1 week on ZMA/NoFap. Holy fuark

32 yr old single dad here.

Before i was taking just magnesium on it's own and was feeling better but now i combined ZMA with nofap for 1 week

>Waking up motivated and refreshed

>Way more intensity and energy in the gym, sessions feeling much more fruitful and fulfilling like when you first start out

>Gaining strength on a cut

>No interest in looking at porn, getting random boners looking at random women's asses even fat sloppy women.

>Zero approach anxiety. I am approaching women with the confidence of a black man. 2 have provided their whatsapp, 2 more stated they were taken but we could be friends.

>Women who previously ignored ME on the school run are approaching me and being friendly like "morning babe you ok". Boyfriend not with them. I now ignore them back and pretend i can't see them.

>More motivation to cook during the day and for my kids in the evenings. It was previously easier while cutting to just fast for most the day and get some takeout in in evening to fill up my calories. Now i actually got my passion back for preparing better meals.

>Sudden urge to get a job and improve my lifestyle (been on welfare for years)

>All muscle aches and strains, tension around neck,traps and shoulders disappeared.

>Clear glowing skin

>Alpha beard growth. My beard now looks like Tom Hardy's

>All anxiety/tension in body has gone. Some stress is still there but the fatigue associated with it has vaporized

>Long fulfilling sleeps instead of waking up in the night 3 times

>Very clear mind and focus on actually doing something constructive with my life

>More men getting out of my way and apologizing "sorry bro" for the smallest most insignificant things

>More thirst for knowledge and learning/wanting to expand my mind

>Increased interest in Islam and Christianity

The only thing i haven't got is morning wood. I mean i still zero random morning wood.

Why were you saying nofap was a meme? First time i've ever tried it and i feel 10 years younger already.

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Is the nofap meme still going? How long will you dumbasses be fooled by the fitness equivalent of Santa?

Thats right. Be a good goym and watch porn. Preferably with negros.

You sound like the type who takes cold showers.

How did you know that? Last time i took hot shower was ~3 years ago.

What am i experiencing then? Just basic mental and physical health? I mean is this what normal people feel like every day?

Nofap is retarded, but not if you either got a fapping addiction or are low test.

...And you use a safety razor too, don't you?

Nofap is placebo. If spurting out some spunk takes so much energy out of you that you can feel it, then you have other problems to tend to before thinking that it will all be solved by just not cumming.

Although I do agree with refraining from degenerate porn. Softer shit like literotica and loving amateur sex between couples should still be fine.

That's true, too. If you have neither, then nofap won't give you magical powers, though, as many seem to think. These ridiculous chuuni powers that people think they are granted by restraining from release get sillier and sillier as time goes on.

>And you use a safety razor too, don't you?
NOPE. Completely off the mark.

nigga I fap to degenerate porn so I'm gonna try it. I know not fapping is retarded but I just want to stop my porn addiction it fucking scares me desu.

>32 yr old single dad here.
wow bro good job kudos to you. im glad you mentioned this relevant information


No type of porn is fine.

Attached: DzYpSe-XcAIZecW.png (500x405, 239K)

it's obvious people get results and there is evidence but this shit finally proves it
suck in it, trog fappers

Science on what exactly? Not sure if just retard that see a graphs and goes "go science"


>increased interest in Islam and Christianity
It's always the same shit with you losers who believe nofap is the answer to life's problems. It's really all a fucking placebo inside your mind. You believe nofap has some magical effect on you so you start convincing yourself that you're doing something worthwhile. This sparks a chain reaction of proactiveness that makes you seize that momentum and keep going. It's nothing special, people who are healthy, emotionally mature and introspective can do this shit without deluding themselves into thinking it was all because of some magic pill. You literally have the same mindset as fat fucks who go on gimmick diets; you feel great because you think that you suddenly found the cure to life's issues but the moment you stray even a little you'll feel like shit and start again on the path to misery. You clearly lack the maturity and intelligence to realize this, you don't have the discipline to become a better person just because of being yourself so you need the crutch of nofap to cope with your pathetic existence. All of this is compounded by the fact that suddenly you have a growing interest in ancient meme doctrines for uncivilized retards that need something to cling onto to keep them on the good path.

You are NEVER going to have a happy and successful life if you attribute it all to some magic pill. Everything can have its benefits sure, but it all starts from within and the fact that you're already looking for some stupid fucking crutch goes to shiw how weak minded you are. I'm sure you and other fucking loser cucks are gonna attack me and come up with some bullshit "philosophical" reason to justify to yourselves about why you're doing it but in reality you're all parroting a stupid meme that was born out of socially inept and emotionally stunted virgins from r9k and Jow Forums. Unironically I fucking beg you user, don't become the average Jow Forums poster.

I'm not the op here but what you say makes no sense because normies don't fap often at all and neither do Chads and coincidentally these people all have optimal mental health. They are so busy with life and updating all their social media, traveling, that they don't even get time to fap more than once a month.They rarely watch porn either, certainly not addicted to it.

Every person who is motivated, driven and accomplished does not fap or if they do they don't do it more than once or twice a month at most. Women the same. I know women who never watch porn or masturbate at all and they all have high energy and drive and busy social lives.

How can this be all coincidence? The normal people who don't masturbate regularly are motivated, driven, good discipline while the people like incels who fap all the time are mental wrecks.

Fapping is not the cause, it's just a symptom. It's the same as idiots who think their weight issues will be gone forever if they just eat the stupid fucking meme diet that they saw in a magazine instead of actually learning about nutrition which will be the foundation for everything else.

In the case of nofap it's about attacking the root cause of lack of self discipline and a nihilistic view on life. But of course admitting our own faults and actively working every day for months to improve ourselves is too hard, working on our social skills and self confidence also takes a lot of time and it's sn uncomfortable and painful process because we have to get out of our comfort zone and fail over and over again until we truly naturally become Chads that don't give a fuck anymore, and it's also hard to keep a healthy and positive mindset through all that instead of becoming angry and bitter. Instead let's look for the magic pill where just after a couple of weeks we'll suddenly out of nowhere have the answer to life's problems and we'll never have to struggle again no sir it will all be an upwards spiral

Re-read what I posted before. The real psychological reason behind all these supposed amazing improvements all lies within the mentality shift. You believe that nofap is a magic cure, so suddenly you feel motivated to do shit. Once you start acting you get momentum going which drives you further because you feel good about doing something with your life for once. It's not fucking rocket science, but I can ABSOLUTELY assure you that once retarded nofappers show a little bit of weakness when it comes to that crutch, they will fall back to old habits. It's why so much of the population is out of shape and unhealthy; it's much easier to take a crutch that appears to be the root of all their problems (fapping/diet) and then try and attack that with some magic pill (nofap/weight loss supps, meme diets, etc)

(cont'd) than to actually stop for a second and think hard about the actual underlying issues (lack of self discipline and self acceptance / lack of knowledge about nutrition) and then work hard on fixing those root issues. But nah man let's just keep spreading the word about how not busting a nut will somehow fix everything wrong in your life. Let's all fucking pat each other on the back for being the equivalent to new years resolutioners and never actually thinking "hey life is tough and it takes a shitload of effort to make it but god damn I'm gonns give it my all despite my flaws". No sir, let's just attribute all our problems to the porn jew, or the degenerate thots, or the lack of muh christisn values. Never take responsibility for our fuck ups and fix ourselves through dedication, hard work, ethics and overall a burning desire to be s decent human being NOPE, it's all down to this one trick that makes scientists and the illuminati jews hate you.

trips of truth. any benefit of not masturbating is either:
a). placebo
b). derived from exercising will power, i.e. resisting instant gratification

This. Nothing wrong with placebo though, it's one of the strongest (if not the strongest) psychological tricks. If no-fap helps people with their anxiety issues, good for them.

Good for you.
What’s ZMA?

well you're also doing some amount of noporn so you don't have pron in your brain and it doesn't enter your dreams and you don't get morning wood.

Why would anybody even care for morning woods anyway. I think that is a meme if anything.

I'm actually jacking off to this discussion right now.

t. masturbator

Happy Hanukah

Quiet kike

We all know nofap is legit

Day nine nofap + edging (for the added test boost). I feel like I’m on fucking roids

>>Increased interest in Islam

I agree with you, but FUCK THE SCIENCE. We've damaged the value of sensory data. The fact that I and literally everyone who actualy no-faps, feel and appear healthier than when we fapped every day is proof enough. Science will cuck you.

First time I’ve been on the Jow Forums boards in a while so I might be a little out of the loop, but wtf does magnesium have to do with masturbation? I thought that’s what porn stars take to fire off loads like the cock is a dragnov? Does it depress sex drive or something?