what 'superfoods' do you eat ? ive been drinking ginger shots and that seems to do wonders
What 'superfoods' do you eat ? ive been drinking ginger shots and that seems to do wonders
Liver, the real superfood
Shots of ginger juice?
Chicken breast
wheatgrass, ashwaganda, maca, mucana dopa, astralagus, ginseng, rhondiola, saffron, shit i can't remember the rest i'd have to get the box
Cod livers, yee yee
Activated almonds
All meme "Swolisitic" medicines
examine.com speaks pretty well for some of them, i'd trust them over broscientists here
You can spend as much money as you want on dumb shit.
Broscientists on fit aren't trying to take your money
they are trying to win arguments online for their epeens though
Post epeen
Psyllium husk fibre
L theanine
Lions mane mushroom
Bacopa moneirri
Maca root
Cocaine powder (epicatechen inhibits myostatin)
Some other stuff I'm forgetting. Pic related is my shitty arm. The mental gains is unreal on this stack tho.
Brap juice
I meant chocolate not cocaine powder kek
>blackstrap molasses (amazing in tea, brushed on veggies, and as a sweetener in baked goods and brotein shakes)
Also mirin
Home grown fruits
Eggs form hens raised at home
Cocoa powder (non-alkalyzed)
Broccoli & cauliflower
Fitpill me on garlic
which animal liver and how to cook it ? I cant seem to get it right and always end up in a disgusting way
Filled with antioxidants
Shit is good man
>Cocaine powder (epicatechen inhibits myostatin)
Did you mean cocoa powder? I'm sure cocaine is useful for some forms of training, but I'd say the downsides outweigh the benefits from a health perspective.
Anyway, my list:
cocoa (as hot chocolate with unsweetened almond milk or sugar-free dark chocolate)
mackerel (protein plus omega-3)
eggs (protein plus healthy cholesterol and micronutrients)
spinach (magnesium, fibre)
mushrooms (protein, micronutrients)
green vegetables in general (fibre)
coconut oil (healthy cholesterol, medium chain triglycerides)
>pills and powders
creatine monohydrate (absolute gold standard supplement)
vitamin D3 (the other supplement I would most strongly recommend)
rice protein (balances out protein profile of legumes)
leucine (amino acid, promotes muscle protein synthesis, prevents muscle breakdown)
HMB (ditto)
beta alanine (amino acid which makes it possible to push workouts a little further)
citrulline malate (ditto)
(I only take one of those last four on any given day, since I suspect that they compete for absorption, making them less effective in combination.)
magnesium malate (electrolyte, important for hormones and immune system)
zinc citrate (ditto)
potassium chloride (low sodium salt, added to food)
melatonin (sleep is important)
Is pate as good as normal liver?
Also, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. I'm not clear on whether it actually has real health benefits, I just like the taste.
Yeah meant cocao powder
Based list tho, consider tumeric and collagen for joint and skin gains.
Half a liter of celery juice on empty stomach in the morning. Makes me feel pretty good. Taste isn't even an issue, it's like slightly salty water.
Has to be very fresh, best taken directly from the source.
I just eat less but healthy. That's all.
L-ascorbic acid powder mega doses, oil pulling, nascent iodine, food grade hydrogen peroxide
Makes my lips go numb
Blended apple seeds. Great source of protein and Omega 3s and a great way to make use of the apple cores after you eat the apple.
Are spinach and kale still considered "Superfoods" by Americans? If so then yes I eat "superfoods".
Nah I think they're just telling you you're retarded
Cuz you are
MSM powder for joint pain, fucking wonderful stuff, takes about a month to kick in though but if you’ve lived with tendinitis for years the wait is well worth it
Is she hot?
It will always taste like shit, that's why you should fry it with a shit ton of onions to mask the taste
Love me some kiwis
Still no clue how you people eat it. Tastes like damp cardboard and has a texture of crushed glass.
Apparently if you soak it in milk for a while it kills the bad flavours or something
>Blended apple seeds
Mmmm cyanide
Absorbs them, more like. Milk tastes disgusting after. A worthy sacrifice though
>someone trying to sell you a product speaks highly of it
>people on Jow Forums who aren’t trying to sell it to you tell you that it’s just a shitty meme product
gee i wonder who is telling the truth
What's a good amount to eat?
I put half a clove in raw tomato soup
Weird. It only very slightly numbs my tounge.