How often do you go to the gym a week?

how often do you go to the gym a week?

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please delete this thread and remake it using a different image

Every day

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Kys it's perfect

what the fuck is that picture what the fuck

4 times, M T TH F

9999^999999^99999999 times per planck unit.

5-6, heavy lifting 4 days, cardio & light lifts the other 1-2.

is he ded?

Not enough.
I like going Tues & Thurs, but there’s a water aeorbics class that goes from 6-7pm, which basically kicks me out of the water halfway thru my workout.

4 times m,t,w,th rest for 2 and on occasions when im not doing anything il work out core sunday which lets face it is every sunday.

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Every day. Bc home gym - best gym.

5, one day of cardio and conditioning and the rest are lifting.

Ay Dios Mio el AYUWOKI!

5 times a week.


Never. Do i look like some loser?

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I do not use weeks

5 times a week I'd like to do more but I'm doing Olympic lifting and the technique really takes a hit when I don't rest two days a week

This is the scariest pic i've seen in years

mon wed and fri

Full body mon, wed, fri; cardio + abs tue, thur, sat. Fast every Saturday, rest Sunday. Works really well if you're just looking to maintain an aesthetic mode.

Michael Jackson

Never, home gym master race. I work out every day at home.

7 days a week
Sunday: 30 minutes sauna
Monday: 30 minutes running
Tuesday: 30 minutes swimming
Wednesday: 30 minutes lifting upper body
Thursday: 30 minutes running
Friday: 30 minutes swimming
Saturday: 30 minutes lower body lifting

Rinse and repeat


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Five times a week.
Monday, wednesday and friday are lifting and yoga.
Tuesday and thursday are 30 mins of HIIT cardio

i use decades


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Me fui a dormir entonces amigo hay que hacer los sleep gainz


every other day, so 4 times a week

4 times a week. I just do an upper/lower split

Imagine going to the gym to sit in a sauna for 30 mins lol


6, sunday is for jesus

Worst routine I've seen for a long time

my pc setup is in my parents home gym because its the only rarely-used room with good internet so 24/7 baby

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2 hours on monday wednesday friday

I'm eventually gonna split it into 4 days so I can do specific leg day/back day/arms + chest/general circuit which will also allow me to shorten the overall workout

it's michael jackson after his death

rigor mortis is a bitch

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Based ayuwoki poster

You got it homie. Every day.

6 days a week lifting
3 days a week cardio

nah this is.

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So you go 9 days a week?

you can go more than once a day, dumbo

e l a y u w o k i

also about four times at free weights section, two to three at cardio lounge, and yoga every monday and wednesday.

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me voy a levantar a las tres y de ahi a cardio putita, despues capitana marvel con un buen churro y pasado pesitas otra vez
amo mis musculos


i just started a routine like this, how does it work for you? do you do anything extra on your rest days?


No way that's mj fucking lol

6 days a week

Havent been to the gym in 6months, have acomplished so much and set my life up for success, before i was constantly anxious and retarded
I know correlation =/= causation but still, i dont think ill ever go back (which is a shame since i alsmot hit 1/2/3/4 (1/2/3/3/))
ty for blog read

But I think it's too much

Yo derroté al Ayuwoki con la ayuda del ainjapi

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3-4 depends on the week and + 2 days of run


This guy "weekly workout" is less amount of time than what I do in 2.5 days.

Well least your stamina is probably pretty good


Sunday is rest day