>its another "i feel like everyone is staring at me at the gym so i feel constant anxiety" episode
Its another "i feel like everyone is staring at me at the gym so i feel constant anxiety" episode
>young lady
I got news for you...
>have music on
>No eye contact
There's a qt gym thot at my gym that's super hyper focused with headphones. The day she doesn't have em on she looks around like crazy. That or she's mirin my lifts in which her perfect thot ass can't possibly do.
Nobody is looking at you unless you're doing something stupid like OHP in the squat rack or loading heavier pl8s before lighter ones.
I wonder how many people at the gym think that way at the same time
I lived in Joondalup for a bit.
>inb4 nice blog, fag
Also, you're in the gym improving yourself. Who the fuck cares what others think?
Nothing worse than when you spot another gymcel and you're both even less comfortable because you both kind of sense that you're both gymcels/have weird eye contact
No one cares about (him) at all
Wear sunglasses then you can spot anyone that's staring at you without being caught
Yes because I look like a moron cause I don't know how to lift so I inevitably retreat back to the treadmill
>feels bad
The resident gym douche has the advantage in discrete observation. He can mire anyone without overt attention.
>follow my weekly routine
>I work out in the machines and order that the routine says
>coincidentally, it's always next to or in front of the same girl
>I notice
>she notices
>she looks at me uncomfortably
>she goes away
>I do my next exercise
>it's in front of her again
>she is visibly creeped out
>she grabs her stuff and gets out of the gym while eyeing me nervously
user, you shoudl've adapted your routine to avoid being a creeper. You could've defused it if you walked to her. Was she qt at least?
you faggots are so pathetic
why do i even come here
Because you are pathetic as well
I go to the gym to work out, I have no reason to defuse some egocentrical roastie's unfounded paranoia.
Pretty Alpha user. Keep up the mindset.
me on the left