so uh
when do you guys know when your stools are bleeding too much
I just another pr on my squat and shat the nile of blood but I hate doctors
nothing hurts
am I the only one
so uh
when do you guys know when your stools are bleeding too much
I just another pr on my squat and shat the nile of blood but I hate doctors
nothing hurts
am I the only one
bump I'll take a photo next time I shit
Do more squats and GOMAD
you are alone on that one my dude.
I'm too fucking terrified to even fart right now
>nothing hurts
you'll be fine, as long as they aren't swollen
what color is the blood?
pretty sure theres no normal/healthy reason for shitting blood my man
seeas long as the blood is bright red, he'll be fine
It's bright red
idk I have a high pain tolerance so I can't tell down there
My hemhorroids cleared up after I started lifting. If that hasn't helped you user then maybe cut out all the assplay.
>It's bright red
you're fine, bright red means you're bleeding on the outside, dark red/black means it's internal
I used to shit blood constantly. Then I stopped taking adderall and it got better. Maybe you are on adderall?
no adderall, I just did a lot today at the gym for legs to the point where my mouth was making too much noise
but how much is too much
Definitely thought I could shit on command for you guys but 2 hours from my last BM no magic
Are you that dude who pushes like he's taking a shit when he squats? You're only supposed to clench a little.
no I can't tell. I'm thinking this is a butt wink problem???
>but how much is too much
go see a gastro rectal surgeon just in case, he will shove his fingers and a scope up your butt
I had it and fixed mine.
Get fiber or take fiber pills.
RELAX when you poop, don’t flex or hold your breath to shit.
A squatty potty isn’t necessary but it’s god mode. Make your own squat shit stool if you think I’m shilling.
FUCKING RELAX, seriously don’t push shit out, that’s a big one. It’s why the squat position to shit helps.
Wtf I'd see a doctor. I've had hemeroids but I only saw some blood on the toilet paper after wiping. Nothing like that.
I have free insurance but I don't know
I fucking hate having to go to the doctors and waste time out of work/gym
I can shit again if you want
oh and thank you
I've been bleeding occasionally like that for a long time
goes away when I eat oats a few days in a row, comes back when I stop
I used to have bad hemmys. Heres my advice.
Get your fiber right, starting now.
You need to start taking psyllium husk supplements and eating 2 servings of spinach a day. Drink more water too. Get at least 20g of soluble (psyllium husk) fiber a day. Start small so you dont overwhelm your system.. have some psyllium in the morning after breakfast.. then start having some with breakfast+lunch... then eventually 3 times a day after each meal. This will make you regular
How many times do you shit each day? You shouldn't be going more than 1 time a day. If you have hemmys and you go 2 or 3 times a day you are going to only make them worse....
Buy some baby wipes and start cleaning yourself really well after each shit.
If the hemmys are external, buy some epsom salts and take a 20 min soak in a warm epsom salt bath everday until you get regular and they calm down. This will heal them. Also there is a cream called RectiCare that has a numbing effect but it doesn't last
I had them so bad i even went on a 1 week long chicken broth fast to reset my system, before getting my fiber right and getting regular.
You gotta quit shitting so much if theyre flaired up. And NEVER sit on the toilet and strain. Also give up coffee/adderall/or any upper that makes you think you need to poop when you dont.
As a last resort, if they get really bad (im talking like a ping pong ball sticking out of your anus), then see a doctor. She'll give you a steroidal cream called proctozone hc
Good luck bud
I promise you bro. Get your fiber right, and get regular and clean yourself good and you'll be fine.
Faggot go to docs
Im i
going to
Oats. Spinach. Psyilpium husk. i have all three. I'll start that first thing tomorrow. thank you.
I snack all day instead of meals so it's hard to bulk with a high metabolism, so I'll shit like 2-3 times on average a day.
It probably doesn't help that I drink water constantly and use the restroom every hour so I'll try to figure that out on my own.
Definitely not external hems but yeah I fucking go to the handicap stall and clench on the handlebar until my face goes red so uhhhh thank you Ill cut that out.
Thanks to y'all.
Same guy from this post... i didnt see this photo before i responded. Dont go try to shit again! Youre just straining the veins around your bum, making it worse
How large is the protrusion? I bled alot more than this before i ever saw a doctor, so i believe if you follow my instructions from my previous post and get your fiber right, you will be able to fix this before seeing a doctor.
These photos are the psyllium husk fiber supplements i take on a regular basis.
The left is the same thing as Metamucil (but cheaper). It has sweetner and tastes better than the right. The right is just put husk and tastes like grass, but i prefer it because theres no added sweetners. Both will really help you. I take 1-2 teaspoons 2 or 3 times a day, everyday. It slows down your digestion and makes you regular and gives your bum time to heal.
Also, Alieve and Ibuprophen helps with pain during the transition. And stay active.. go for walks and dont sit for long periods of time. Always get up and move every hour
Good deal bro. Drink plenty of water with the fiber. And no more staining. Only sit on the toilet when you absolutely gotta go, and start a timer. Do not sit longer than 5 minutes and just let it slide out.. DONT PUSH. Pushing is what causes this.. thats why pregnancy causes hemorrhoids, because they literally push out a cantaloupe
yeah im probably gonna take it to work with me just for safe measures. colleagues are gonna freak out but I don't give a ufuCK
> I have Metamucil
I can't do otc pain killers unless im actually in pain (which the hems don't count idk lol) but yeah I'll figure out my sad cubicle job. Thank you mate.
No problem, I've been there and it sucks. Just tell your coworkers you need to stretch your legs. Also look up Tucks (witch hazel pads). They will help soothe while you sit a work.