Dear Vista you're not gonna believe this but I now feel worse than I did before
>get super Jow Forums to cure my autism and depression >started dating the sweetest girl ever a few weeks ago, I can't relate to her at all but she's really sweet >she's 20 super smart and a year 3 in college >im 24, just got out of the Army, with no marketable skills, living with my parents, starting college next fall, >started a job 60hrs/week in in a lumbar yard >trying to be a responsible adult and get my life sorted out(aka I can't hang out with her and her roommates till 1 AM every night) >this happens >even though I'm Jow Forums, college already paid for, well ready, and liked well enough by most people, have a decent paying job, loving family, and a sweet qt gf I honestly still feel worse than I did before
idk what to even do, I honestly want to care but Im so addicted to Valium and dope I cant even begin to image otherwise
Like is getting Jow Forums even a viable option to cure depression?
the drugs are causing your depression you doofus. fucking first world problems. wahhh, I have food. wahhh, I have shelter. wahhh, I have a girlfriend who is really into me. wahhh, I have a stable job/income.
Jack White
She definitely likes you, but it's a major red flag that her first panic move was to not be exclusive. Yikes
Josiah Brown
>the drugs are causing your depression you doofus. lmao no they are curing it, you should have seen me before I started them I was a total mess
Jonathan Sullivan
You should have never gotten her chips so easily. That was a small shit test to see if you're a pushover and you failed. She may seem cool for now OP, but if you commit to the relationship small things like that will be in the back of her head amd it will add up making her grow resentment towards you. Thats probably part of the reason why she said at first she doesnt want to be exclusive with you. Not saying the chip thing was the sole deal breaker for this one, but im assuming your overall behavior is secretly beta and the chip thing was just a small example of an issue thats much bigger.
Tyler Rodriguez
>we shouldn't be mutually exclusive Should've absolutely D R O P P E D her skank ass right then and there.
Chase Reed
This OP
Benjamin Smith
Yeah but she literally renegged on it that evening after we didnt even talk much all day
Henry Roberts
You stupid fucking cuck, this isn't Jow Forums related. Go kill yourself while your pathetic thread gets BTFO by jannies.
Jordan Sanchez
Being Jow Forums got me in this mess in the first place, and you fuckers are gunna help me get out of it!
Julian Thomas
OP this guy is actually a fucking retard, don't listen to him. Getting her chips isn't a fucking shit test, this man has just swallowed a dick's worth of redpills
Womyn just don't get that men don't want to be around them 24/7 and need alone time like how you didn't sleepover, this ain't on you, brother
Jayden Hernandez
>this ain't on you, brother Thanks man. It's just that ever since Tyrone fucked my ex in the ass, I never really got over the sensation of getting BLACKED! I turned to drugs but that didn't work. Help!
Carson Campbell
>Womyn just don't get that men don't want to be around them 24/7 and need alone time Is that true for all men? Ive always thought that I just secretly hated every girl ive ever dated because I cant stand to be around them 24/7
Like some nights Id rather stay in and groove to emuuuu muzic and just chill alone and I always thought that when I found "the one" I'd feel differently
>reneged on it Doesn't mean shit. Her first intent was to suck dick behind your back and then use your good boy ass to feel like a princess. Only when you showed her some kind of cold shoulder she starts worrying that she's not the only one in that arrangement that is fucking other people, and it made her insecure. If a chick tells you head on that she wants an open deal, then you should pack your shit and go away.
Landon Morgan
Drop her asap user, sounds like a psycho bitch right off the bat. It's obvious she doesnt give a fuck about your schedule.. a reasonable person wouldn't expect you to stay and party when you have work early in the morning
David Hughes
What was your job in the army? Just mortar strike her house and plant some AKs nearby to make her look like ISIS
Eat clean, lift big, no porn, stop drugs, enjoy what have, show feelings
Wyatt Reyes
I would break up with her but she would never cheat on me, I told her not to.
Elijah Ramirez
Water treatment specialist :/
Brody Peterson
Bentley Young
Im telling youdude the chips is where he fu ked up. It always starts with Fritos, next thing you know your buying her all the clothes she wants at the mall cause you were too weak to draw the line at the 7/11. Also the fact that youre still considering her after she originally said she doesnt want to be exclusive just confirms OP is a push over. No wonder he's turning to drugs and his ex got BLACKED, cant really blame her when youre dealing with a pussy like OP. Also not /fit related.
Jaxson Bell
thats the gayest army job ive ever heard
Charles James
"Bullets dont fly without a clean water supply" -General MacArther
Boots think tactics, vetrans think in terms of beans and bulllets aka supply
Lincoln Rogers
Look OP your 24, in reality you can fuck around for another 5-6 years and still be okay. Just focus on getting your shit straight. Just enjoy the pussy while its there
Aaron Walker
Lincoln Watson
*rubs hands* heh
Hunter Miller
Yeah hes not fucking Douglas MacArthur though, hes a fucking army water boy fighting sand niggers for Israel
Adrian Reyes
No your beta ass male behavior got yourself into this. Dont blame your bullshit on us OP and take responsibility.
Jackson Peterson
Not him, but the chips really did cause all that shit to start snowballing. Women test for weakness. It's what they're designed by nature to do.
The second fuck up here made was telling her that he liked her after she said they should be casual.
Op, you're guaranteed another major shit test soon. Expect her to pull back in a big way. Whatever you do, just say no problem and don't chase at all.
Austin Perez
Where are the pics OP?
Carter Carter
B U L L E T S D O N , T F L Y W I T H O U T S U P P L Y
What "beta behavior" Im an adult I dpm't wanna hang out at a 20 year old college kids house party till 2AM and listen to their drama or these faggot kids brag about "doode I had some many beers than juuled a whole pods lmao im such a party animal" Honestly I think its more respectable to focus on my job and my schooling right now, I hardly see how thats beta
Tyler Young
This. Women want to see if you're capable of saying no. They'll ask you for stupid things to test you and guys that suck with women always get them what they want. If you can't stand your ground on the small things then you sure as hell won't be able to stand your ground for big things especially when her safety is a concern. You done fucked up OP
Jose Collins
You're just looking for excuses. Your mind is still addicted. You need to tell yourself to wake the fuck up and look forward to all the great things you have right now! Also, aim for an important goal you'd like to accomplish (not just the typical raise a family then die).
That's how you start being a real person again and not a half ghost half human being.
Xavier Price
is that the cope you have to tell yourself when Chad Ranger gets to thunderfuck Taliban with sweet Uncle Sam weaponry?
Ethan Lee
Not that. Its catering to her needs and being so emotionally open to her when youre not even dating yet. You're coming across needy as fuck and you dont even know it. You shouldnt be explaining yourself away so much as you are, just say you got shit to do tomorrow and end it.
Ryder Howard
Excuse me? Are you Alex Jones or some shit?
Brody Russell
B U L L E T S D O N , T F L Y W I T H O U T W A T E R S U P P L Y
Ethan Diaz
Ayden Brooks
This is the most inane garbage post I've ever read. I can pull up my phone, call one of my dead beat high school buddies that still works nights at a 7/11 and smokes all day and get juicier stories than this dull, muddy, over-dramatic SHITE.
>oh no I have a girl who's into me but C O M P L I C A T I O N S >oh no I have a job with lots of hours but H A R D >oh no I'm Jow Forums but i still E M O T I O N S
Just more stupid fucking housewife drama from a boring, twenty-something year old cunt. Fuck you and fuck this gay earth. Someone please end my suffering, I can't take the thought of waking up tomorrow and knowing this mental retard of an op is still drawing breath.
This is the most inane garbage post I've ever read. I can pull up my phone, call one of my dead beat high school buddies that still works nights at a 7/11 and smokes all day and get juicier stories than this dull, muddy, over-dramatic SHITE. >oh no I have a post with good content but C O M P L I C A T I O N S >oh no I have an adult diaper Ive worn for lots of hours but HARD POOP CAKES MY BUTT >oh no I'm not Jow Forums but i still G A Y
Just more stupid fucking neckbeard drama from a boring, twenty-something year old fag. Fuck you and fuck this gay earth. Someone please end my suffering, I can't take the thought of waking up tomorrow and knowing this mental retard of a bigot is still drawing breath.
Aiden Mitchell
Dylan Morris
This, couldn't bare reading it all. OP is such a weak willed faggot.
Get off the dope and valium for fucks sake instead of using them as crutches to prop your life up, you'll be able to think more clearly when youre off that poison.
Regarding your gf she's just insecure. HOWEVER, insecurity can be a complete monster. It can absolutely destroy any relationship depending on the severity. Its one of those things that is yet to be 'medicalized' so therefore isn't treated as serious as it should be.
I would tell her about your valium and dope use and explain it makes you distant, it'll be easier for her to deal with the way you are til you fucking stand on your own 2 feet mentally and deal with your issues without resorting to shoving pills down your neck while the greedy pharma companies revel in another hooked consumer.
John Anderson
>why would I be doing drugs if I was addicted to drugs?
Act shocked all you want like the female that you are. He's right, you show no bounderaries and are a highly emotional person posting this dramatic HS bullshit. I hope you get cucked just so you can learn the hard way you beta faggot.
Carter Nelson
Except I didnt say I wasnt addicted did I? I said I didn't have a PROBLEM Learn to read you fucking mong
>while the greedy pharma companies revel in another hooked consumer. Except I buy all my shit off the street from local DIY presses not from the pharma companies, so fuck off before you come at me like you know me nigga
im reading a lot about this on r/relationships and r9k lately what's happening to girls? are there suddently popping out nice girls that likes back and not turbothots?
Ian James
heres some genuine advice my man..
>the mutually exclusive thing since this is obviously going to be the main issue talked about here, ill address it first. as far as i can tell and from my own personal experiences, she dropped that option on you because she wanted to get a reaction out of you. she wanted you to say, "no, i dont want to see others, i want to see you." because thats how she feels about you. she wants to be your girlfriend and she doesnt want to share you. but girls are silly and go about things backwards, they need you for verification, they cant verify things themselves. thats why she renegged it right away, because you just shrugged it off and said "ok." and it probably drove her crazy thinking about you with someone else.
>her in general she seems genuinely sweet. however remember that shes 20 and still has a lot of growing up to do. theres a reason why you are career oriented and more responsible and she isnt.
>drugs stop taking them.
>feel worse than i did before >just got out of the army this is normal my guy. a lot of military flounder when they get out because they have so much freedom. life is easier when someone orders you around and gives you everything you need to do it. having all this new freedom and options is jarring and can overwhelm you, and for that reason it can feel easiest to just do nothing and in turn become massively depressed. just keep at it, youre doing the right things. eventually everything will align and youll find youve built a life worth living. as for her, she might not be the one, but if you like her, take care of her. theres nothing like loving someone man.
Evan Scott
Lol you can play all the semantic games you want here kike but It literally doesnt matter, I dont even worry about "not being able to quit" or anything like that. Maybe I could maybe I couldnt but honestly I wouldn't even want to try
Brayden Walker
>fears intimacy, craves intimacy, will never shed last defense mechanism of aloofness to attain said intimacy.
Enjoy it while it lats, guy. That relationship is gonna end soon and you'll be left with squat.
>having all this new freedom and options is jarring and can overwhelm you, and for that reason it can feel easiest to just do nothing and in turn become massively depressed.
Holy fuck this happened to me and it's been 2 years neetdom post military. Help.
Nathaniel Mitchell
>this is exactly how it will go if I ever get a gf AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
its easy for me to say "just do it." but honestly that what it is. go get a job, any job. practice regular hygiene. stop drinking in excess and doing drugs. workout consistently. take time for yourself and do things you like
Anthony Price
Fucking this. Dope and Valium are addictive, user. This is how addiction happens. If you can’t get by without drugs, you’re headed for much worse than you’re in now.
Jordan Roberts
>the mutually exclusive thing Completely agree, but OP definitely should have taken a stronger stance on that (and other things). Once she knows how far she can push him she's going to do it constantly. >shes 20 and still has a lot of growing up to do I've found that by and large the people that were dumbasses when they were young continue to be dumbasses when they're older, even if the dumbass behavior becomes more subtle. People's relative level of maturity (compared to their life experience) really doesn't change much without some major thing. Despite how needy she seems to be though I don't see any other problems in this regard. >drugs Agreed. They might seem like they're helping OP but they're really not. >this section Pretty much agree but would like to say that it's less having a bunch of new freedom as it is the sudden loss of structure. Re-reading my reply this is nitpicky and gay, but hey I've already written it out so whatever.
Austin Rodriguez
Ah, very good. Home-made depressants never send people to morgues, way to stick it to the pharma companies. Is this bait? Because if not, the girl troubles are secondary.
Leo Butler
i respect you for at least replying maturely
Evan Richardson
Gavin Robinson
Read like a character from a Jow Forums fantasy.
Jason Gonzalez
Wtf does that even mean?
Ducking freetard
Connor Bennett
drug addict cope
Parker Price
adult who doesnt want to hang with 20year olds but dates a 20 year old? you are a moron.