lifting buddy died friday in a car accident
we would always train together every monday for the past 5 years
I miss you Max
Lifting buddy died friday in a car accident
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot to mention that we would always shitpost on Jow Forums together
how did you not see this coming user ?
May he lift in peace user
Lift in Peace
I’m sorry bro may he rest in peace
Sorry bro rest in peace Max
Had an mma bro that would lift with me in the mornings. Got stabbed in a street fight and now he just lives in my few recordings of PR's.
Keep those forever if you got them OP
Bro, it's me.. I'm alright..
Damn, my condolences. Hope the lack of a gym buddy doesn’t fuck with your motivation to keep going to the gym
When I was weight lifting (kickbox now) I had 2 buddies die... One was leaving his house on his motorcycle, a car hit him in his fucking driveway, severing the main artery in his leg (femerol) and he bled out before the ambulance got there... Another dude got into a car accident, pushed on the steering wheel so hard it broke, and it punched the center column into his chest, crushing it and his heart...
It sucks dude, I've had a brother die. I'll send positive vibes your way tonight dude. I hope you're doing good and continue too. I'll be thinking about you man, keep your head up.
I'm sorry for your loss user. I hope you see each other one day again in Heaven.
If I wanted to be sad, I would ask you your MAX DEAD-lift pull
Bruh take his skin and wear him to the gym you can still be together that way
Not your personal blog. Fagboy
Now you gotta lift enough for both of you nigga. Sorry to hear that. RIP Jow Forumsbro
Shit sucks bro, just shows you to treat every lift like it could be your last
>died friday in a car accident
Was he at fault ?
What a fucking faggot. Bet he felt like a real badass until he got fucking killed.
Isn't like part of what they teach you in most MMA disciplines not to go around picking fights and getting in fucking s6reer fights?
your mother will die in her sleep tonight
replying to this will not save her
No I didn't lmao
sad to hear user, hope you're doing alright.
go and set a new pr for him.
>in his fucking driveway
Details? How does this happen?
That's what happens to biker fags.
I was more confused by:
>Another dude got into a car accident, pushed on the steering wheel so hard it broke, and it punched the center column into his chest
I dont think English is his first language
>guy doesn’t have airbags or something apparently
>steering wheeel breaks from shear force of this guy slamming against it, the middle part the wheel is attached Goes through chest and heart
I assume
I figured it had to be an older vehicle with no airbags. But he also made it sound like the guy was like pushing on it with his arms and he was so strong he broke it or something which sounded fuckin retarded
God bless you, and God bless him. Go out, train hard, and make a son. Name your son after him and raise him to be worthy of his name.
May he scoop in peace, fren.
Make him proud boi
There are barbells in heaven, user :)
The biggest pain a man can feel is losing his gym bro.
My condolences user.
Sorry to read, OP. May he lift with Rich and the rest in val halla.
Thats correct
I described it perfectly, and fuck off.
A guy was drunk driving, my buddy, Chris was on his motorcycle in his own driveway getting ready to leave (literally sitting on the bike). The dude took a corner too hard, smashed into Chris on the bike, something cut or tore his leg and the artery. The artery it split open is one of the body's major arteries. So his family called the ambulance and police, ran outside, and he died before the ambulance could arrive. One day the dude was cracking jokes in the gym, the next he's in his driveway bleeding out. Shit sucks.
And that biker fag comment... I hope your kid or someone you care about buys a motorcycle so you can eat your words you piece of shit. You're probably just salty some guy that has a motorcycle fucked your wife or girlfriend.
Reddit tier comment
>I hope an innocent person close to you dies to teach you a lesson
Literal sociopath mentality
Don't worry, fren. He lifts with the gods now
Cherish the memories of your friend and honor his memory by continuing your journey of self improvement.
looks like you have go lift double now
one for you, one for him
>attack someone and get mad they attack back
>that's real sad buddy, too bad
>that voice
He's along side Zyzz now. Lift in peach brah.
Zyzz, if you follow chrstianity, is in hell.
post that saved Jow Forums
I am sorry friend. I will lift every Monday with you
How do you know he wasn’t defending himself
>too focken bad
The lengths people will go to skip legday
Obviously didn't defend himself LMAO
thank you for making me laugh about a fucked up situation.
>ifting buddy died friday in a car accident
Too bad you didn't die in that car accident too
>Implying Jesus didn't show up in his final moments at the sauna, and didn't lead him up to the pearly gates of Heaven
might not make it :/
>Too bad you didn't die in that car accident too
too bad you didn't die in that car accident too
Go back.
Sleep well fallen user
show some respect for the bacon
It should have been all of us in that car accident. I wish OP died in it though so we wouldn't have this thread
post body
F. Praying for you brother.
An ode to your friend, I listen to it all the time when I think about my dog that past away 6 months ago. I still miss you Scooter, you’re licking peanut butter testicles in doggy heaven now.
He’s lifting in a better gym now, brah. God bless his soul and yours.
He's lifting with Zyzz and Rich Piano now.
dedicating my bench PR for the boys in this thread.
What 95 lbs?
dude stfu its the thought that counts
Never gonna make it bro
das focken beautifoh
Lift in peace, my brother.
Cant be havin that here user
ill always be in your heart
I'm sorry to hear than man. Keep your chin up.
>tfw at work drinking buddy almost got killed in crazy car flip over accident
>tfw almost wish she die to cure me of /sips/ estrogen gains goblins
Weird feel broz
God dammit
Im gonna go knock out some bench for you bro.
>this sets for Max
can you believe this guy
Rest in peace, Max. Avoid snap city when you PR for him, that's the last thing he'd want.
hes gym bros with zyzz and piana now bro, sorry to hear.
Rip, he lifts with Zyzz now
Do not assign human limits to the Grace of God. The saints that join you in heaven will almost certainly surprise you.
Praying for max, hes making it up in heaven.
Did he drop any epic loot?
Sorry to hear that man
You're lifting for two now. Get huge for him
but judging by how he used to drive me around... it could be
wtf I feel like I know this person but I can't put my finger on who's voice it is
f max