Hey Jow Forums, what are some of your hobbies? Just curious. Wondering if anything you posts interests me

Hey Jow Forums, what are some of your hobbies? Just curious. Wondering if anything you posts interests me.

>tfw worked
>tfw worked out
>tfw showered
>tfw cozy and warm
>tfw fapped
>tfw literally just sitting here, staring at my 3 screens, eating a protein snack, doing nothing
>don't feel like playind vidya or watching anything

Still have 2 hours 'til bed.

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Outside of work and gym
>writing a novel
>play yugioh
>trying to improve my cooking every time
>watch NBA + Liga MX/EPL/La Liga/CL games
That's it.

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what a beautiful duck


I try to make music and coding. Also tinder, but im not really good at it.

I just work on computers and spend time with my wife and son

>mountain biking
>driving my car at hpde's
>the other basic bitch shit other 4channers do

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I play the violin

Don't have time for anything outside of lifting at present between uni, organising my wedding and trying to do some work from home. I was doing judo and I'm keen to start boxing but it'll have to wait a bit.

Learn a new language desu

Classical violin in a community orchestra; I've played since I was five.

Also ham radio; I built an magnetic loop antenna and talk to people all over the world using Morse code (20WPM) and my 100watt HF radio.

In the summer, I canoe regularly and tinker with my 1.5HP canoe motor.

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My man. What have you been working on?

It's well beyond my reach to ever play to performance levels but I've been working on Bach's Chaconne for about three months and I've got about two pages left before it's at least initially under my fingers.

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Guns man, take the Jow Forums pill

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>classic movies & anime
>hiking/fires with friends
The non physical ones off the top of my head. These are usually during the summer when working because being a STEMcel consumes all my free time 7 days a week

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gardening, its pretty chill watching your plant grow


I'm an active go player. The board game, not anything else.

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this guy gets it
I watch movies, listen to a bunch of music in order to find new stuff (I have a vague dream of DJing @ clubs regularly but I end up pretty good at DJing but without the motivation to find gigs). Also trying to pick up reading classic litterature, it's going so-so but is rewarding every once in a while

autismo 9000

Maybe you can helpe
What was that one anime where a guy is suddenly introduced out of nowhere to a spirit world by a girl from there?
She tries to make him fight stuff from the spirit world but at first he is totally against it.
He only has one parent.
Oh and his rival / frenemy also joins eventually too.

These are in order of how often I do them. Much of my life is taken up by college, work and being Jow Forums

When they Cry?

>fucking your mom

I draw things.

Dungeons & Dragons every Saturday with friends

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just lifting and an endless music search

It's fucking spring break and I'm gonna be inside all week writing fucking papers for this stupid fucking english class.
Yes I'm mad.

I like fiddling with older Chevy stuff and running demo derbies, here's a Edelbrock carb I just rebuilt

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Derby car from a while back, my little girl painted it pink

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I've wanted to take up acting as a hobby for ages. How do I into amateur acting?