What parts of your body do you shave Jow Forums? I shave my chest hair and pubes not skin smooth though, just with a razor to get it short. I never shave my legs, arms, or back though because that's homo.
What parts of your body do you shave Jow Forums? I shave my chest hair and pubes not skin smooth though...
Shaving chest is probably the gayest spot to shave besides ass.
Pubes, arm pits. Would shave chest if I had hair growing there.
t. has gyno bitch tits and need to grow his chest hair to validate himself and feel like a "man"
Right nipple. Left isn't as gratuitous
Shave nothing. Trim chest, torso (1mm), armpits, pubes (3mm).
Trim my buttcrack with clippers.
Clean shits, boyos.
None. I don't grow a lot of body hair - pretty much just pubes, armpits, and snail trail. My crotch looks like Bob Ross because I leave it wild and free. I trim my cheeks every week or two because the hair's a little sparser than I'd prefer there and tend to shave my head every few years but that's it.
Back, shoulders, upper arms, neckbeard,fingers, balls
Chest, belly, face, pubic area, forearms
I would trim my ass and legs but I'm gay enough has It is
Trim armpits and pubes, shave back and upperarms.
Trim/Shave beard.
Shave benis and dicke,
Wanna laser off back hair
None, for some reason my armpit hair doesnt grow past an acceptable level so I never need to cut it. Otherwise I don't get sex but I'd probably cut my pubes with scissors, sometimes I do that. Ive also cut long hairs around my nipples once or twice but I dont have much hair elsewhere except legs. Id probably shave my back if I had hair there.
as a hairy fucking italian, should i be trimming chest / arms / leg hair? no girl has ever had a problem with it but people do comment on it sometimes
I trim facial hair so it doesn't get too scruffy. Should really start doing the same with my pubes desu
Being hairy is fucking awesome though.
Trim, not shave, armpits, pubes, lower back. Pluck nipple hairs.
I no homo trim my asshole. Would you ever try to remove peanut butter from a shag carpet with nothing but toilet paper?
being hairy is a curse. It doesn't even guarantee you will keep the hair on your head
Beard, I prefer babyface. Facial hair doesn't look good on me.
Nose hairs.
Trim pubes.
Shave pits.
Long hairs around nips.
>Long hairs around nips
how to grow out nipple hairs pls
I only shave my face. Hair on your crotch is aesthetic as fuck.
Based and not paedpilled.
How do you deal with body hair when the good hair grows right intonshit looking hair? Like I've got nice manly and smooth lower arm hair that just blends into this ugly poofy hair on my upper arm. There is no skin brake that decides them
okay yeah but sometimes my ass itches and if i don't wipe properly shit gets stuck in there and it burns so fuck you
My thighs knee up, clippers
My asshole, shaved clean
My beard clippers
My pubes clipped
Armpit shave clean
got bazilian - gf suggested it - it's dope. though it hurts.
I meant the cheeks not the crack. Shaving the crack can easily be for hygiene although I suppose gay dudes would for other reasons too.
Also fucking lol who said I must have tits. I base that on the fact almost every girl has said to me 'thank god you don't shave your chest, it's so gay'. I'm not anti gay people at all but its a common thing I've heard.
To contribute to the thread, I shave my shoulders and upper back. I'm not that hairy of a guy overall but they interfere with how I wear shirts and sleep. I'm going to asia and will be on beaches soon so I might spring to get that waxed over there.
I unironically shave my armpits when they get too hairy. But not all the way. Just run a razor over em enough to get them under control. Shaving them bare would be gay.
I also find them hard to trim so I just run a razor over them. Fuck it
thank god you dont shave your beard its so gay
see how dumb that sounds?
take it up with the fact quite literally every girl says it to me
maybe arguing with other posters in the thread will do functionally the same thing since they didn't say it either
face and under-arms
trim pubes and stomach/chest
Face, armpits, balls and hair around nips
Crotch, legs.
I dont shave my crotch because it looks aesthetic as fuck with hair and because it itches way too much when I do