Deadlifts are the king of all lifts

>deadlifts are the king of all lifts
>only heavy compounds are the only way to grow as a natural
>i already hit abs squatting and deadlifting

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Do you think he realises the pentagram is actually a symbol of protection from demonic interference? If he's being edgy it should be inverted

>i already hit abs squatting and deadlifting
Fuck this gay meme.
I neglected abs for months because of this meme, then I started ab rolling and a couple of weeks after my abs were already popping.

>15 Bounty bars, and not one less
>15 Bounty bars it shall be, that's what it takes to pass my wizard tree!

Inverted pentagrams we’re just normal pentagram until John “angels literally told me to make my wife fuck other men” Dee decided it’s evil because he decided the downward point puts spirit below material elements.
It’s literally nothing, just like the downwards cross.

Inverted cross is actually Petrine Cross or Cross of St Peter. When he was crucified he said he wasn't worthy to have the same death and Jesus so he was crucified upside down.

It was a Christian symbol long before the turbo-edgelords tried co-opting it

That’s what I said, it’s fucking nothing. At best it is a symbol of humility before Christ, there’s no special meaning a symbol gets just by being turned upside down in magical thought.
That’s like drawing a goetia sigil upside down and expecting to get the opposite of the demon or something.
The upside down pentagram is just a pentagram, a literal retarded cuck decided it means something else and other retards bought it just like they bought the literal kindergarten cipher English as a magical language of angels.

Do your abs, no matter if you are after aesthetics or strength. Compounds WON'T absmaxx your abs. I fell for this meme too and then started getting into oly lifting, couldn't even hold an EMPTY barbell overhead in squat without shaking like a motherfucker. I started hitting abs separately and fixed the issue, also my squat and diddly went up just because I could now actually brace my core.

Are those abdominal compound machines a meme or good?

I need to know this 2

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Reminds me of how the classical satan and basically every thing we know about hell and the angels falling for going against their king is bullshit.

Satanism is based on some shitter religion and was parastically added onto christianity to act as the bad guy/to push their religion and keep it safe from the raping .
Hell as we know it is a fantasy constructed from equal parts dante's inferno and the volcano that the jews would sacrifice people too. It's even ruled by their old gods maloch beelzebub and the other one.
Angels are horifing monstrosities that serve the war god: YHWH of the original jews(not the modern ones).

I’m Orthodox, and our devil is basically irrelevant.
Hell is metaphorically eternal burning, worms, etc, this is in the bible. The reason for this is that hell is absence from God’s grace, and being cut off from God is the highest suffering. There’s also a distinction between normal hell that lets souls be redeemed through prayer on part of the soul/church/kin/saints and post apocalypse hell, which is without hope to the point that souls eventually fade into nothing as God turns away from them forever.
Also, God IS the Lord of hosts, get the fuck out with your fanfiction

Personally I used an abs machine maybe twice. My oly coach showed me two exercises, first one where you lay on your back and lift your legs vertical, do a crunch with arms along body in the air and hold this as long as you can. I later added plates on my chest for difficulty. Second is the same starting position but you get a plate and bring it to your feet from behind your head, do it for high reps. I can now hold the first one with 50kg added for half a minute and do like 40 reps second one with a 25kg oly plate. Third one I did was cable swings, also helps a lot. Imo machines won't get you as good abs as free weights, but if you are after aesthetics then I'd say use them.

Like this, also your lumbar has to touch the ground all the time and legs can bend a little.

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>Hell is metaphorically eternal burning, worms, etc, this is in the bible

No, no it isn't.

Also, there is no fanfiction here.
Jesus was a poor bastard who was born in a manger. He was also seen as the last descendant of the line of David. Which made him both the future king of jews and a divine being. Divinity and a claim to the throne of Israel that comes from his flesh and blood father Joseph. His mother wasn't a virgin either. That's just bullshit that I believe the catholics thought up to demonize sex so they have another avenue of control over the people(demonize stuff that is vital to humanity so that this religious power play over the people is eternally in the head of the slaves).
Virgin actually meant that she wasn't married.
Making jesus a bastard.

Jesus, however, disliked the whole throwing niggas into a volcano for their gods thing that the original jewish religion was about and how the jews were all about money and seeing everyone as slaves and inferior goyim to enslave an control.
Shit they were basically saying Jesus was inferior slave chattel as well.
The thorn crown was a full on "fuck you dude you're not my king I didn't vote for you" thing that the jews and romans did to him.

He was a warrior a carpenter who had a wife and children and he apparently fought dragons and shit
YHWH? In the original hebrew pantheon It was in fact an ancient fucking god of war.
Jesus worshipped it and a religion was built around him as well as taking stuff from other stuff.

As for hell.
Prove it.
Show me these descriptions of Hell being eternal punishment in a volcano. Sorry lake of fire.
I'll wait.

> Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?
>He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
>And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind
Stupid nigger, even if you read nothing but the fucking gospels, you’d have known this.
>If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. where Their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.
I’m not replying further, I have no interest in enabling your stupidity.

>> Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?
>>He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
>>And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind

That's not hell.
And how in the fuck are living beings going to see people being burned in hell and find it loathsome.
That's not a description of hell.
That's just them spitting fire about how his enemies will be fucked up.

>>If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. where Their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.

>literally Jesus telling you not to sin or you burn in hell
>noooooooo, it’s not hell, it’s a volcano
Why the fuck would Jesus tell you to live in accordance to his teachings or the “ancient Hebrews” will throw you into a volcano? Are you literally retarded?

None of your posts actually say what you are implying.
None of those posts explicitly say "follow my teachings or burn in hell for all eternity and get pitchforks up your ass".

He's saying to follow him or you're going to be tossed into the eternal fire of the volcano of sacrifice/punishment.
Doesn't say their soul will be "alive and in punishment for eternity" or that stan will punish you in particular for sins or anything like that.

You just get thrown into that hebrew sacrifice volcano.....because jesus did worship that hebrew pantheon and followed it's stories. BUT he held YHWH higher then any of the other gods.
Which is kind of good for us because the rest of the pantheon and their monsters and mystical beings are all assholes.
Just wish the catholics and religion shillers didn't get their hands on it and fuck it all up.

Goddamn, you stupid fucking nigger
>Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Again, this is the gospels, the fuckin entry point of the Bible.

>Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Eternal fire = Volcano
Devil and Angel are just guessed at.
The original literal statements were translated into devil and angel.

They threw a lot of people and things into that volcano and the idea of sacrificing them to the volcano/eternal fire was so enticicing and such a big fucking deal that it was elevated to a metaphorical plane of existence and used as a way to mentally coerce people into enslavement or you'll get sent to that jew sacrifice volcano after you die.

Hell, read on a bit more.
The Lake of Fire = death of the soul if you read it in a certain way.

>I tell you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear the One who, after you have been killed, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him!
Still the gospels, still Jesus literally telling you about hell, a place you explicitly go to after death.
This is embarrassing 2bh
I’m out for real this time. Read the Bible or don’t talk about it, you dumb faggot

Hell is a jewish sacrifice volcano.
Says nothing about what goes on in there or who is there.
Just a big goddamned lake of fire/open mouth of a volcano.
The concept of an immortal soul being tossed into a lake of fire after you are dead is new actually.
But it's still the exact same shit.

I thought his gut was tits from the thumbnail

These carny festival's are the biggest ripoffs ever

>what is diet
lol at ab exercises
if you dont have abs its becuase:
>you round your back and dont brace
ie you lift like a retard
>you are a fat ass like op

crunchs,sit ups, hanging leg raises are all hip flexor movements, with ISOMETRIC tension on the abs.
Planks are the same ISOMETRIC tensions.
Squats and deadlifts are like planks with 300-600+ extra weight that your abs ISOMETRICALLY tense to help support
If you cant see your abs, eat less fat ass