Do people Actually do this or is it a meme.
Do people Actually do this or is it a meme
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Yes people eat veggies you fat American lard fuck. Not every burger needs to be a baconator.
But that burger has bacon on it
Yes. The bun is pointless if you’re not eating the burger on the go
Yes. Buns are for bulking.
You mean eat meat and vegetables? Yeah probably
I did once out of curiosity. Ended up with super greasy hands.
The lettuce is dumb, just eat with a fork & knife like a civilized human being.
Yes, murricans put that fake """cheese""" on their food and they lie to themselves saying it tastes good
Rich always got lettuce leafs as buns instead of actual buns...
Know some dude with diabetes who has to do this if he wants a burger.
>Americans think replacing the buns with lettuce somehow makes the greasy, bacony, cheesy, deep-fried chicken burger healthy
>yuroshit retards actually think meat and fat is unhealthy
post body dyel
Vegans aren't people.
are you serious? do you even know what grease is? you know a burger patty is ground meat with seasonings, right? its meat. it comes from cows. the only problem is people get cheap fast food burgers loaded up with sugar carbs and salt on a bun. europeans are so fucking ridiculous with this burger shit. you have them in your country, you know what they are, so fuck off. did you know french fries and sodas are bad for you too? fuck outta here. yes. if you eat burgers all the fucking time you will be fat, thank you for enlightening me. i hope doing so made you feels slightly better about whatever shithole cucked country you happen to live in where you dont get to eat whatever you want everyday.
epic burger COPE
American cheese is literally just cheddar with extra whey added.
Ive done it before because Im redpilled about the harmfulness of inorganic iron added in bread and fortified flour. It is bad for gut health so if I eat several burgers Ill probably get the buns replaced with lettuce for all except one. That said, Ive only seen it done at A&Ws, I dont buy bread at home. I also dont go crazy about that and will eat normal burgers sometimes.
Thats not vegan, its just replacing the bread. Its not even "more" vegan than the regular option lol.
Basically its a steak salad and it still tastes pretty good even though inferior.
>murricans unironically believe this
>American thinks eating lettuce instead of salad = vegan
>wheat is a grain
>burger in picture has vegetables and bacon on it
No one is jealous of your mutt country, Juan. It would take a few hundred nuclear bombs to salvage it.
>Bun is like 200 calories or more of the burger
And yet, here you are. Rent free europoor.
Before you open your fat 56er mouth again to talk maybe you should open it to eat some proper food
>This is what Amerisharts actually believe
ITT murricans coping with the shit they call food
Yes, it’s a gluten fad thing. My white-as-fuck suburb dweller Facebook-posting mom gets all her hamburgers like this.
>avoiding carbs
>still uses ketchup
Yes, they are fucking amazing
wow you are truly retarded. Just because you remove the bun doesn't mean it's healthy. Ketards need to fuck off and their diet is causing them to be skinny fat dyels cause it's catabolic as fuck. IDEAL MACROS ARE:
>50% protein
>35% carb
>15% fat
Stupid fuck. I wish you were right
enjoy heart disease and caner from the nitrates in your burger, lardass
red meat isn't bad but McShitter's """meat""" is terrible for you
I do it when only shitty tortillas for Mexican food is available. Most of them are full of 5 types of sugar, processed vegetable oils, preservatives, so I just use a lettuce wrap.
>burgers actually believe this
no wonder you're all 300 lbs
I have bunless burgers all the time and i basically just make a burger salad d eat it with fork and knife. It's fucking delicious when all the juices of the burger fall down onto the lettuce/spinach. Fuck i kinda want one now
>eating a "burger" on lettuce instead of a bun
WHY EAT A FUCKING BURGER? Just make a hamburger steak or something. If you can't take the extra 200 calories from a delicious bun then eat something else wtf. You don't have to eat a burger every day anyways, just eat one like once a week and eat it with a bun and stop being a fucking fag. Why ruin something great?
>he's so anal about food he can't eat some bread once in a while
are you all professional athletes or something?
Patrician tier bun replacement.
Is this the degree to which bait has sunk during my absence?
Do you poor Euros really need to lash out all the time? Embarrassing.
Well, sometimes it's made with Colby instead of cheddar. You europoors are probably thinking of 'pasteurized cheese product', the shit with all the oils and other additives. The dairy lobby has given us some pretty specific labeling laws for dairy products.
Pfft, that's nothing. Try one of these.
I like shrooms but not like that. And I fucking love pickles
Truly revolting.
Gave me a freedom boner