I stopped lifting once I got my first girlfriend. I know I shouldn't have...

I stopped lifting once I got my first girlfriend. I know I shouldn't have. She just broke up with me after 3 months of being together and I feel like I'm back to zero. Now I have no muscle and no girl. The worst part is it seems like she instantly went from being so affectionate to cold in a matter of hours.

Anyone ever been in this situation? How do I get the motivation for the gym again? I feel like shit.

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turn the sadness into anger then use it constructively.

Stop looking for external motivation. You've got to want to go because it's the right thing to do. If you really are back to zero then you're gonna have to set goals and work towards them. You let yourself be distracted and now you've got to get yourself back on the path. Remember that failure isn't the end, always get back up for more.

Good luck.

Lols stopping lifting because you get a GF is the dumbest shit I ever heard.

I know but hanging out with her fucked my routine up. I'm an idiot for doing it.

Been there.

You need no motivation, you need no plan, get your ass to the gym.

She cheated on you and probably blamed you because you stopped lifting and looking after yourself which is what she liked about you in the first place.

Get a gym bro. Discipline is a meme, having a bro to support you back into a routine is the best way for max gainz

How does hanging out with a girl fucking up your routine? You dont fucking spend everyday entire day with her?
This is the no.1 guide to fail relationship, just hang with her all the time bro

Never stop doing something for a person. The right person should motivate you, not the opposite. The gym will make you recover fast bro. Time to hit it

Will I ever be able to get over her? I've been thinking about all the things I didn't like about her to make things better but she was my first girlfriend so it's hard. I was addicted to the affection she'd give me and now she thinks I've satan for no reason.

I'm gonna go to the gym right now and train harder than I ever have before

Dont even go to the gym, just find another girl in your life
Once you been with a few girls here and there, you realize most of them can give you the same value as the other one, there is no such thing as "love" and that stupid shit, you either grow into each other or you dont, try find another girl that you can like eventually

Ofcourse you'll get over her, but only once you reach 1/2/3/4

I was seeing a girl for two months. She was never my girlfriend, but when she fucked off for someone else, I just got on with my routine.
It's different for me because I never got attached, but stop being a sad cunt and go be a sick cunt. Put it this way: if you're downtrodden about it, she wins.

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Some people have long relationships with their first partner but just like you some don't. You're not unique, just like them. And they may not move on with the "what ifs" about their first (including me), but they continue with life, just like you will. Whether you wallow in the shit she left behind or you polish yourself into a beautiful specimen is up to you. But do yourself a favour and don't stop exercising ffs.
It's never motivation you need. It's discipline, then forming it into passion.

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i honestly think that is the worst thing you could ever do. when you break up with your gf you obviously felt terrible and had no motivation but you have to get rid of that energy that's bottled inside of you plus you can turn it into a motivator. you will also feel good while working out and when you have a killer-body. it's fine that you quit working out, you cannot do anything about that.

the final pill you have to swallow is that motivation will never (NEVER) get you anywhere with lifting. it is a consistent followed schedule and discipline. i am currently in this situation i guess, i broke up with my gf of 1 1/2 years a month ago, the day i had to say goodbye from her i went to the gym i felt horrible but i still feel horrible but atleast i feel good at the gym.

cmon OP you were with her for 3 months, i was with mine 5 times longer than yours, we're all going to make it no excuses follow what i said and workout starting today/tomorrow

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Been in a similar situation. I guess most of us have to lose everything to realize what we really own in this world.
and your body is one of those things.

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Welcome to real world, now go back to lifting.

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>Will I ever be able to get over her?
Yes. Takes time though. It’s a worn cliche but it’s true: “there are plenty of fish in the sea”.
>I've been thinking about all the things I didn't like about her to make things better but she was my first girlfriend so it's hard.
Yeah, first girlfriend and all, but STOP THINKING ABOUT HER. Focus on what made you happy before her, do those things. Think about what you wanted to do that she didn’t. Now you can do things that she didn’t want you to do. You’re free. Do what you will.
>I was addicted to the affection she'd give me and now she thinks I've satan for no reason
Fuck her! The bitch is worthless if she can’t give you a valid reason for leaving you. Hell, it’s probably something she did anyways.
>I'm gonna go to the gym right now and train harder than I ever have before
Good man. Let your sadness turn to anger, and let that anger fuel your self-improvement.

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When I had my first gf (back when I was a skinnyfat dyel) and we broke up I was in the same boat as you, I eventually got over it once I rationalized the relationship. In my mind, it made more sense to burn bridges with her when it was clear she didn’t want me or a relationship. No point crying over someone who wanted to sleep around and didn’t care what I did. Never lift for a gf, lift for yourself and find a gf who likes you for you.

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Out of everything I've read so far this has stuck with me the most. My body is truly one of the only things that can't be taken from me until I die.

>Will I ever be able to get over her?

If I can get over a girl who I was with for 3 years, you can get over one you were with for 3 months. Give it time, hit the gym, sort out any hurt or anger you feel towards her and you'll barely remember her in a year.

Women have no soul

girls are like that, its scary. Its like they flip a switch and you are worthless to them, they love differently.

Anyways you know what to do. Never let a woman become a main part of your life, have them along for the ride but next time keep focusing on your self. Kinda sad but thats how it is in my experience


they feel guilty about what they did so they try to hide it under a mask of coldness

Three months is nothing, focus on improving yourself. If you're struggling now you'll be much worse when you go through a break-up after five years.

same here

we were seeing each other again for a couple of months after she broke up last year

turns out she fucked another guy because she felt pressured