Digestive health

What should I eat to build muscle if my intestines are particularly sensitive? What should I avoid?
I'm looking for foods that are easy to digest but still give me the macros I need, especially protein.
Also, is it safe to eat vegetables despite the fiber?

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Fiber is good for you. You should eat it.

How do I avoid bloating though?


Any good vegetables?
I'm also looking for good sources of protein, because eggs and milk literally fuck my shit up and I can't just eat chicken all the time

eliminate FODMAPS, try out TVP or tofu for protein, bulk with white rice and potatoes, most veggies are fine good luck
and go vegan it works for some especially if you have bile acid malabsorption

When I stopped eating a lot of bread and plants and shifted my main intake to mostly animal products my shits came very confortable and easy.

>TVP or tofu
Will that be enough? I need 200g per day, and whey probably isn't great for GI issues.
Thanks for the advice.
I stopped eating white bread completely but I still get bloating and a lot of gas

From someone who has suffered with digestive issues for years, the best thing you can do for your gut is IF/extended fasts and carnivore diet.

I eat beef, pork, fish, eggs, shellfish, cheese, butter and yogurt
some tomato, lettuce, cucumber and bell pepper
and I'm no longer bloated and my stomach feels smooth.
Focus on high vitamin foods like liver and shellfish and get rid of fiber and carbs

Shit advise. Most likley will make your GI tract more sensitive, damage it and that could lead to mental issues like depression, anxiety and insomnia.

Based. Nutrient dense animal based foods with minimal plant foods sprinkled on for taste.

I personally eat low carb(30-80 grams per day), but I occasianlly have high carb days(1x-2x a week), good for metobolism,mood(seretonin production in the gut) and may help performance in the gym.
IMHO carbs have some uses, but are shit for gut health and most caucasians should use them sparingly.

Start slow and see how your gut reacts, 100g of tvp has 50g of protein, eat 4-6 meals and spread it out, it's dirty cheap too and has no fat. Don't take any protein powders, in my experience even vegan ones cause issues.
If you are in so fucked up irreversable state and are ready to die at 40 from heart disease or something worse related to low carb diet be my guest. I've been researching GI disorders for few years now and everyone who has gone zero carb/carnivore lives a really shitty life full of health issues. Don't fall for the studies that show people who lose weight thanks to zerocarb and get healthier, it's a downfall from there. Most people who stick to regular low fodmap diet and stress less live happier and longer lives.

You're fucking evil

>depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Now that you mention it, I think my digestive health has an effect on my mood in general, I frequently feel down and stressed out. Are there foods that are beneficial to the gut-brain axis?

Don't know if "beneficial" but you can improve/adjust your gut flora with
Fermented foods (Kimchi, sauerkraut, natto, kefir, kombucha, high meat, fermented fish), and raw milk

HOLY FUCKING SHIT stop this, this is a big meme op don't listen to this guy, fucking fermented foods won't do shit, eliminating problem foods will help and eating beneficial fiber that doesn't bother him will help. It's not so simple to answer to the question "Are there foods that are beneficial to the gut-brain axis?" as we still haven't figured this shit out, what we do know is that in healthy individuals fiber from whole plant foods is the most beneficial, but that's not the case for you. And don't listen to this kind of advice, fermented foods and raw milk won't do shit it's just a meme started long ago and now every granny that visits google and obscure forums thinks that's the answer and that she has candida. Go see a doctor and nutritionist, don't take bullshit pills unless absolutely neccessary, follow low fodmap diet and do an elimination diet.

>follow low fodmap diet and do an elimination diet
This is the only useful thing you said
The rest was autistic screeching about claims never made in this thread

Are you retarded?

Write another wall of text for me you sperg

>Muh carnivore diet is best because yes
At least I have something to write about

Fiber is good for you, however you need to build up the amount you eat so that your microbiome can adapt.

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What's the issue you've had with your digestive tract? Look up Anthony Williams, if you like what you hear try out some celery juice on empty stomach in the morning.

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I'm not a carnivore.
Why would I suggest fermented cabbage, other vegetables and milk?

Take probiotics for a start. That can help with your digestion.
Also it is possible that you suffer from leaky gut syndrome, where you're the membrane in your digestive tract gets damaged enough it lets things into your problems stream that shouldn't be there which can cause inflammation and mood issues.
Take l-glutamin to support your gut lining.

Also you just need to test out what puts stress on your own gut. People react very differently to things.
A couple of things that affect everybody's digestive system negatively:
>tons of supplements
>eating right before you sleep

Maybe look into whether you could have lactose or gluten intolerance as well.

yeah, raw milk raw honey raw meat. Probiotics are a meme though

I had debilitating stomach issues for a long time. Completely eliminated dairy and wheat and cut back on eggs and now I can live a somewhat normal life