So I am selling my car for financial reasons...

So I am selling my car for financial reasons. How do I not die from a 40 mile bicycle commute on top of intense physical labor? I am M,5'11",125lbs,?bf%.

Attached: bikeboi.jpg (275x183, 8K)

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Maybe buy a cheap motorcycle

Stop lying to yourself. You absolutely will not ride 40 miles a day for any sustainable amount of time.

Do what the other guy said and get a cheap motorcycle, or some kind of beater car.

Or try to find another job

I did 20 mile commute three times a week when I was in college and shit was fucking tiresome sometimes especially in winter. Buy an e-bike or a conversion kit at least.

>5 11 125lbs
thanks mr skeltal

it's doable if you're not a faggot. but wouldn't road bike for a 40 mile commute be as expensive as a small used car?

samefag here. gear in picrelated is obviously worth more than the cheapest car.

well you wouldn't need gas or insurance with a bike also I doubt he'd be getting a top of the line carbon fiber bike

If you can't even maintain a healthy weight now, you'll kill yourself burning literally 2k calories every day just commuting

>well you wouldn't need gas or insurance with a bike also I doubt he'd be getting a top of the line carbon fiber bike
200 miles a week is going to wear down parts fast. even an entry level road bike would cost more (new) than a cheap used car. at least here in denmark. but entry level road bikes are not meant to handle 200 miles a week.

perfect weight for riding a bike.

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Just how long do you expect to cycle? Do you think you can cycle full tilt for 2 hours as a beginner? How about twice daily? What about recovery? How about the embarrassment of wearing spandex?
You'll fukin die m8

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I did 30-50 miles 5-6 days a week when I was 18 while also doing a lot of calisthenics and a very physical job. It's defintely doable, you just have to eat enough. But you're already a skeleton, so I'm pretty sure you will fail right there. You also need to work up to that for at least a month if you aren't already used to biking 20+ miles 3+ days a week. If you go straight into this, even if in good shape, your ass will be so sore after the first day you won't be able to ride a bike for a week. If not in good shape, you can also forget about walking and even standing for a while.

How about eat some fucking food

I bike 6.5 miles to work and back three times a week, so 40 miles would be over 6x that distance. It takes me about 31 minutes to go either way, so about 3 and a half hours, with no breaks, one way.

Enjoy your 7 to 8 hour daily commute.

Welcome to the bike pill OP.

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So how'd you fuck up?

Just get a Mitsubishi Mirage you dumb fuck

You forgot the best part

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>40 mile bicycle commute
I've done a 7 mile each way and wouldn't want to do more than that. reminder you will be biking during rush hour, likely in a city in heavy traffic, year round in shitty weather. it's different from leisure riding and requires a different skillset or you WILL be hit and possibly killed. Try biking on a roadbike in winter slush on a tiny godforsaken strip of shoulder with cages passing you at 50 mph 3 inches away. If you even so much as wobble you're dead.
Get an electric bike kit or a different fucking job.
>hey guys i'm already severely underweight, should i throw 3 hours of cardio in per day?
Bikes are god tier if your ride is less than 5 miles each way though.
Buy used. My bike retails for 1600 and I got it pretty much new for 125.
My nigger. ahem
*ting ting ting*
Fuck cagers

You faggots do realize it's only legal to ride your bike in the middle of the fucking street if you can keep up with traffic, right? I hope you fuckers riding at 10 in a 45 get hit by a god damn bus.

Cyclists are so entitled that they bitch and moan about cars, when the reason they are in the road is that they wouldn't stop hitting pedestrians on sidewalks.

That's incorrect. It is illegal to ride a bike on a sidewalk, you MUST ride in the street. There is a speed LIMIT but not a speed MINIMUM.
If you don't know shit about a topic why do you open your mouth?

What law?

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Speed minimums are common on highway

Silly user, laws don't apply to travellers. Only drivers!

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1. If you're in burgerland you're fucking dead kiddo. Seriously, you're like 40 times more likely to die on a bicycle per mile than driving a car. I could literally make your commute drunk without a seatbelt every day and be less likely to die.

Get a beater. Or move closer to your job.

40miles one way or total?

either way, on top of intense physical labor and starting out as skeletor, we can probably find faster and less painful ways for you to kill yourself.

OP, do you mean 40 miles total every day, or 40 miles each way?

Also how much climbing total per day? Go to somewhere like and map out the course, it'll tell you how much elevation gain there is.

Otherwise you just build up to it over the course of a couple months, and since you're not racing you ride at a *sustainable* pace, not try to kill yourself off for the whole distance.

I'm on a road racing team so you can ask me more questions, I might be able to answer them.

Fellow /n/ here. 40 miles both ways or just one? For practical reasons - it is not feasible, desu, unless you have a train or some other service in the middle.

A fit cyclist will do 20 mile route in about an hour. So a round trip will take him two + all the dressing/going out. YOu are looking at 2.5-3 hours spent commuting __minimum__.

Your health is going to be excellent. But life is going to get pretty miserable.

>Stop lying to yourself. You absolutely will not ride 40 miles a day for any sustainable amount of time.

40 miles/day is doable if you have the time for it (eg: are a NEET). I've done 60-70 mile/day routines for weeks when I was at uni during summer break. 40 mile commute on a bike is absurd.

>Pisses off cagers

I did 25km per day for 4 months and lost 15kg.

Are you fucking stupid? You're already a fucking skeleton, idk how you could get any skinnier without dying

Assuming he's not skinnyfat and actually has some muscle mass where it counts, he's actually prime size and weight to be a cyclist. Build those quads and core up, get some real endurance and a decent bike, he could road race and kick the shit out of everyone on long climbs.

No one bikes on a highway goalpost-mover.

I sold my car to get debt free and just stopped caring about driving.
Bought a road bike and biked to work and even to family and friends in other cities.
>2 years without a car later
Now I bought a €15k car cash and I fucking hate how much stress a car brings into your life. Sure its lovely to sit "inside" and drive for 40min instead of biking for 2 hours but damn... rather just skip the car.

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so when are you planning to sell the car again?

The groups I ride with will ride on the paved shoulder of roads with a 55mph speed limit all the time no problem. It's only actual freeways (sign posted: no bicycles) where you can't do it, regular highways are fine so long as there's enough paved shoulder to do it safely.

cycling lowers your testosterone avoid at all costs

>owning a car is somehow stressful for him
you must be doing it wrong .

How could he have any muscle mass at 5'11" 125 lbs?

[Citation needed]
credible sources only please

Fucking pussy. Stress? What's stressful? Only fucking low T males get stressed driving.

Wife needs the car for school so it will probably end up in the garage when shes not using it. She studies in our city but for some reason got transfered for 1 year and its cheaper to just buy a car than using public transport.

Atleast I chose the car.

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Well no wonder its stressful, you bought a POS BMW that gonna cost you thousands per year to fix

>stressed driving
That's not the stress i'm talking about.

Not really, I just find a carless life a lot more enjoyable.

Muscle mass does not always correlate to strength, and muscular endurance and aerobic endurance are more important in cycling than basic strength is (except when talking about sprinting).


It's the only car I enjoy owning and no, I don't care about the cost of maintaining the car, money isnt an issue. I've had BMWs for 15 years and have had no issues.


no idea where she got transferred to, but a couple of monthly or one year-round ticket would've surely been cheaper than buying a car + car insurance + gas
pic related looks like peak Dorf though, so maybe public transportation is shit. I wouldn't want to spend 1+ hour commuting each way either. I hope the additional time you get to spend together is worth it.

>I hope the additional time you get to spend together is worth it.
Thank you. The public transport wouldve had her needing to bicycle down to town, find a place to park it(secure it somewhere) then take the bus to the trainstation. From the trainstation in the other town she needs to take the bus outside of the city and later have to walk for about 10min.

With a car she needs to sit in it and drive for about 2 hours then park it outside.

It's weird and fucked up, but hey. She's studying to become a doctor and they had no place in our town nor nearby towns.

Nice blog

On work days i bike 10 km to and another 10km from my job. On uni days i bike 25 to and another 20km from uni. This is for 6 days a week since i got to have at least one day off. /n/iggers called my bike a bso and other name but i still take it with me to the velodrome and occasionally race with it. It's a single speed rigid mtb drop bars conversion with a 46x16 drive train.
I'm 5'6" and 54kg and also do some calisthenics to avoid the skinnyfat or skeletor look
Ride your bike bro, be fast and teach the benefits to people who dont

US automotive industry if course.

>how much stress a car brings into your life.
This is why I sold mine and never looked back. Constant worries about maintenance repairs insurance, where it's parked, getting tickets, watching for a breakin (several cars in my "gated" apartment complex were just broken into and had their windows smashed). If you drive somewhere you have to return to the same place to pick the car up from where you parked it. You can't have a drink. Just a million worries. I don't have a car now and it's simplified my life considerably.
>so long as there's enough paved shoulder to do it safely.
Well that's a pretty big assumption given america's garbage infrastructure. Try doing it when the "shoulder" is three inches and covered in snow and trash most of the time. Ever ride over a stormdrain on a roadbike with a car literally 3 inches away from your arm flying past at 55 mph with ice at the edges of your little strip of pavement? It's not pleasant.