What muscles do I need to train to get out of these situations?
What muscles do I need to train to get out of these situations?
You gotta bench yourself out of that.
that is literally the equivalent of one of us getting raped by an elephant..
just join the #metoo trend.
LOL, yep, this would work
Ass and legs. So you can buck and get up.
God that's brutal. Do you think penguins feel defeat, or humiliation? Or seals empty, sadistic lust?
samefagging, this just goes to show you when the chips are down, penguins can not be trusted.
BJJ was created to get you out of these situations
what i would do here is roll right so my flipper slipped out from under his grip, then tuck my beak and arch my back while wiggling to flip myself around
once i was on my back i would wiggle my beak until it is behind his right flipper and then i would twist and flip
this would throw the seal onto his side and i would use my superior speed to get on top of him and control his flippers so he cant gain his balance
after that its rinse and repeat, tuck the beak, when he goes to bite or roll, peck the opposite side and flap in the other direction
he will gas out in about 30 seconds and then i win
otters hurt him bad now hes perpetuating the cycle
I've heard this is common. The male seals literally crush the penguin to death from rape.
So we're witnessing that pingu getting killed both anally and literally.
also, learn to wrestle or grapple to learn escapes from behind. Otherwise say goodbye to your anus
>my superior speed
gr8 b8 until this line gave it away
I hope the camera man gets raped by a walrus for just watching like a sick fuck.
what about all those penguins? if they all rushed the walrus they could have distracted him enough to rescue their friend. But no, instead they just watched like cucks.
why nachur lets this shit fly and shit? a penguin has to go through 4 minutes of rape and then wither to death for 6 hours while pecked by vultures
>be penguin
>go to penguin work
>get to leave work early
>come home to surprise penguin wife
>see her taking it up the ass from the chad seal
wat do brehs?
>those gentle whispers in its ear
Thats a narwhal you fucking retards
>*tackles you and puts a gun against your head*
>"Them some nice muscles you got there, ese - now, let's see dat mouth!"
How do you stop yourself getting raped now, Jow Forums?
it's a manatee you fucking moran
God damn imagine how dirty that penguin feels as all his tribe watches
Dont be a Penglet
would do a shit to put him off
Incel seal. Couldnt get a harem
Penguins are literally built for BIG FAT PINNIPED COCK
>Imagine being that grey otter and having a figurative smorgasbord of self heating, self lubricating, struggling (!) onaholes to choose from
Living the dream
why do you think it's the cameraman's responsibility to interfere with nature?
An injustice to one of us is an injustice to all of us, bigot!