How'd you sleep last night

How'd you sleep last night

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You couldn't go for one more minute huh? SAD!

lol you're right It would be 1337 then :D

Not ideal but not far off A bit short on deep sleep.

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Also I used one of those and found it super inaccurate. Theres one that's a phone app that works like actual magic. It even records you snoring so it can roast you later. But at that point I figured I was getting too involved with a piqued interest and dropped all tracking.

Also I hate wearing (no offense) a hideous, cheap watch. All the decent ones have battery life so shitty you either get to wear it during the day or only while you sleep

got that same watch but always forget to wear it when I go to bed to check me sleep

took me around 1 hour to go to sleep.
i was remembering a lot of childhood memories and couldn't stop thinking about killing my boss. i was sweating a lot, too anxious, then i started to talk to myself: 'it will be alright user, just go to sleep' 'you know you need your bedtime otherwise you won't function correctly'
eventually i calmed myself down and got my five hours of sleep.

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Nigga you crazy

Which app?

>5 hours sleep

How do you even make gains?

I'm not good at sleep.

For years now, I'll wake up in the middle of the night almost every night. We're talking 2-3 AM. Then it's a dice roll whether I fall asleep easily or turn in my bed for 2-3 hours. And when I sleep through the night I'll awaken at 5 AM, two hours before my clock. I can probably count on my hand the number of time I was surprised by my alarm in 2018. When I'm feeling tired and go to bed early I'll wake at midnight and my night is fucked.


Like fucking shit you absolute moron

Attached: what th fuk.png (500x304, 238K)

Accumulative 3.7 hours across 7 hours. I wake up every half hour or so. I just can't seem to shut off completely and I basically get an entire night of light fitful naps. It's suffering and being tired is basically part of my personality at this point. I just abuse caffeine more than anything.

>abuses caffeine
>waaaah why can't I sleep

Don't forget to turn on good night mode or the screen will bogart your sleep

I haven't been able to sleep worth a fuck in like a month. I've been taking Diphenhydramine HCL sleep aids to get to sleep for years now but now it's not doing much. Started taking some melatonin on top of it. If I'm lucky I'll pass out by 11pm, then ill fucking wake up at like 2 or 3 am. From then on until the time j need to get up it feels like I dont sleep at all, but I'll manage to fall asleep for I swear like 30 minutes at a time. Its making me have suicidal thoughts. I'll even take more melatonin when I wake up the first time and it doesnt help

MotionX-24/7 does what I said but the ui doesnt look familiar to me. This was awhile back

I slept like garbage long before caffeine. Went 3 solid months with no energy boosters over any kind. Should probably do a sleep study honestly.

i honestly don't care about gains anymore. the only thing i'm doing is filling my ass with pre-workouts and going to lift while fantasising about doing some fun stuff with my boss and my dipshit co-workers.
i'm also eating around 1.7-1.8 grams of protein per kg, so even with little sleep i'm still managing to increase the weights in some exercises.
that's what it happens when you raise a spoiled kid and suddenly you send him to work 8 hours a day til saturday.
>man up

when I get worried over some shit I start sweating too.
focus on your breathing, inhale and exhale deeply, try to visualize the air entering your nose and leaving your mouth.
Just focus on something very specific and it goes away, focusing on breathing does it for me

>that's what it happens when you raise a spoiled kid and suddenly you send him to work 8 hours a day til saturday.

Always somebody else to blame. Yep, you're a spoilt cunt alright.

If you take too much melatonin you will wake up middle of the night

Fell asleep at 11:00 and had to be up by 1:20. RIP
I bought this but it's kind of gay because you have to have your eyes open

none. I didn't sleep at all.

Same I work in 2 hours and I have a 9 hour shit

Oh well