Diagnosed with colitis

>diagnosed with colitis
>have to have a healthy diet for the rest of my life now or I'll shit blood for months
>ex texting me bc I'm hospitalized

A-at least I'm forced to eat good now

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>be on accutane for cystic acne
>absolutely fucking petrified of developing colitis

Good luck brother

I am so fucking depressed never get it

You can still live a fulfilling life user, it's not the end of the road.

I know, I just used to be invincible and eat and drink anything. My gains have completely atrophied.

I was diagnosed with crohns colitis in the summer of last year. it's easy. I am using remicade right now and my diet is perfect.

low fiber, low fat, high protein, high carbohydrates when you have a flare

no added sugar, no seeds, husks, or skins, no artificial sugars or food dyes, no alcohol or caffeine, no red meat, no dairy, effectively no premade/prepackaged foods

You get over it after the first month. the diagnosis is traumatic but you're back to living normally soon after. I never think about it. I fart a lot, though, and I don't eat enough fiber so my poops are sometimes rough. I make all of my food myself, and since it's all staple foods, it's inexpensive and healthy so it's what you should be doing anyway.

not being able to drink milk anymore or whatever is lame but you really stop thinking about it. I drink s o y milk now and it tastes like dairy, with my vitamin d and calcium. I have no problems other than maybe needing more iron through a small supplement take with food.

I was 100lbs in the hospital for 3 weeks with a cardiac catheter to feed me. everything seemed grim but then you leave and realize nothing truly changed.

take your biologic, have a colonoscopy every 1-2 years and eat well. take care of yourself ad you'll be living a greater life than most people who live without any chronic disease.

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Based and positivitypilled

How long ago did you take accutane. I took it and have been off for about 6 years and haven't experienced any bad side effects yet

As detrimental as this sounds I guess it can't be that bad. Can I really never have milk again though? And during non-flare ups am I fine?

>ex texting me bc I'm hospitalized
Hey, at least you know your ex is a good person. Hope you get better, mate.

I'm OP, never took it

Why does the thought of shitting blood make my skin go clammy, feet feel weird and makes me want to vomit

Feels like pity.. Don't know why she cares so much

I also vomited blood before being hospitalized. Never felt worse in my life, take care of your body senpai

Decent people do that. Care, worry, even about people they're not really close to anymore. Don't overthink it, just tell her(him?) that you're fine and thank her(him?) for asking. Don't talk for a long time either, keep it brief. You broke up for a reason.

Yeah that's all I'm doing

This. It is only when we are deprived of our health that we truly realize how much we take it for granted.

I don’t have colitis but I have something kind of similar. My stomach lining was(is) fucked up from drinking nothing but beers, instant coffee, and McDonalds to eat. It was my first time living alone and I would eat maybe twice a day and just pound instant coffee during the day and beer at night. I’ve learned my lesson and my stomach is healing through a vegan diet

You are not invincible anons

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dairy seems to upset my digestive system and I will immediately have a whole lot of gas, possibly diarrhea, and I think eating dairy possibly caused some or all of the flares I had before being hospitalized. Lactose is a polysaccharide and it is hard for your liver to digest, and your gut biome will I guess digest it and produce gas that makes you fart and upsets everything, also there is something called MAP that is in most dairy that potentially is the cause of crohns/colitis, so I would stay away from it to be safe. you don't want to upset your digestive system. I see it as we have sensitive digestive systems. you can continue to drink milk with lactase enzymes(it breaks lactose down into simple sugars that are easier to digest) if you really want to. that is what Lactaid is. I stay away from all of it to be safe.
so many random people visited me who I hadn't spoken to in years. I have ignored all of their attempts to contact me after I left.

it is painful.

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I have a feeling ti was the insane amount of pre and creatine I took daily that fucked my organs up, plus I have psoriasis so maybe that helped. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES

I guess I'll still try it out, I was never lactose intolerant in the slightest so I don't know how bad it is. I'm getting my first colonoscopy tmmrw and I only had to shit like 4 times today so I'm improving

This except i found my salvation to lie in Low carb, funny how different paths lead to good results

get off that shit it fucks your hormones just use stringent hygeine measures and benzoyl peroxide/topical antimicrobials

f her in the hospital bed itll be hot

the dietician will probably give lactaid milk in the hospital to see how you tolerate it. did you already drink the colonoscopy prep? if you haven't and they give you the large container, you will not enjoy tomorrow. I never finished the entire thing. drinking 2 liters in 1 hour and then sitting on the toilet for 1 hour is not fun(and then doing it again later), but you do it every year or two so it isn't too bad.

No that's tomorrow, I'm really afraid to drink the shit. Do I really need to drink it all? Heard it is horrible

>ex texting me bc I'm hospitalized
At least your ex bf is a very supportive guy

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it tastes like chalky water, or salty water. drinking with ice helps to take away the taste and they should bring it in with ice, and possibly your choice of a flavoring although I always had the unflavored solution. I tried to drink it without ice and the ice really makes it more bearable. imagine drinking something that was like urine but not as strong and didn't have any urine smell. that may be wrong but it's like that.

you have to drink at least 4/5ths of it. that's how far I went and it was enough to have clear images for the colonoscopy , but you really need to try to drink the entire thing. if you aren't completely clean, they will make you do it again so they can have the clear view of your colon wall.

Son of a bitch guess I'll have it all. Surgery is in the morning so I have to wake up early to drink more, will I even get sleep? How many times will I be going?

you drink half, and then sit on the toilet for one hour, and then you do it again with the second half. I didn't wake up to go to the bathroom. I did feel like I could have gone again before the colonoscopy but I didn't bother and they said that it didn't matter.

if you really want to, you can go several times, but sitting on the toilet for one hour straight is what I did and it worked.

All right I'll try that, typically when did you go after drinking it?

Good luck.
Blew out my colon (not fun) by diverticulitis. Results a colostomy bag for 5 1/2 months. Lucky in that I recovered. Nasty in surgical ICU 11 days. Interstingly, bumped into surgeon in local community, he's retired, says I should live a normal life. Have humurous colo/rectal guy now and has me on 30-35grams of fiber, but genrally eat keto to strict Atikins diet, thus no extra fiber most days. Only restriction, black and red rasberry seeds - put me in three out-of-town hospitals past 20 years. Feel great. BF 15.5

they tell you drink the half within one hour because you will have to go to the bathroom one hour after your first sip, so you have to drink it quickly. it is not fun.

Jesus, godspeed friend
Guess I'll just start on the toilet. Thanks for the advice I'm a little less nervous, the operation doesnt scare me just the laxative

If the doctor says you should consider ileostomy surgery, get the surgery done. It’ll give you your life back.

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>6 fucking years

is your doctor actually a doctor? are you from brazil? pls explain

>ileostomy surgery
That shit is terrifying

As long as I take Humira I can eat like shit and be fine.

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Not really. It’s terrifying if you have a normal digestive system. If you have colitis, and you are sick all the time, and you shit like a goose, and you always have to be aware of where a bathroom is, and you have shit your pants countless times, then an ileostomy surgery is a miracle.

I never get sick anymore, don’t have to take any meds, and don’t have many doctor appointments. Downsides are having to buy ostomy supplies and always having a bag of shit attached to your abdomen, so you need to be aware of that when doing certain activities.

It seriously gave me my life back. I’d have gotten the surgery a couple years sooner if I knew how much better it would have been.

I dunno mane, I'm hoping I'll just bounce back from this with some meds. This is all very new to me and never had problems before.

I'm glad you got your life back but that is the worst thing I can image. I'm working on curing myself so that doesn't happen to me.

If your meds work and you’re normal then yeah everything will be fine. But both Remicade then Humira stopped working for me. My doctor said there was 1 more med I could try, but he said it probably wouldn’t work. And suggested that I should get the surgery.

Hope everything goes well for you, user.

Jesus yeah here's hoping I can get back to normal. I don't know how long these flareups last but it's been a month for me. Not really painful just annoying, and I got to the point where I was throwing up bc I was eating like shit without knowing

The stakes being higher should motivate you.

>poop bad
Nope nope nope

Yeah I get it’s not for everyone. A lot of people can suppress symptoms with meds. But after all the hospital visits and the fact I was sick all the time and I shit like 10 times away, I was ready for the surgery. I got pretty depressed after the surgery though. I lost about 30 lbs and all my gains and had to start back at square 1. But they all came back pretty quick.

I had written a long diatribe about my disability, which is more deadly than colitis, but I deleted it.

I'm just going to tell you, tough break. Shit sucks but it is not a death sentence. You'll be put on meds that will suppress your immune system and will somewhat affect your gains in the gym. They also might bloat you and your face as well. You'll be asked to change your diet; over the years you'll get used to it and it will become second nature.

I'd advise you to get allergy tested for all foods you commonly eat. That is a step most people don't take.

This WILL affect your social life, your personal life, your possible career paths, etc. You'll just have to overcome it.

If at any point you feel like you've lost hope, realize that by the time you are 60 there WILL be better treatments for it than ostomy bags and corticosteroids.

I have a mild version of it, proktitis (spelling?), Im on medication i take like once every other week and thats enough for me to be able to eat whatever i want without compilations

Alright, mine seems pretty mild too and no one's too worried, so hopefully I'm in the same boat

>No red meat
>No caffeine

I'd kill myself first. Probably with coffee and steak.

But it's a bag of shit. I'd rather eat the restrictive diet. Or kill myself as stated previously.

>no alcohol
>no caffeine
>no red meat

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