Tfw delicious bacon

>tfw delicious bacon
Keto rocks.

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A lot of you fags misunderstand the keto diet, you bafoons think eat meat yum yum all day HEHEHE xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD MEAT GOOD ME SMART. You brainlets you're supposed to get into a ketogenic state by consuming super fat foods full of nutrients, like nuts and avocados on top of fibre full greans then eat lean meat like fish after you are ketogenic even when you do eat fish you eat really small amounts because too much protein in a keto diet is terrible. Motherfuckers dont know what a keto diet is. Enjoy being a fuck tard OP CYA

jesus christ almighty learn to whitebalance that looks like chicken

>foods full of nutrients
Nice joke.

>on top of fibre full greans then eat lean meat like fish after you are ketogenic even when you do eat fish you eat really small amounts because too much protein in a keto diet is terrible.

Vegans so mad everyone is rediscovering animal products are healthy.

The only bad thing about bacon is most has sugar in it. Nitrites also raise cancer risk but not by too much.

Lmao my guy I've been on and off keto many times, almost always to trim weight for climbing. I'm on it now and I eat bacon almost every day, in addition to nuts veggies etc. Guess what? Still in a ketogenic state. Still losing 1lb/wk. Checkm8 athiests

Just eat less lmao, what's hard about that?

dumb nigger as long as you don't eat any carbs you will go into ketosis

It's not only for cutting and you lose more fat and preserve more muscle mass by being in nutritional ketosis.

>worrying about that as a natty
Lmao, just eat everything in moderation. Shit's not gonna make a difference unless you hop on the gear, all roads lead to Rome.

What the fuck is that bacon

> Consuming processed meat

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Studies have proven the opposite. You preserve more muscle eating carbs. Keto is only good for appetite suppression.

oh no, a 50% increase in a less than 1% chance to get cancer
the horror

Day 6

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Bacon is overrated anyways. Steak & eggs is the patrician’s breakfast.

Retarded boomer, it makes a difference.

Post studies.

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I assume you also have plans for that bacon grease if you're doing keto.

keto is a massive meme anyway
it's a literal mom diet, it's no different to any other stupid fad shit

no serious athlete uses it in competitive season, and its shit for bodybuilding fat loss

Hey, found your pic.

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>t. Vegan shill

t. bloatlord

How is -1lb/wk proof you're in a ketogenic state? You can lose that much on any diet

It isnt proof obviously, the only way to prove it is with a ketones test. But you can tell when you enter ketosis. You immediately shed water weight (and gain it back if you break ketosis), your cravings diminish, and for me personally I feel more awake especially after meals, and my digestion improves.

I dont understand the point you're trying to make

I started keto a week ago, lost 7.1lbs, and on the 2nd? day I pissed 20 times, and had to shit a lot as well. Felt good. I have a lot more energy now, though I fucked up because metamucil has like 23g carbs per serving, which I found out today.

I supplement fiber too, just get psyllium husk unflavored. It tastes like ass but has no carbs from sugar. That being said when looking at carbs, you can subtract the carbs from insoluble fiber I think

Why don't you just eat real fiber?

post body

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Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


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And you will die

Of boredom.

Life's short, have some pasta.

>let me use my “life’s too short/YOLO” philosophy to justify stuffing food in my fat mouth

What happens when you do that when you’re young and now you’re 30+year old fat boomer and you still have decades left on your clock?

He obviously hasn't flipped them yet you brainlet, you can see that they have good colour on the other side.

>American bacon
>just fat

I'm 37 and I'm doing fine. I think I'm technically a millennial too, same as you.

Healthy fat.

I’ve known this one retard who’s been on keto for like 6-7 years and swears by it but he looks the exact same and has not changed physically whatsoever

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That looks disgusting senpai, wtf

Nuts are full of nutrients tho

My blood sugar is all over the place and I'm too much of a pussy to get the bloodwork done to figure out what I need to do. What diet is the best for getting this shit back to normal.

Google how to fry an egg, for your own sake.

Just cut out red meat and sugar. Eat whatever else you want.

I know that person too. It's called Jow Forums.

Post bodies or kys yourselves

Bacon grease is what you fry the eggs in

Nitrates and nitrites debunked, but pork is still haram. Fatty beef is godmode.

You fag fuck, you should DIE IN A GREASE FIRE

Yeah, but you need to activate them to reduce the phytic acid content.

>eat the most unhealthy way possible save by eating just candy
>call it a diet
what kind of retards fall for this shit?

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I always had an an easier time going keto on a vegetarian plan. Checkmate.

get off of Jow Forums, fatboy

It all comes from pork belly you dipshit. American bacon is just smoked rather than cured with salt alone.

Whata unhealthy about it

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nitrates are bad for you, so are factory farmed animals

why does nobody read?
protein kicks you out of ketosis faggot

Dan if this is you show them your flabby gut. You really let yourself go after the military you dumbfuck

Now take it without a light directly on top of you

>activate them
LOL are you fucking dense or something

not for type 1 diacbetics such as myself :)

in what world does red meat have any effect on blood sugar in any way shape or form?

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>not making keto coffee

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ketards btfo'd

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I had mct oil in my coffee for the first time this morning. Fucking excellent energy.


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>hurr durr what are causational links
also did you see the pcsk9 mutation study you mongoloid

Keto is great for people who suffer from inflammatory effects, seizures, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic.

Strict keto is about ingredients first. I think most people here do "dirty" keto, where you stay under your carb limit and hit your protein/fat macros, but strict keto requires you to eat a very clean no processed diet.

The goal of keto is different for people. Some want to lose weight. Some don't want diabetes. Some use it to help clear up a condition. Personally I feel satiated all day on 2 meals since I fast, and I have an extra 2 hours of waking time since my energy level has increased. It's the healthiet I've ever eaten in my life. I get weirded out when I look at the back of a food package and see how many junk carbs and sugar are in most things. No wonder why everyone's fat and sick.

Keto is catabolic and increases cortisol. Ketones should only be produced wheen you're fasting and no normal person should fast for more than a week (unless you're a lardass). 3 day fasts are good enough.

Ketones are a meme. Fast if you want to lose weight and refeed with high protein and some carbs pre workout

Yeah you’ll get sick of that I’m about a week, retard.

Why do vegans think that avocados have nutrients?

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4/5 links are epidemiological aka absolutely useless in regards to diet and lifestyle and the one link you want to talk about is for a statin replacement epigenetic switch in people already with hypercholesterolemia

What exactly are you trying to say, idiot?

Pretty sure keto was normal during most every winter there friend.

>it makes a difference
You're dyel tho, as most advocates for keto.
So it doesn't make a difference, except for roids.

God fucking damn, you look like a skinnyfat kike eating shekels.

>slicing bacon in half
How the fuck did I never hear about this in almost 40 years of life? Thank you user, you've literally saved my bacon.

>You're dyel tho, as most advocates for keto.
Post body, let's see the power of carbohydrates.
>So it doesn't make a difference, except for roids
Roidcels could eat shit and live a sedentary and they will still make signifcantly more gains than naturals.

It is an old Jow Forums joke, faggot.


doing no meat march just because I've never gone a month without eating meat. It's not bad at all. I'm a quantity kind of guy so I love being able to eat a gigantic fuck off bowl of broccoli, sweet potato, spinach, and throwing some fried tofu on top. Doing great for my cut t bh and it's making me cook things I've never really cooked in the past

used to do this when I did a month of keto. Breakfast was like 4 oz of heavy whipping cream in a big cup of coffee. Was honestly satisfying as fuck

Imagine frying up all that bacon and you can't even make it into a bacon sandwich.
Man FUCK keto.

I fucking hate it. I can't understand how people are happy about it, I feel awful literally 100% of the time. I'm doing it to lower bf% and then I'll go back to a bulk cycle. But it is a seriously shitty experience, which makes sense since ketosis is literally a kind of starving

i swear by it mostly cos it just makes me feel better. not placebo tho i actually have stomach problems which go away w keto

what actually happens (and what the butter coffee was originally made for until it was marketed as bullet proof coffee for money):
caffeine absorbs better because of the fat

Why the fuck is it so yellow?

>it makes a difference.

>Live Love Laugh
Haha shoot some heroin yoloswag an I right!!?