
Traumatic brain injury
The sister said that she OD'ed on helium gas in her room.
>Sometimes they're more successful than they mean to be.
Read before you reply
Concussions are no joke. I’m a 21 year old dude and I’ve had 5, can’t wait to see what my future holds.
>sucking some toasted roastie's clit
Coping won't change the fact that she didn't win the gold.
Do you have an abusive dad who used to smack you on the head or what?
BBC could have saved her.
Nah, sports and a car accident.
I’ve definitely been very depressed after a concussion I had a few years ago.
Took months to feel normal. I hope it healed properly but you never know when these feelings creep up again.
lmao cardio fags btfo once again
Smart grill. She must've lurked a couple of subreddits or something to find out about probably the most peaceful way to kick it.
I thought the person was a transgender faggot. Legit thought she was a boy who became a girl.
Ugly as fuck
Here's a link which shows deleted comments.
It won't cure you from being a woman
lmao leddit never fails to amuse me with how pathetic they are
user clearly doesn't give a shit about getting a gold medal himself but for an Olympian it is literally their entire life and to fail is absolutely crushing for some.
>for an Olympian it is literally their entire life and to fail is absolutely crushing for some
Maybe for some really promising athlete that was likely to win gold in the first place but for most athletes even making it to the olympics is a huge success.
Well it sure cures you as `being` at least.
Why does /fit get closer to /r9k everyday?
Now THAT'S autism.
>women attempt suicide at a much higher rate than men
>men actually commit suicide more often than women
Look up the numbers if you don't believe it
>gets called out for being a retard
Can you stop being a faggot for just 5 minutes?
>Be 23
>Look like you're 12
I would do it too desu
She looked like a boy.
muh first place only
you must have a shit dad
everyone is just fleshly meat bags. if you drop some food on the ground its gonna get crushed well so is your body and you have to live with it forever
moral of the story dont do risky shit for free
not nude
shitty anglo pic
You can't cure depression if you don't want it cured. Most of you know this and still choose to wallow in your own sadness.
She was part of Olympic team so she was probably on gear. Maybe that was one of the reasons for suicide
>Unlike the other races, which were generally run in the nude, the hoplitodromos required competitors to run wearing the helmet and greaves of the hoplite infantryman from which the race took its name.
>two first names
>23 year old with so much wealth and resources they can literally practice riding a bike constantly
Nothing of value was lost
Can you stop being a manl-
Shit, im sorry
Living with the shame of secretly doping
> probably will make you depro
Incels should commit more suicide desu.
here's your (you) queer
kinds looks like jay cutler desu
>was 5'6 and ugly
Oh user...
She was actually in a bad accident at our training facility got a concussion and took out a few other Olympic hopefuls probably ruining their careers of course she was depressed she fucking ruined peoples lives.
Imagine walking in on someone killing themself with helium and they look up and start having a full meltdown sounding like a chipmunk.
okay, this is epic
>cardio sport
Reminder that cardio has an mdma like effect on the body and all cardio obsessed people are the same as drug addicted ravers.
Sounds like a normal high test dude to me.
If you ain't first, you're last.
Funny, my concussions just made me like eating ass. I also have stopped getting concussions since I became a bloatlord.
Imagine being mistaken for a guy
We all know why she did it
>Yeah it's probably better not having this info out there. Like you should delete your comment or at least edit it in some way.
Lmao what a faggot
>>getting Jow Forums will cure your depre-
Yeah but it clearly makes you smart, she chose a chad way to off herself