Post fit chicks, or Inspiration in general

Post fit chicks, or Inspiration in general

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I'll post a couple from my gay "motivation" folder

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My roid princess

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Why don't bigger MMA fighters do this more often? Getting slammed has got to hurt, octagon or not.

Risky move, expends alot of energy, fighters are skilled enough to not get caught in a position that is vulnerable to a slam 99% of the time. It is cool tho.

No homo I'd fuck this guy's brains out

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This is p nice 2

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based bloatposter

That's pretty homo

Imagine having his genetics but also knowing what you know now.

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I'm about to turn 27 so this resonates right now. I have to look decent by the time I'm 28.

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>post inspo
>post that cheating roidmonkey that claims natty
How about you start first, OP

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Pauline Nordine

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so fucking based

Autumn Cleveland

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Long haired Rose

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Mira Cuckold

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I wish I didn't know exactly what you meant user. I wish..

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I wonder if he knows how big of a meme he is

Because it's really fucking hard. There's literally two Olympic sports built around that, and they're two of the toughest sports (judo and greco roman wrestling). It can also be defended, and it uses a ton of energy.

Didn't he admit he wasn't a natty?

why i lift

Show me the interview


God I wish that were me

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Mattie's the best, worth following on instagram 100%

This guy looked better than arnold

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Alright I'll bite what happened