Seriously user

>Mr. user, I asked you to answer these questions seriously, so once again: How many scoops?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>6 eggs per day, haha good one son!

Attached: 40929C8D-1A39-4A73-B4C7-761875DCA27D.jpg (338x509, 58K)

>So who is this Fraud that gave you these pills?

Attached: 5921A386-55C9-4272-91E4-D937C62B8B30.jpg (667x1000, 114K)

>You eat gonads?

>how many sexual partners?
>hold on, let me get some gloves...

Like 2 or 3, my dude.



Attached: 1546512378656.png (292x292, 86K)

>And you say these chads put you in the mantle pit? Go on...

Attached: psychiatrist-male-patient-18374737.jpg (1300x960, 104K)

Attached: F.gif (315x293, 2.48M)

the gym who stole all your plates?
user, did you spit out your pills this morning?

Attached: 1551659369428.jpg (380x250, 57K)

>Sorry user, even though you're well below the average testosterone level for your age group, I'm going to have to decline your request for testosterone replacement therapy

Attached: 37960411-closeup-portrait-clueless-senior-health-care-professional-doctor-with-stethoscope-has-no-an (1300x866, 78K)

if Allah tells me to fast, i fast. simple

i told you, if you stopped eating all that food you could have easily lost tirty pounds tis munt

>hmm.. strange.. you say you've been working out for years but I see no muscles here

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>time for your daily dose, user

Attached: pills.jpg (300x225, 12K)

100 hours in paint

hope u rike it

Attached: richinprotein.jpg (600x754, 131K)

>"umm... mr doctor, that's an x-ray, you're supposed to only see the bones..."
>"HAHA, I that's something we call workplace humor. Get it, because you're supposed to only see the bones on an x-ray?"

Sad but true. Starting my self prescribed cycle at April 1st

Thanks doc

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>only see bones on x ray
this is why everyone thinks gymrats are stupid

>"Achtully, u can kinda see muscles on x-rays"
This is why everyone thinks you're a fucking autist.

well i only see ink on that paper so i might be a next level genius

kill self then choke on cum and tranny piss

you see soft tissues, you see gases and liquids and you see solids
educate yourself, projecting your idiocy onto others is just showing your double digit IQ

>you see soft tissues, you see gases and liquids and you see solids
I don't think a lot of people outside of a clinical setting actually know that

i did and i guess that anyone who ever had stomach x ray could guess as much too
and come on, every x ray has outlines of soft tissues, you don't have to be a radiologist to see that

however when you are confronted with new information you can either look it up or autistically deny reality, guess which one would a certified idiot choose


I've only had x-rays on my teether when I was 8.

Holy shit are you legit on the spectrum?? No shit you can see other shit on an x-ray, but it's so vaguely visible that x-rays aren't used for that. There's a reason for fucking MRIs.

Imagine getting this triggered over a fucking meme.

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100 hours? mate i could do that in 200

2 scoops whey after workout
2 scoops casein before bed

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>eating them raw???

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I'm fucking crying holy shit

lel i am the one getting triggered?
i'm just calmly explaining why you're retarded, you're the one getting pissy here

>I-I'm not t-triggered! I'm calm u REEETAARD!
Yea sure buddy. I can hear u seething.

But please, do tell me more how you can see muscles in a chest radiogram.

>inb4 "yea but but but you can se organs and other shit that aren't bones"

Attached: chest-xray.jpg (430x430, 10K)

Not the user you've been arguing with, but the kVp (kilovolt peak) is higher in a chest x-ray than most other procedures to adequately penetrate the lung field. In extremity work you can see a lot more soft tissues for sure though, but it mostly depends on kVp and mAs used during acquisition.
>t. CT Technologist

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The x-ray in is clearly of a chest though.

You can see the soft tissue in the outline

You chose an X-ray if a skinny person

You can see soft tissue, but you can't tell if it's fat or muscle.

i see diaphragm and lats
cry me a river, you sound like a triggered Jow Forumsfaggot

>that shape
It's just fat

>muh Jow Forums
Jesus you whiners are getting worse than actual Jow Forumsfags

Ur actually autistic bud


I tried doing five scoops. Maybe my shaker is too small or something, but it turned into a thick sludge, barely pourable. I'd rather do two scoops three times.

I dont get this one

calm down bud, you might pop a vessel there

the lat is still there

>meme thread
>some guy makes a dad joke about x-ray
>a few hours pass
>the entire thread is now 3 autists arguing about x-rays
Jow Forums

>implying it's not just me arguing with myself


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but aluminium is weak meatal

>hmm.. although you said you are sexually active.. this scan shows otherwise.

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I'd let her make me sexually active if you catch my drift

Don't want an STD when they finger your prostate

Why do Doctors do this but hand out hormones to trannies like candy? I'm not even trying to rip on trannies, why can't normal guys get test like candy?

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because your mental illness is even more made up than theirs

>close to two hundred pounds

That is light weight.

I don't understand.

What did he mean by this?

>aluminum water
dafuq usa!?