>not eating goulash
>not putting it on your glorious rice or pasta
whats your excuse? it's cheap, and tastes great.
>Per 100g, 112 kcal, Fat 6.9 g, Proteins 11 g, Salt 1.5 g.
>not eating goulash
>not putting it on your glorious rice or pasta
whats your excuse? it's cheap, and tastes great.
>Per 100g, 112 kcal, Fat 6.9 g, Proteins 11 g, Salt 1.5 g.
looks digusting. Also:
>in a can
enjoy bitch tits from all those BPAs
>looks digusting. Also:
Looks can be deceiving, this is why no one likes you nor will any girl waste her time with such a low test. A real man isn't afraid to try new things, and explore into the realms of food.
the best thing ever to be put into a can yet so fucking expensive here
>jebena evropska unija
enjoy your estrogen riddled body from the BPAs
Only kids care about the taste of food. Salt is the only seasoning you need.
I'm lucky, here in australia we have a shop called IGA that sells all euro food cheap as fuck. It has all my Serbian and Macedonian food. Goulash is like $2 a can, and the meat always taste absolutely excellent and is so soft and just rips apart.
>enjoy your estrogen riddled body from the BPAs
Picture related, it's you.
>tfw no stores nearby to sell me rakija or suho meso
Ok whatever bitchboy. I'm 9% bodyfat and 190 lbs at 6 ft.
You're a food addict if you crave meme flavors like "goulash" or whatever the fuck. You should be able to go at least a week without eating, not crave a fucking thing and go back to eating only plain and raw food with maybe some salt at most
>tfw grandparents make rakija by the buckets
Used to give some to friends at work, but they all complained it was too strong, and tasted / smelled like kerosene.
It was 70+%
>Ok whatever bitchboy. I'm 9% bodyfat and 190 lbs at 6 ft.
>You're a food addict if you crave meme flavors like "goulash" or whatever the fuck. You should be able to go at least a week without eating, not crave a fucking thing and go back to eating only plain and raw food with maybe some salt at most
Picture related, it's you.
>Ok whatever bitchboy. I'm 9% bodyfat and 190 lbs at 6 ft.
t. 31% bodyfat and 264 lbs at 5'8
No IGA'S close to where I live.
The most I get is a Euro section in local coles. But I live in Templestowe which is pretty woggy so there's little shopping strips scattered around that do deal in sweet euro goodness
>smells like kerosene
this is every reaction i had to rakija
>caring about what is food tastes like because he's a pussy. LMAO I don't need some meme seasoning and sauces to eat. I eat only for nutritional value, none of this meme "eat what u enjoy xdddd" shit
damn no wonder you're all dyel
Take your meds, autism.
start fasting, fatty
Did you ever encounter the person who claimed "it was nothing" but as soon as he stood up he went wobbling all over?
Wow, I'm 6ft and about 94 kg.. I'd snap you in half that's if the wind doesen't blow you away first.
nice, you're 17 lbs heavier than I am and all of it is just fat
post body
1.5g salt/100g?
no thanks