The 5x5 meme workouts (especially Rippacuck’s) are for fat losers, a variety of workouts should be included for different goals.
>pic related
The 5x5 meme workouts (especially Rippacuck’s) are for fat losers, a variety of workouts should be included for different goals.
>pic related
go home.
Did those guys in the picture really did the program?
Yes a mixture of after pics
>beginner's workout that should provide a good foundation and are aimed at 3~4 months progression AT BEST are somehow to blame for people following them 2 years straight into t-rex mode
>he thinks he can outtrain a bad diet too
Real talk
Anyone here can provide what info in the sticky is no longer valid or been proven incorrect? This is not a challenge, but more of a call to this whole board to perhaps contribute to a more updated sticky.
I didn’t even use Rippefats plan I’m just point out the meme tier workouts on the sticky
blaming SS for their results is like blaming meat for the state of western health.
only vegans can be this retarded.
nice tits nigga
I'm new but that liamrosen site has never worked for me, as in link broken.
What do instead
Top row first 3 look better than any twink that might post that image.
Ok Pablo Estevas
Solid plan.
These can’t be legitimate results. I’m running SL 5x5 for a good strength base and I’m eating mostly decent food and there’s barely any fat on me.
So no gains, wasting time k1ke
I’m 2 weeks into it though and i’m using my 5 rep maxes. So far so good.
There is literally nothing wrong with 5x5 as a beginner program. The simplicity and fast linear progression are fantastic for getting a beginner in the habit of going to the gym and addicted to progress. Should be abandoned within 3-6 months though, as it's not optimal for any particular goal. It's just a good way to get started.
I'd say that GSLP or the stronger-by-science strength training guide are probably the best strength building programs for beginners and maybe 'intermediate' lifters.
Don't know what to recommend for getting lean though, which is the thing most people starting actually want to do. Beyond 'yes, really count your calories, all of them' and 'eat less, move more' there doesn't seem to be a consensus with decent science to back it.
I disagree. I started as hungry skeleton 6'3" 150 lb and did GOMAD + SL5X5 and saw great results.
Though I did end up modifying the program a lot to something else barely recognizable, as I felt that it was a little barebones. Great for a beginner who would otherwise be overwhelmed with options though.