my penis is 9cm long, will lifting do anything? already low body fat
My penis is 9cm long, will lifting do anything? already low body fat
Only thing you can do is go to thailand and fuck some virgin village girls.
well obviously not, but it's better to be big as fuark with a tiny dick than skinny with a tiny dick
sex change mate, i mean at 9cm your cock is basically just a clit anyway
move to asia
This. Your cock falls under "feminine" category. Take the pink pill, OP
>go fuck a girl
>dont take anything off
>bend her over doggy style
>tell her you going in
>take underwear slightly down
>use finger to "bang her" likes its your dick
>move hips so it look natural
>act like you came when you had enough
>fast pull panties up again and chill
i'm sorry op, but it's not over, you never even started, so it was over since you were born, i'm so so sorry
WOW, thats actually retarded, but it could work
holy kek that's like a fucking peanut
>will lifting do anything?
Yes, contribute to the stereotype
i meant lifting as in something to improve my mental anguish over my physical shortcomings. yes ive known for a long time it is over for me, im a 25yo kv. I will be killing myself this year or next depending upon when my money runs out.
10/10 plan will try
You'll do it sooner or later. One night, when the dysphoria is particularly strong, you'll realize you are a man and that you've mutilated your body. At that realization, you'll go swinging from the ceiling. YOU WILL NEVER PASS
Look buddy, there is nothing in the world that could make you cope with the fact that you have a literal fucking micropenis and that you will NEVER be able to please ANY woman that walks this planet, and that your relationships will just be one big misfortune full of letdowns, unsatisfied partners and very possible affairs behind your back.
9cm? So that's like half of regular size? Hmm. Maybe just get a tiny virgin gf?
>penis surgery to make it bigger
okay some serious advice now.
Forget about your small penis and subpar testes. Get aerobically fit and take up some physically active and social hobbies. Swimming, hockey, football, cycling, climbing. Lift, for the enjoyment of it and some gains. Learn to speak another language, learn to play a musical instrument or learn how to code. Make social gains by attending classes or whatever and forcing yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Enjoy life. You never know, you might even find a girl who accepts you for who you are and loves you.
j/k 9cm it's over broseph. an hero lol
Sorry, regular size is like 14-15cm, so you only fall 5-6cm short, thats not something to kill yourself over. Just get a hooker or what i mentioned before. Some of us have alright dicks and still havnt seen action in years, like me.
no way man what the fuck? 9cm? post fucking pic with timestamp or i call bullshit
Baahahahahhaha, with a dick this tiny you're getting cheated on 100% by any woman you meet.
>Implying girls doesn't cheat anyway regardless of dicksize
are you willing to dedicate 2-3 years to improving your stats?
Manually stretch it while flaccid daily for 20-30 mins 5 days on 2 off
buy a bathmate and use it 5 mins a day 5 days on 2 off for a month, next month 10 mins, next month 15 mins then continue with this regime DO NOT EXCEED 15 MINS!!
your dick will feel a little SORE but you shouldn't feel PAIN while doing the exercises if you feel PAIN you need to REST, if you try too hard you can permanently destroy your dick, the dick is tough, it can take a beating but its easy to go too far and hurt yourself.
go to and check out their info and forums for more detailed info, dont fucking clamp or hang weights from your dick, if you have patience and persistence you can add ~2" in length and ~1" in girth in 1 to 3 years
good luck user, you are a man no matter what. the shitposters in this thread are heartless scum.
I'm sorry that you only met used up whores in your life user.
based bathmate shill
>low body fat
Give us a percentage
not a shill doesn't matter if its bathmate or penomet or whatever as long as its reputable and not a shitty off brand a high quality water based pump is much better than air pumps
ill look into it.
large doses of vit d3(50000 IUs) and k2 grows your dick, look into it
The only option is to embrace it completely. Love that little fucker and don't make it a secret either, joke about it. Girls will like you and even have sex with you because you are fun and not ashamed of your dick. As long as your dick is functional you should not worry about it.
Not op but i comitted to smoothing out my foreskin for 6 months back when i was a teenager and i'm so glad i did. So this must be worth it to OP definitely.
I'll even look into this myself. I could always use a few cm's more.
how tf are you still alive? I got 5 3/4" inches and I wanna kms
This. Honestly everyone under 8" should just end themselves immediately. Girls literally won't feel you inside.
either this or angion method+ some stretches.
I'm too much of a pussy to do regular pe since I'm scared of long lasting damage. I did do angion + displacer + fulcrum stretch (all on the same youtube channel if you search for angion) and went from 16x13cm to 17.2x14.5 cm in 40 days. Also sensitivity is much better and erection quality is up.
As a dicklet myself, lifting has only worsened how I feel about it. I would rather people be immediately repulsed by me than give them brief hope and then watch as their face falls in disappointment. As a moderately attractive dicklet, I feel like I am living a lie.
cheers man ill check it out, jelqing and pumping is safe as long as your not stupid with it and take rest days, everything else is pretty fucking dangerous, seen some horrible results from clamping, crazy fuckers doing it so much their dick turns black nope.jpg
Lmao good meme
In others words, COPE
Go through an enlargement surgery.
>i dont have enoguh money
Study, work, invest and get it.