Just got dumped by the girl I was prepared to marry

Just got dumped by the girl I was prepared to marry.

What's my routine today?

Pic related its her dog

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fuck it then kill it

kill the dog user god wills it nobody fucks with us

Do your normal workout routine

How about you kys

Fuck off. Cats >>> Dogs

ur a faggot
either kill her or her dog. THE END

Did your gfs dump you because her dog was a better fuck?

Lovely looking dog, adopt it.

Go to the gym and either have a workout focused around squats or diddlys. Lift heavy, take the aggression out then go home and play with the doggo.

looks like a nice looking dog.
do dognapping x F today

>Cats >>> Dogs
How much onions do you drink? Do you share any with your cat?

Dogs are the whole milk of pets bro. Enjoy your S O I.


Imagine being this autistic. Every domestic animal is apex of human arrogance, existing only to please the owner for living.
cats>dogs anyways

The dog is at her parents' house. Otherwise that'd be at least one comfort.

>getting toxoplasmosis and producing gay sons pleases this user

Don’t kill the dog, instead give it something to cause uncontrollable diarrhea for the next week.

A dog can knot and fuck multiple times a day...humans on the other hand are weak

>not being able to fuck multiple times a day

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The sex was great. I got deathgrip dick so I could fuck loads.

She's probably fucked in the head. She's always had abusive relationships, and ours wasn't. I guess she was missing the slaps.

>not beating your girl
It’s like you want to be a beta

I love cats but this is objectively wrong as fuck bro

Every girl wants to be slapped and choked. You’re guaranteed to have a bad sex life if you’re not using MMA-tier moves on her once in a while.

Cool dog. Here’s mine her name is Nova. Also, do legs today.

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t. incel

I am in the bedroom! I think its the fact I dont hit her randomly for questioning me.

I might just post every now and again as I get drunker.

Drunk gym shots anyone?

Don't be that pathetic cunt that gets drunk and crys about his ex online to strangers.

Why not, it's easier to vent out to strangers and they usually give better advice. If a family member says: forget that stupid bitch it will be recieved different than when someone who makes an objective deduction does so.

>Kill the dog
>Eat it

It will fuel your gains.

All animal based protein is good protein.

be nice to dog

did you fuck up or nah

Imagine if she dumped you because she wants to get married and thought you were never going to make the move


The only reason I posted on Jow Forums is because, whenever you post, apart from the virgin auts, you get good objective advice.

She broke up with me because i'm a policeman who works weird shifts.

Die in a fire.

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Are you guys meming or being serious? I’m new to relationships with women and I want mine to last. However, I don’t want to end up in jail or lose my job.

Based Shepherd Chad.

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They're not. Many girls like a bit of rough sex, but definitely not all. You should talk to your gf about her likes and dislikes before you engage in any kinky sex!

Steal her dog. That dog is too good for her.

She's damaged goods then, furthermore you're likely damaged as well. It was destined to end like this from the very beginning.

Work on yourself emotionally and mentally then pray to God the next girl hasn't been so broken yet.

>probably fucked in the head
>going to marry

That's a yikes.

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imagine actually believing this

Guten tag, mein Deutsche Schäferhund brüder.

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My ex of 4 years broke up with me and married a guy she knew for 2 weeks. Don’t be sad brother, you’re not alone in this. It’ll get better with time.

>Shepard mix
Capture and euthanize

Spot the leftist cuck

I have a cat and I still think you should kys.

Don't randomly strike your girl. All it will do is make them terrified of you and it will ruin the relationship and, if long enough, ruin them. At best, on a weak woman, it creates a slave. And that's not a relationship you want. And it still won't last.


Cats are superior in every way

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Your role is to slowly explore and experiment with what she will tolerate. Start with light choking (never actually crush her windpipe) and light slaps that ram up gradually in strength. Be confident and throw her around when you want to move to a new sex position, lead and she will gladly follow. “Girls like being raped, but only when they want to be raped.”