Why do these exist?
Why do these exist?
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Depends. Makes a decent post workout shake if you use 1/8 of the serving shovel it comes with. That shit then will last you for a long time. Decent whey and I believe waxy maize as it’s carb source.
As a mass gainer, I rather eat real food
I put on 15 lbs using those bad bitches. Idk what you’re taking about
How long have you been using it?
I use My Protein version. I think it's great for getting my daily 4500 cals in especially when I'm in college.
I can't eat a huge meal when I'm just about to step into a chem lab. Shakes are just easier.
because there are people willing to buy it
I took 3 bags of 12 lbs maybe 2 or 3 months
Convenience. You can make a bunch of food or you can down a quick shake if you're having trouble meeting your calorie goals. Obviously real food is preferable but it serves a purpose.
Your better off just swallowing down scoops of peanut butter with a glass of milk
Literally what is the difference between 'real food' and weight gainers?
it makes your face swell up ac tually
Mass gainers are highly processed food and loaded with sugar, your diet hopefully isn't.
Wtf how did three bags last you three months. Two bags barely lasted me a month
Along with your stomach and muscles and everything else it's supposed to do
It's not called mediocre mass mate
but i want just the muscles, not to look like a hamster
Just bulk until 1/2/3/4 then cut like the rest of us
but im skinnyfat
So they can milk money off of clueless guilible dyels. To this day i meet people who are absolutely sure that you literally cannot gain muscle if you aren't drinking protein powder shakes.
it gave me liver problems and my face turned yellow.
i literally got jaundice from it.
what is that?
Because 'hard gainers' will buy them in the hope of getting big, when they should be buying more food and actually eating properly.
Any recs for the most calories dense, tastiest one? I have a friend who maybe eats 1000cal a day and needs to gain weight but is too lazy to eat.
1pl8 OHP
2pl8 bench press
3pl8 squat
4pl8 deadlift
arbitrary strength standards set by fat powerlifters who think strength=size
interesting, thx
I need mass gainers because eating one cup of brown rice every two hours is fucking disgusting.
I did too, but the fact that I was farting every 15 minutes made me stop buying it.
Unless you're actually fat, you wanna bulk first. Stop as soon as you feel fat, then cut until your lifts start to get considerably weaker. Then bulk again
As a product to be marketed and sold
can confirm
How can bulking with carbohydrates help muscle growth which requires protein though
Why isn't it enough to just get lots of protein?
Muscle growth requires carbs too.
Protein actually becomes a little less important in caloric surplus.
Why not just eat food though?
if you do the math, it's actually cheaper to get your calories from gainers rather than normal food
based and BRAAAAP-pilled
>3x12 60 lbs ohp
>3x12 80 lbs bench press with barbells
>3x12 225 leg press
How close am I to making it? I did 2pl8 bench once but it was horrible form
Full of sugar. Only faggots drink that shit
include me in the screencap pls