Be me

>be me
>300 pound fat fag
>have spent about 3-4 months saving 4k for new PC
>build it just before Christmas
>get HTC Vive from parents
>end up getting beat saber and installing mods, one is a calorie counter
>get really fucking good at the game
>counter reaches 750-1000 calories a night
>decide to make an exercise out of this
>get idea
>bro at work has went on this diet where he doesn't eat any sugars or carbs
>lost massive amount of weight
>decide to do that diet and try to minimise caloric intake
>started this around January
>it is now march and have lost around 10 pounds
am i doing this weight loss thing right? or am i just being retarded?

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you're probably doing fine.
not enough information about diet to give a decent evaluation.
progress is slow though, would be a lot quicker if you incorporated fasting.

if you lost weight, you're doing it right. why are you asking us


Please don't. That will fuck your metabolism.

fuck it, guess I'll become anorexic

thats water weight. u have like 10 more lbs of it to go. then the real struggle begins. but keep it up fatass...losing weight feels great

also is a niggerfaggot dont listen to him fasting is god tier

that's not how biology works.

more like fasting will heal your body by getting rid of useless or damaged cells (autophagy) and boost testosterone/HGH, etc

gonna need to back that up with more than a simple post faggot

Go to the gym, Mister B. I'm watching you

there's a ton of lectures and documentaries on youtube about this stuff, and some studies out there as well.

suck my dick

>I-i can't provide any evidence b-b-but yeah guys suck my d-dick
>fast is fucking amazing anyone claiming otherwise is a n-nigger rr-right guys?

Its in the fasting general thread.
The metabolic and hormonal benefits of fasting are so well studied they can't be denied.

I'm 6'1 195lbs, I'd fucking destroy you cunt

>he can't google

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Yea desu i haven't made much progress due to not sticking to diet, fucked up shit happened with family in January and basically got depressed and whole thing went to shit. Just picked it back up a few weeks ago and got a scale and saw the difference

This place has some interesting stuff on how it can slow ageing and reduce risk of cancer by forcing the body to target the shittiest cells

>or am i just being retarded?
If it's stupid but it works, then it isn't stupid. Try incorporating OMAD next. Makes fat loss really easy.

Is that you Cauldron?

you're literally fucking doing the Atkins diet
If only you went for long walks would you see more loss in weight

Keep eating protein and fat, stay away from all carbs, your body should constantly feeling tired and sweating, drink lots of water, some before and a lot after a meal to deal with the hunger pains

Nobody cares about your contrarian attitude. And nobody cares enough to prove it to you so go look it up because it is very real or go fuck yourself

>10 pounds in 70 days
You need to try harder


I’ve lost 10 pounds these past 3 weeks and I’m not even trying

It’s all diet