Post Quads, Weight and Squat 1RM
Pic related is mine
>71kg bodyweight
>120kg squat

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120kg? Who you trying to fool with those pathetic skinny fat legs?

Post legs

im 5'10 manlet, and all my fat distributes to my lower body, so i have really good abs but very thick/chubbier legs, but i don't really mind.

Yeah my squat is alright, ive only been lifting for a year though, so i can improve it easily this year

just wondering, after what time did u hit 2 plates squat? also, deadlift?

>190kg squat

pls no bully

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You aren't 5'10, nor do you have good abs.

I can tell you're weak based off of the flooring

looking thicc solid and tight

170kg for 5

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I can tell you're fat based on your autism

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is your left leg faster than your right

No homo bros

160kg for 6 reps yesterday

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Different angle

Please say something nice

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For 1 i probably hit a 2 plate squat around september time, and now i can do 105 for 5 pretty comfortably, i am making steady progress,

my deadlift is 135 for 1, just shy from 3pl8

Ok brah,
Show me your quads and abs

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lmao is this a joke

nice calves


>really good abs


fucking kek
you've got reverse body dysmorphia

I've never seen such nasty acne on a 12 year old dyel

>the only faggots who are posting are ones with fat legs and zero definition
as usual

the natural pinnacle of human development and perfection

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get a load of this shit looking faggot lol

>doesn't post his own legs
really makes you think

>posting out of shape quads instead of working out
never gonna make it

Make an effort, seriously.

They're 28" and 550 squat 1rm

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Nah they shit I just have my socks up high :C


>Drooping quads
>Thick even near the knee


>doesn't post pic
chicken legs detected

same cope every single time

literally not a fucking single dent in the leg, smooth all over despite flexing and you faggots post this shit with no shame

t. small legs and smaller squat

Cope harder dyel fat shit. I just can't imagine how fucking small you are if you seriously think that any of those posts i quoted are big

those are the only decent one posted and you can actually see the muscle. 30% body fat on your tigh is not muscle


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so now you are trying to tell me you are the only one with decent legs but the all other are still as big and muscular as yours? quit larping faggot, i know you are you are the OP

fat bulging quads with tiny undefined calves looks terrible. do some explosive work you stupid fat fucks. my glorious long legs rife with definition makes panties wet. the whole point of lifting is to convey athleticism

I'm not saying they're as big as mine, I'm saying that you have small legs and a smaller squat, and that's obviously why you haven't posted your legs yet.

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Do you faggots shave your legs? A developed adult man with adequate hormones has hair covering his upper and lower legs. simply as that.

No, my legs are just so big my pants rub my hair away from walking.


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also juicy

way overdeveloped, looks stupid and feminine

okay kiddo

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r/fitness is over there

> I
> D
> D
> O

196 lbs bw
365 lb sq

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those are natty legs

these are not

Yeah man, zinc and vitamin d sure aren't natty.

finally someone with good legs in this thread. My boi pussy is wet.

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cope more fatty

Nah senpai I () am natty. Quads have always been my best feature and hacks and leg extensions were my favorite exercises for years

You shat yourself ?

imagine thinking a 120kg squat is difficult

That’s not even 3 pl8 you dyel

90 kg
140 kg

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your anus is leaking?

Wow you still haven't posted legs my little twig friend

64kg body weight
130kg squat

yes im a manlet

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Want quads? Check these

Send help

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Shit squat leverages.

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you seem to have some growths on your legs sir

Fuck I always hated big legs but they look good af now

I never squat. That's not cum, I don't think. I am a degenerate. These are natty. Hiit/kickbox for an hour 3 times a week, jump rope for an hour on "off" days, and lifting lightly on "off" nights - so I can't give numbers, a ballpark estimate I can guess at is, I could probably squat 50lbs, 100 times, in less than 10 minutes easy. I just don't train for heavy weight :(.

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Disgusting. Leave this board and never come back

1 moderate squat workout is really all you need to gain decent size, not the most optimal growth but still effective, unless you compete I would check with a coach first for the okay to weight train heavy

5’9 172 lbs
Probably around 315, but have been focusing on front squats recently which is at 245

How do I get bigger calves

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Oh just fucking guillotine me with those thighs daddy.
Based impostor.

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>Oh just fucking guillotine me with those thighs daddy.
You mean a triangle?

I think they mean
>pic related

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Yes but with their cocks buried in my throat hnng

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hairy dyel quads coming through

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Should I squat 3 days a week? Should I squat literally every day?

that's literally baby weight no shit his quads are small

literally why would you even post this

forgot to shave inner quads kek. mirin though